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TKAR -sick bay?

TKAR updated log----It is later on the night following my last message to date .I am working on the new schedule for the new security teams members with our previous crew<Security> THE New members are working out above human adverage due to our CSEC. I if i can use the human terms cannot rest or medate from what been happening to me lately.In vulcan terms from this event i need to return to vulcan for help or i can go to back to sick bay for help from the CMO Dr. Matthews and the rest of the doctors. It would be more logical to go back to vulcan but the right human thing to do is to go back to sick bay for the help.Due to the discussion with the CMO,Science Officer and Security officer on the discussion we had last week. The logical conclusion is i should logically know the answer but do to this <i am not being logical this minute > should go back to sick bay :;i must pounder the logical answer for now -should i go back to sick bay or not ? TKAR end of log

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