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IKC LaKota / QoB

QobEMH -> Last week on the Qob- We arrived at a federation station only to be disembarked into quarantine quarters. It's been 24hours and "some" of the crew is getting anxious for some real shore leave.

QobEMH -> Remember to behave yourselves or be imprisioned back on the Qob or worse, be put on the repair team.

QobEMH -> Begin Sim

QobEMH -> Begin Sim

QobEMH -> Begin Sim

Sargh -> ::sulking in a lab on the QoB::

V'Roy -> ::sitting in quarters:: This is not unexpected, but it is taking entirely too long.

Random Perfect -> ::Paces::

QobEMH -> SB Command> ::looking at the chrono, mutters..:: damn.. it's almost 24hours....

STSF_KBear -> +Station+ K Walus to Station, My crew is wishing to embark on your station What is the delay

V'Roy -> +Station+ Surely you could have confirmed our identities by now.

Sargh -> Station Commander> +QoB+ Standard medical protocol...you've been off who knows where doing who knows what, and nobody know what you might have picked up doing it.

QobEMH -> SB Command> +K Walus+ Your Quarantine stay is only a short while longer. we will be opening up in less than an hour. Most of the reports from Qonos have arrived.. we are only waiting on Starfleet.

Sargh -> <<Oi, I thought you were the XO!>>

STSF_KBear -> +Station+ Our Qel has cleared us after every trip off the QoB You are now looking for excuses.

QobEMH -> <you right.. ::slaps self::>>

Sargh -> <<::grabs station:: Mine! lol>>

QobEMH -> <What he said>

QobEMH -> SB XO> ::looks at the Commander and frowns::

V'Roy -> +Station+ I am a Vulcan. I am incapable of lying. Even if you doubt that, there is always our prefix code.

Sargh -> Station Commander> ::absentmindedly takes another cigarette out of the box:: +QoB+ We need to make sure that you haven't picked up anything that might threaten the health of my people here. That's what the book says, and I intend to follow it.

V'Roy -> <<Glad to know there are still cigarettes in the 24th.>>

WadeKnight -> <<Indeed>>

Random Perfect -> ::hits the door open button::


Sargh -> Station Commander> +QoB+ Better safe than sorry when it's your health...::lights up::

Random Perfect -> ::push, push, push::

Sargh -> Station Commander> +QoB+ Besides, if we throw away the procedure, we're opening the door to all kinds of chaos.

QobEMH -> SB XO> ::thinks we are doing that anyway::

STSF_KBear -> ::Slams fist on console cutting the com::

V'Roy -> +KBear+Remember, these are Starfleet operatives. They are going to go by the book regardless of how loud one yells.

STSF_KBear -> Silence VROY!!

V'Roy -> +Station+ On the other hand, surely some of us have been medically cleared by now.

QobEMH -> SB XO> ::looks at the CO:: Sir,, the time has run it's course.. the merchants are expecting them.. shall I open the flood gates?

Random Perfect -> ::Leans head on the door::

Sargh -> SB CO> ::takes a drag on the cigarette, wanting to postpone what he's about to say for as long as possible::

Random Perfect -> come on

V'Roy -> <<Darn. I was really looking forward to 24th century cigarettes.>>

QobEMH -> SB XO> Captain?

Sargh -> SB CO> ::exhales:: I'm sure I'll regret this, but...::gestures to the XO with the burning cigarette butt:: Go ahead.

QobEMH -> SB XO> ::rubs his temple briefly:: Aye sir.. +Station Security+ Standby to Unleash Hell..

QobEMH -> SB XO> +Qob crew Rooms+ If I may have your attention, This is the station XO.. Quarantine procedures are now complete and we have acknowledged all of your signatures in your agreements to cordial and peaceful conduct while aboard this fine station.

Random Perfect -> ::Bangs on the door:: Yeah yeah open

QobEMH -> SB XO> +Qob crew+ In few moments, the quarantine will be lifted and you will be able to leave your quarters.. Please enjoy your stay here on our Station and Have a nice day.. ::cuts com::

QobEMH -> SB XO> ::hits head on the desk::

QobEMH -> ACTION: Doors are unlocked.

Random Perfect -> ::Leaps out the door::

V'Roy -> This is odd. No attempt at debriefing.

QobEMH -> Station ENG> +Qob+ This is the Chief Engineer calling Qob Command..

Random Perfect -> ::Hurries down the hall::

Random Perfect -> +Station CO+ Sir, I was hoping to have a moment to talk to you!

Random Perfect -> +StationCO+ or maybe your XO?

Sargh -> Station CO> ::finally puts out the cigarette, noticing that it's burnt his fingers for the fifth time that week, and looks up at Random:: Go ahead.

Random Perfect -> +CO+ in person maybe, if I have premission to take the lift to C&C

Sargh -> <<oh right, you're not here yet>>

STSF_KBear -> +Station+ What is you you want

Random Perfect -> ::Steps onto the lift:: C&C

Sargh -> Station CO> +Random+ Permission granted. I'll see you soon.

Sargh -> Station CO> +QoB+ Honestly?

Random Perfect -> ::Grins, loves the smell of Fleet air::

V'Roy -> +Station CO+Has Starfleet been briefed on our return? I'm sure they will want to debrief us.

Random Perfect -> ::Steps off the lift::

Sargh -> Station CO> +QoB+ You show up here in what can only be called a ghost ship, your craft ripped to pieces and covered with battle scars, and ask us to take you in...

V'Roy -> <<And quite frankly we have been out in space for so long we could all use new briefs, maybe even some boxers>>

Sargh -> <<You mean you haven't replicated any new underwear this whole time???>>

V'Roy -> <<Vulcans believe in conservation.>>

STSF_KBear -> +<<Thats VRoy for ya>>

QobEMH -> Station ENG> +K Walus+ I'm affraid that we do not have the requisite parts to fix your missing Nacelle.

QobEMH -> <so that's what the smell was>

Random Perfect -> <<Vulcan funk::

QobEMH -> <and here I thought it was rhogie>

Random Perfect -> ::Looks around the Command area::

Sargh -> Station CO> +QoB+ Quite frankly, this is the sort of situation that they usually begin disaster simulations with.

STSF_KBear -> +Station+What do you propose we do to repair Our vesle I know you will not allow us to remain here until a replacement can arrive.

V'Roy -> +Station CO+ I suggest new simulations then.

STSF_KBear -> <<WB Wade>>

V'Roy -> <<::wonders if the decon would have been quicker with a change of underwear::>>

WadeKnight -> <<TY :)>>

Random Perfect -> ::hits the chime to the CO's office::

QobEMH -> Station ENG> +K Walus+ As luck would have it, there are many damaged hulls nearby from the Dominion war and I believe we have located a suitable replacement.. I have been in contact with the Yard Manager and we will have the wing section here in 3 days.

Sargh -> Station CO> ::wipes some ash off his uniform:: Come.

Random Perfect -> ::enters the office, still smiling::

STSF_KBear -> +Station ENG+ Maj get it replaced as quickly as possible

V'Roy -> +Station Eng+ Why repair with used parts? Surely the Empire could spare another Vor'Cha hull.

Sargh -> Station CO> ::looks at Random:: So...what can I do for you?

Random Perfect -> Sir, I thought that the Starfleet officers would need to be debriefed

Random Perfect -> and if HQ had sent orders for the Lokota crew

Random Perfect -> .

Sargh -> Station CO> ::takes out the box of cigarettes and offers one to Random:: Smoke? You might need this.

QobEMH -> <wb vr>

Random Perfect -> ::Shrugs:: why not

Random Perfect -> ::takes one, lights up::

V'Roy -> <<The EMH started talking about communications and my DSL dies>>

QobEMH -> <lol.. that's what you get for tapping into others comms>

Sargh -> Station CO> ::takes out another cigarette and lights it off the burning embers still in his ashtray:: The debriefing protocols only apply to currently serving Starfleet officers.

Random Perfect -> I am one of those officers

Random Perfect -> I was posted on that flea trap by HQ!

Sargh -> Station CO> ::shakes his head:: No, you're not...not anymore. See, officially speaking, you've been dead for a good few years now.

Random Perfect -> Dead!

Sargh -> Station CO> When your ship vanished, there was a spacial distortion left behind, and some debris...what were we supposed to conclude?

WadeKnight -> <<Have a happy Thanksgiving folks, it's past me bed time>>

Random Perfect -> yeah but now that we are here... it should be fixed

QobEMH -> <<night wade>>

Sargh -> Station CO> ::grimaces:: Hang on a sec...coming back from the dead isn't quite so simple.

Random Perfect -> ::Sucks on stick::

V'Roy -> So what is there to do on this station? not like Starfleet to not provide a guide.

QobEMH -> <::thinks kbear is locked up again::>

Sargh -> Station CO> Sometimes, when a ship disappears, it's found later...and almost invariably, it's a situation that means trouble.

Sargh -> Station CO> Sometimes it's disease, sometimes the crew are not who they appear to be...

Sargh -> Station CO> I'm sure you've read enough mission reports to know that that sort of thing happens all the time out here.

Random Perfect -> yes.. but we are who we say we are and... well

QobEMH -> <walk around and find out vroy>

Random Perfect -> how do we fix this?

Sargh -> Station CO> Well, you say you are who you say you are...but imagine you're in my position.

Sargh -> Station CO> What's more plausible? That you've all miraculously come back from the dead after all these years...or that things are not as they appear?

Random Perfect -> ::Sighs:: can I go Back to Trill?

V'Roy -> +Station CO+ Permit me to interrupt, but I am curious as to why no guide has been assigned - especially to the Klingons who are not familiar with Starfleet protocols.

Sargh -> Station CO> ::ignores the comm for a second:: I mean, it's a lot easier to slip by my doctor than to cheat death herself.

Sargh -> Station CO> ::hears comm going off again:: One sec, I should probably take that.

Sargh -> Station CO> ::listens to VR's message:: +VR+ Thanks for waiting...my XO will give you the information you need.

Random Perfect -> ::Wishes for Booz::

Sargh -> Station CO> ::cuts the comm off:: Now, where was I? ::doesn't notice that his cigarette has burned down to where he is holding it::

Random Perfect -> Returning to Trill

QobEMH -> Station XO> ::notes the typed message to take the comm:: +V'roy+ How may I assist you?

QobEMH -> <WB kbear>

STSF_KBear -> <<::curses:: I Need a new computer>>

STSF_KBear -> <<THanks>

Sargh -> Station CO> Ah, yes. ::smiles sadly:: Unfortunately, that's not on the table right now.

V'Roy -> +Station XO+ We have strangers to this station - half of them Klingon - and no guide. I would expect to also receive debriefing instructions.

Random Perfect -> so what now? We are trapped here?!

Random Perfect -> I have a right to leave here and go home

Sargh -> Station CO> Not so fast! Given your status, right now, any rights you may have are entirely at my discretion...and that will depend on how this situation develops.

Random Perfect -> if I am nothing then I have no rules to live by

Random Perfect -> there are private ships I can book passage on them

STSF_KBear -> +Station+ If we are dead, How can we be here talking to you, You have done scans on our crew that should tell you we are who we say we are.

V'Roy -> +Station XO+ I realise we have droped in unexpected, but we obviously had a troublesome journey here. This would be less stressful for both of us if we had open communications.

QobEMH -> Station XO> +Vr+ I have personnel at the main entryways to the station from the docking ring. They have orders to assist any Qob personnel that request it.

QobEMH -> Station XO> +VR+ As for your debriefing.. we are still awaiting word from SF command before they begin.. you will be notified when they are to be held.

V'Roy -> ::looks down the hall, sees guide:: +Station XO+ Oh.

Sargh -> Station CO> ::gives Random a look:: Only if I determine that it's safe to let you do so.

Random Perfect -> Private vessles run on their own command

Random Perfect -> you have no say with them

QobEMH -> Station XO> ::pulls up the records::: +VR+ I see that you have agreed to abide by station protocol and you are free to visit the station proper for your Shore Leave needs.. will there be anything else?

V'Roy -> +Station XO+ A news archive? We have been out in space a long time.

STSF_KBear -> +Station+ If we are dead, How can we be here talking to you, You have done scans on our crew that should tell you we are who we say we are.

Sargh -> Station CO> ::shakes his head:: Maybe so, but I don't have to let you get to them.

QobEMH -> <lol.. time...>>

QobEMH -> Pause sim.

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