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Guest Cdr Dacotah

First Officer's Log

The Vogarts ... There is part of me that wants to encounter them again, learn more about who and what they are.  How can the be so incredibly advanced, and yet they required my help to exit the nexus.  Blessedly, my participation in that event has been either blocked or removed from those crewmembers that were around me at the time.  Whether that was an action of the Vogarts or a normal extension of the Nexus or an unconscious move on my part, I do not know or particularly care.  


      The Nexus left me with a heightened state of awareness that I thought would have diminished, however I'm not finding that to be so.  I find that I need to seek out my mother, to look to her for guidance or at least confirmation that what I am feeling and sensing is normal for me.


      Before any of that, however; we have taken on quite a few new crewmembers that I need to introduce myself to.  One has especially caught my eye.  Ensign Trichon Light.  An El-Aurian, like myself, but very young and I am quite certain that he is unaware of his heritage.  Unaware, unschooled or both.  He has not sensed my presence as I sensed his, and I am lead to believe that he has not yet even begun to discover what it means to be El Aurian.  Making contact with him should prove most interesting.  Hunter would be very intrigued by it all.


      We will be leaving Starbase 36 soon.  From my perspective the Captain has taken on the role of ship's cheerleader, making sure that everyone is *up up up*, high on optimism, and thinking about a bright future instead of the past few painful months.  The crew needs it and I'm right there to help boost morale, but if he hands me pom pons, he'll have streamers coming out of his nose.

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