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USS Republic Mission Summary

The crew of the USS Republic are still one by one working their way to Medical to give their congratulations to the new parents. The child and parents are receiving may gifts. Some practical, some not so practical. The parents and child are doing well.


Admiral BluRox has ordered Engineering to do a complete diagnostic of the engines and take the time to make any small adjustments that need to be done. We have been at high warp for a few weeks and will be going deeper into the Gamma quardant. She wants the ship working at top performance before we get to deep into our mission.


She has also, since we will be moving at impulse for a time, has ordered Science to do some studies of this area. Joy suggested dropping a few probes, and the Admiral suggeseted leaving them to record and pick them up on the way back. Joy prepared several probes, some to leave behind and some to gather back up before we left to began gathering data


At the Admirals request a communique has been sent to all officers not on duty to go to Holodeck 1 for a general meeting with the Admiral and other command staff, at 23:00 hours star date 50812.22. More information will be sent out shortly.

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