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First Day on the Job

Trichon walked into the dark quarters.  "Computer Lights" The lights in the room flared to life.  He walked over to the couch and collapsed.  He looked around and sighed.  "Computer," he paused, "begin recording Personal Log for stardate 10306.22."


The computer answered back "Ready to begin recording."


"I can definitely say this has been the most unique first few days on the job I have ever had.  It seemed only yesterday I was sitting in the academy dreaming of being assigned duty on a starship.  But my first day onboard went a lot different from what I had expected.  To begin with I met Lt. Jaruq and he helped show me around the ship.  While trying to find quarters for me we were told to head to a transporter room and get in some EVA suits.  Now I have never liked EVA suits so I stared to panic just a little.  We were supposed to head to the Revere and pull the computer cores. Well, something must have gone really wrong because once we materialized we were floating in space.  Luckily me and the Lt. Jaruq were able to get a distress call to the Arcadia and were rescued.  Now I am not keen on sickbay at all but with the addition of Ensign N'etani I might have to start making some excuses to go there more often.  After me and the Lt. escaped sickbay he showed me around a little and then we finally found some quarters for me.  I cant help but to think back to when I was floating in space.  I never really pictured myself dying that way.  I always thought I would go out in a blaze of glory saving the lives of my crew mates."  Trichon looked over at a picture of him and his family that he had on the table.  He paused for a moment and then continued to dictate the log to the computer.  "I also thought of Mom for some reason.  I had not thought of her since she died.  I have always regretted my decision to stay at the academy instead of going to her funeral.  It wasn't because I didn't want to go.  No, it was because he was going to be there.  Dad would have tried to blame it on me.  I could just here him.  "This is all you fault.  If you would have never went to the academy this wouldn't have happened."  Dad hates Starfleet more than anything else in the world.  He would never say why.  Anytime I mentioned he said he had his reasons.  I miss Mom more and more every day.  She used to send me letters at the academy saying that she was proud of me.  I never even asked her about dad.  Now that I think about it I have not even spoken to the man since the night I told him I was joining Starfleet.  I left and have not ever looked back."  


Trichon stopped for a moment looked around and told the computer to end the recording.  That was enough for one day he thought.  Now time for a nice shower and then get some rest before the Arcadia got ready to ship out again in a few days.  Just a few more days peace before then.

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