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Speeches and Memories

August stood in the lift wondering what she was needed for on the

bridge; it had been some time she had been called to do anything… which she hated. August entered the bridge, and made her way down the ramp and over to the center seat where Captain Kawalas was seated. “Captain?”


Kania looked at Jax as she steps in front of her “Yes Commander?” she asked. August Smiled down at her, “You called me up here for a talk.” Kawalas nodded as she remembered why she called her up, “Let’s go to the observation lounge shall we?” she said as she stood up and offered for August to go first. August turned towards the lounge, “Sure” She sighed and walked into the Lounge, “I don't remember it being such a long walk.”

            “When you’re in the condition that you are in now, everything seems to be a lot further away.” Kania opened the door for Jax to step in, and followed in after her, “Have a seat Jax.” August sat down slowly, “I'll sit but I might need help getting back up.” With a slight snicker Kania assured her, “I’ll help you. I have a serious question to ask you.” She said changing her tone quickly.


Hearing the humor leave her voice August nodded getting back to

business, “Sure what's up?”


            “We are going to be passing by Camelot station on our way to the next planet. In your condition, I wanted to know if you wanted to remain on board or if you wanted to be dropped off at the Station, and you and your child be picked up on our return trip.” After a few moments August asked “How long until you return?”


            “It shouldn’t be any longer than a month but you know this ship and the trouble it can get into, it may be longer than that.” Kawalas said with a little shrug.


August looked out the window and thought for a few moments, “Is there going to be trouble where we are headed?” she wondered.


Kania took a deep breath, “There very well could be. I know when I was

pregnant I was bored on the ship and begged Blu to let me go on an away mission. She thought it was safe enough and I had my husband with me, he was chief of Security.


August smirked, “Sounds like me familiar.” 


Kawalas took a few steps to the window and looks out, “Yes, Only thing is he was worried about me and was distracted from what he was supposed to be paying attention to when we were attacked.” She turned back to Jax and looked her in the eyes. “Jax I lost my husband on that day and almost lost my life as well as my daughters.” She said with tears in her eyes, “Jax I don’t want that to happen to you. If Will is on an away mission and his thoughts stray for a moment it leaves him and the rest of the team vulnerable. I don’t think I could stand watching you go through what I did.” 


August looked down, “I understand your warnings... but I think Will would be worse if I was way. Besides, we don’t worry about each other like that... You know Will he is always on target.


Kania turned and looked out the window as memories came flooding back to her of the spider wasps that took J'Ddans life. “I’m not so sure about that. J'Ddan as well at BluRox wanted me to stay on a station we had visited prior to his last mission. I now wonder if I should have done as I was asked.”


August sat up in her seat, confidant that things would be different for her,

“I should be fine up here, lay in bed... I wouldn't feel right leaving my home. Plus then I would be alone with strangers when I give birth, which I am scared of to begin with…I think I would rather stay here.”


“Tell you what. Talk it over with Will. I'll wait until I get your answer before I report back to BluRox. I suggest you not wait to long though. We will only be passing by the station and We will need to adjust coarse if you wish to stay there” Kawalas said and moved back to where August was sitting.


August nodded to her, “I will talk it over with him. But I think he would

feel better with me being here so he can shoot the kid out when the time comes….at least I think that is his plan.” She smirked.


Kania wiped her eyes “Alright, but do say something to him about this.

See what his feelings are. Alright?”


August leaned forward to get up, “Of course I will.”


Kawalas walked over to where August was seated, “Here let me help you

up. I Need to get back to the bridge, and you need your rest.” She offered her hands, August reached up and took them and stood up.


“Thanks...and thank you for being honest with me. I will think everything

over, and talk with Will.”


Kania stepped to the door and waited for Jax to waddle her way over,

“Like I told you, I don’t want to see what happened to me happen to you. That's why I will not allow you to go on any away missions no matter how routine.”


August placed her hand on her tummy, “I never had any plans on going

any where.” She said as they walked, “unless it's the head again... and again.


Kania giggled, “OK.” She opened the door, “after you.”

 The two of them stepped back out onto the bridge, Kania nodded to Jax. “Thank you Mrs. Robinson. your dismissed,” She smiled.


August winced as she walked into the lift, Mrs. Robinson sounds so dirty

and wrong! In every way. August watched Kania retake her seat on the bridge as the doors to the lift closed… She wasn’t sure how to bring the topic up with Will… most of the time she never knew how he would react to things, leaving the ship was one of them.

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