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Captain's Log - 0812.28

Captain’s Log

Stardate 0812.28

U.S.S. Reaent, NCC-3345-G


It has been several hours since our engagement with the Romulans ended. The fact that we are alive is something my ship owes to luck and the crew of the Excalibur. Their timely arrival is the only thing that kept us from all turning into dust and floating around the cosmos for eternity. While their assistance has been a welcomed one, things have not improved that much.


The Reaent still sits without resolution to this Romulan wormhole we discovered. The fact they sent ships in after us means they know it is stable, know where it goes and are not afraid to use it. Question remaining is exactly which faction of the Romulan military are we dealing with? Is this one loyal to the new government or one of the many fringe groups intelligence reports keep suggesting now exist. What’s more, what do we do about it? When we came thru, there were six warbirds in the Beta Quadrant. How many are left? Where are they? Can we even still get to the remains of the Proxima if we wanted to?


Our current condition makes me question how effective we can be. Even with the efforts of the Excalibur’s crew, the Reaent remains nothing less than an utter disaster. While engineering has been able to restore partial main power and perhaps warp drive, our hull looks more like cheese than anything else. Looking at some reports myself, I’m not certain if we’ll ever get the starboard shields online again regardless of what Mr. Scherer tells me. This isn’t even talking about the fried power grids and other subsystems keeping our weapons from firing. On top of it all, the only fighters left in the hanger are the two untested medium units that are designed for tactical runs not ship defense.


For all that can be repaired, there is much more that can’t. Doctor Matthews has reported over two hundred persons sitting in medical facilities or...who are no longer with us. This essentially means that half the crew is out of commission, out even though we likely have another shooting match coming up. I am starting to question whether or not there is any possibility of success here. Even if there is, how many of my crew will be alive to talk about it when all is said and done?

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