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The Past Damaging The Future?

"Where's Michaels?"

"How'd it go?"

"What's he like?"

"Does he have experience or did they stick up with new CO to go along with all the newbies we just picked up as crew replacements."


Debbie Matthews held up both hands to quiet the crowd. And that's what she was facing. She'd scheduled briefing with all shifts but it appeared everyone, on or off duty, had shown up for this one. She couldn't really blame them. The scuttlebutt was running fast and furious. It was to be expected they would all want the low down on the Captain McQueen.


"I can only answer one question at a time," she began with a small grin. "So I'll start with the ones you've already given me. Suffice to say, I have good news and bad news"


The CMO paused and looked at her audience, some perched on biobeds while others leaned against the walls or sat cross legged on the floor. "Right off the bat, there is no news on Captain Michaels. We still don't know why he was relieved of command or where he is." Her words were met with disgruntled whispers from just about everyone, from senior physicians to the med techs. "That doesn't mean we've given up trying to find out what's going on with him. But our new CO has no information on the whereabouts of Captain Michaels. He said he saw a document transferring the Captain to Operations. As you know, that could mean almost anything." Another groan echoed through the room.


There was nothing more to say about Captain Michaels. His absence disturbed the CMO more than she cared to admit. But she knew he would expect them all to carry on.....to make him proud. "Many of us served under Captain Michaels for a long time," she continued solemnly. "We need to continue performing like the professionals we are. That's the best thing we can do to honor the Captain."


She glanced down at her padd. "On a more positive note, Starfleet has seen fit to send us a very experienced CO. Captain McQueen has served as the commanding officer of the Marie Curie for about ten years."


"The Curie? That's a medical ship, isn't it?" asked someone from a biobed toward the rear of the room.


"Yes," replied Deb evenly as she glanced up trying to put a face to the voice. "And his transfer came out of the blue. He didn't have time to say goodbye to his crew either." She held up her hand again to stifle the next question. "Just because Marie Curie is a medical ship doesn't mean Captain McQueen is inexperienced in handling ships of the line." She looked around and smiled pleasantly. "He's a Fleet Captain so the man knows what he's doing."


If she'd ever doubted that, she was convinced of it now. Only a wise and seasoned veteran would have walked onto a new ship and within hours, determined the crew was shell shocked and in no condition for another tour in the Romulan Neutral Zone. McQueen possessed an appreciation for how far one can push the average being before said being cracks wide open.


"I have one more vital piece of information I'd like to share with you at this time," she continued, her smile broadening. "As you know, we were assigned to routine patrol along the Romulan Neutral Zone." She'd expected a reaction of some kind but her words were met with stony silence. Clearly, none of her staff was looking forward to a return trip to that locale.


"Our orders have changed," she added quickly. "We're off to the Cestus System....about as far away from the Romulans as you can get." The announcement was met with audible sighs of relief followed by spontaneous applause. "Don't thank me," continued Deb, barely able to contain her delight. "It was Captain McQueen who pulled off that miracle."


She waited a couple of minutes before continuing to allow the group to settle down. "One more thing," she announced, her voice assuming a more serious tone. "We may not be going back to the Romulan Neutral Zone but many of us are still dealing with the trauma from our last excursion into that area. We now have a bona fide psychiatrist aboard to help us work through that. Dr. Caroline Curtis has set up shop just down the hall." She paused and looked at the staff assembled before her. "I know from personal experience our last mission has caused some of us a great deal of distress.. We can't afford to allow the past to damage our futures so please, take advantage of Dr. Curtis' expertise. If you're having problems, I would prefer you deal with them voluntarily. But if necessary, I won't hesitate to order you to seek counseling."


The CMO paused and then smiled at her troops. "That's all for now. We have a lot of new staff so I expect all of you veterans to pitch in and help them adjust to life on the Reaent. If you have any questions, you know where my office is. The door is always open. So, if there is nothing more, you're dismissed."


She waited until the crowd thinned out before approaching Merina. The Caitian physician had been unusually quiet since the ship's return from the Neutral Zone. Deb had become increasingly concerned about Merina's emotional state. She knew Caitians dealt with emotional distress differently so she wasn't sure Merina would benefit from counseling. But Deb wanted to make sure the Caitian was doing something about her pent up feelings. She addressed her colleague quietly and with a pleasant smile. "When you get a chance, we need to talk. It's nothing urgent but I'd like you schedule an appointment to meet with me...at your conveninec."

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