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A Choice...

I am in Main Engineering with several Starfleet and Klingon officers, and have logged into my research screens.  Dr. Garnoopy is attempting to explain his theory as to how we have arrived at this situation.  I doubt his results. However, not being able to offer an explanation of my own, logic dictates I listen to his theory.


I must stress first of all that this is only a theory.  A quantum signature scan has already proven the influx of plasma is definitely from the IKC QoB-Lakota.  I know for a fact that we are extracting plasma from the Qob-Lakota because I was the one who initiated the transfer in another reality, and have clear memories of doing so.  The odds of a transfer of drive plasma from the singularity device of the QoB-Lakota in the Delta quadrant to the warp reactor of the USS Lakota in the Alpha quadrant purely by accident are so small as to be incalculatable.  It can’t be a coincidence.


The memories are a different matter.  Drive plasma has a physical form.  Whatever the nomenclature it is merely ionized gas, or gas that has been stripped of its electrons so that it resembles energy.  It has mass.  It takes up space although, like gas, it will fill whatever space is available to it.  Memories, however, are neither mass nor energy.  They are simply electro-chemical impulses generated by brain cells as interpreted by other brain cells. These interpretations are what we call memory.  There is simply no substance to transfer – and if there is no substance it should not be captured by the singularity to begin with.  If the electrochemical impulses themselves have been captured it means two things – they should be part of the plasma I am reading and the singularity has already engulfed so much of the QoB-Lakota that the rest is not salvageable.


Either conventional laws of physics do not apply or Garnoopy is mistaken.  Even if the memories of the past 7 or so years of the QoB-Lakota are transferring to us in this reality I hardly believe this would impact biological functions.  I’m fairly sure the crew of the QoB-Lakota knew how do breathe, eat, and perform other bodily functions before setting foot on the ship.  Still, if Garnoopy is not mistaken, he may have sealed the fates of both ships in both realities by robbing the QoB-Lakota of the memories of its senior officers.


The fact this may have happened is disturbing.  Not only are the QoB-Lakota’s odds of survival decreasing the longer we exist in this reality but this reality’s timeline has already been altered.  We have already acted on the knowledge gained by the memory transfer in ways we may not have been destined to.  As a Vulcan I believe the universe unfolds as it should, but in this case I have to question that axiom.  For all we know we should already be dead.

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