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"The Day Goes On and On"

Doctor Garnoopy

Personal Log Stardate 50306.12

”The Day Goes On and On”  


Garnoopy sat on a chair next to Ramjep. He was exhausted, and the stress of the past few days was shown on his worn face. Despite that he normally liked to sit up in a chair, to prevent back problems, he found himself slouching, not willing to exert the extra energy it would require to sit perfectly.


His head glanced up to Ramjep, who was asleep under her own will on the biobed. Ramjep would be fine, despite Garnoopy shooting her at point blank range, he was a lousy shot. If he had been shooting to kill some alien on top of him, he would surely be dead, for he missed every single vital system on Ramjep, and only caused muscle damage. The Klingon would be fine within a half an hour. She would be up and fighting off whatever came her way.


His uniform was soaked in blood, and he managed to somehow muster the energy together to stand, and head into another room to change. The new uniform was wonderful, though while changing he had felt a sharp pain in his arm; he'd have to look into that.


Stepping back into sickbay, Garnoopy noted things were settling down. The mass of triage was over, and most of the crew was only suffering from minor bruising now. Garnoopy had not exposed anyone else to the temperal field, for he had see want it did to Kawalas and Ramjep. That thought struck a note in him, and he walked over to Ramjep, pulling out his tricorder and scanning.


Ramjep's mind was not right. The memory engrams were fusing, timeline A's and B's were in competition, fighting with each other to claim the right to their moment's in time. It was like a battle going on in the head, memory vs. memory. He closed his tricorder, and stood thinking. His hand unconsciously went to his neck and rubbed, where it felt extremely sore. Most likely another thing he had to look into about himself.


Garnoopy picked up a hypo, and injected Ramjep with a basic painkiller. The mind was under some pressure right now, and the painkiller would allow it to sort through the problems more freely. Most likely the mind would finish sorting out which memories were right and wrong within ten or so minutes, but the painkiller would allow it to do that without causing more problems.


Glancing across the room, Garnoopy saw his reflection in a panel. There was something wrong with his neck. He moved forward, and looked more closely. His neck was the wrong colors; it was bruised, all around. He brought his right hand up to rub it, and a sharp pain went through the arm. That wasn't right either.


A tricorder was picked up, and he scanned his arm. Ramjep, in her tackle of Garnoopy, had managed to dislocate his arm without him knowing, and tear several muscles in the process. Great, "thank you Ramjep" he thought, and then realized he had shot her in return, so he decided that this probably wasn't that bad of a trade off.


The arm was put back into place, and a dermal regenerator after a few minutes use repaired the muscle damage. Garnoopy's arm was as good as new. The dermal regenerator also went over his neck bruises, where Ramjep had attempted to choke him to death right on the bridge. Thankfully, she had failed.


He sighed, feeling frustrated. He had already marked down Ramjep's and his own injuries in their medical files, though Ramjep's file had to be created, which he did not like. Garnoopy wanted to get back to the Lakota. He missed the ship. It was amazing, at any other point in time he might have been ecstatic to be Chief Medical Officer of a Galaxy class starship, but Garnoopy was tired of the fighting, the threats of mutiny, and the arguments among the senior staff.


Garnoopy wanted to go home.

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