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Isabeau Delevan

Ramifications Understood

Science had been right to suggest scanning the stowaways for chronitons; all fifteen scanned positive for the subatomic particle. Subsequent research revealed a potentially troubling aspect of the stowaways' two-three month stay on Aegis. Isabeau stood from the workstation in the medlab off of Main Sickbay and stretched, her muscles protesting a little from having sat in one place too long. She'd let Nick know about the latest data and then maybe go for a run.


Nick was sitting in his office finishing the report Commander Chirakis was expecting. She wanted regular updates and Nick was sure she wasn't too happy with him. Well, tough, he thought. After all, his entire department had been busy during the last couple of days. He looked at the last few words he had entered into the PADD...cause of symptoms unclear. Just at that moment the chime rang. Nick tossed the PADD onto his desk. "Come in!" He smiled as he saw Isabeau. "Well, I hope you've got good news for me," he said as he motioned for her to take a seat.


She entered, answering his smile with one of her own as she crossed the office to the front of his desk and took a seat in one of the chairs facing it. "I've got news for you and I think it's good in so far as we now know more than we did before. I've just finished compiling the most recent set of scans done on the stowaways. These scans were specifically for chronitons, on the advice of Lieutenant Feretti from Science. I forwarded the results to you." Isabeau leaned back in the chair and crossed her leg, wanting him to look at the results before she continued. "We're pretty sure that our stowaways were being used as slaves in a Breen run dilithium mine--their condition more than bears this out. They've also stated that it was on a Breen ship that they managed to somehow escape from the mine. Breen ships use temporal shielding. Breen were their captors and are the most likely engineers of the powder that stabilizes their DNA. DNA that is showing microcellular degradation that can be attributed to exposure to temporal phasing. They scan positively for chroniton particles that can only be a direct result of coming into contact with some sort of temporal event." Isabeau paused and took a breath before continuing slowly. "It's my opinion that time spent as captives on a Breen ship before being put into the mines resulted in the condition that requires the use of the stabilizing powder. The Breen are aware of this effect or they wouldn't have created something that counteracts it."


There was the headache again. Nick had listened closely and he had to admit that what Isabeau just told him made a lot of sense. Personally he would have preferred if the condition had been caused by the dilithium. It would probably have been much easier to treat. He forced a smile. "You're good, Isabeau. Now the question is how we reverse the effects of both the temporal event and the powder. One thing is obvious, the stowaways' condition is getting worse." Nick sighed and closed his eyes briefly as he rubbed his temples. It was all he could do to contain his anger. The Breen had made sure their slaves would survive to work in the mines but they didn't give a rat's rear about the fact they were killing them in the long run. But then they probably didn't expect their slaves to live long enough to feel any effects of the medication. He looked at Isabeau and his anger and frustration must have shown on his face. She was eyeing him closely with a somewhat worried look on her face. He shook his head and sighed. "I just have no idea what we can do about it."


She tilted her head, watching him with some concern. "Did you ever take anything for that headache?"


Nick was confused for a second. "Eh? Oh, yeah, I'd never dare not do what DJ tells me." This actually made him laugh since he could very well imagine DJ's reaction had she heard this. "I'm going to be ok. I just need to catch up on some sleep. So, what do we do about the stowaways?"


She nodded, smiling automatically in response to his laugh, before letting it fade away, a serious expression taking its place. "The stabilizing powder isn't doing anything more than allowing the temporally affected cells retain a semblance of cohesion, and as you noted, it doesn't even seem to be doing that too well any longer. This isn't my field, Nicolas and it seems that Aegis is very lucky in her science officers. I would suggest we ask Lieutenant Le Morte to turn his people loose on it. See if they can find a way to rephase the damaged cells and allow them to return to a pre-temporal event state." Isabeau hated feeling helpless and the knowledge that for the stowaways, time was running out only deepened her feelings of frustration and anger at their brutal captors--the same species that was currently en route to Aegis. The Alpha Quadrant could be an unbearably small world at times.


He shook his head. "I think you're right. There's nothing more we can do about it. We definitely need the help of the science department. They have the right equipment for the research. All we can do for now is treat the symptoms."


"There's something else, as well."


Nick raised his eyebrows. Apparently Isabeau hadn't changed at all. She was always full of surprises. "Oh, well, care to tell me?"


"It's what I live for", she deadpanned, before giving him a tired smile and the conclusion of her research. "Chroniton exposure is not dangerous to living beings and normally, a person exposed will shed the particles as they shed their skin cells. Unfortunately, our stowaways have their chroniton levels kept artificially high by the powder--it's not what's killing them--their unstable DNA is doing that. But...the particles are also not dissipating and that may be causing another completely different problem. This next bit is definitely not my field but chronitons will play havoc with equipment that's exposed to them." Isabeau met Nick's eyes. "The stowaways have been living in the Jeffrey's tubes for possibly as long as three months. We might have a problem we haven't yet discovered."


That means we have to let engineering know about this. I'm sure they'll be thrilled about the extra work." Nick paused to think about what he'd have to do next. "Ok, so I'll contact Jorahl and tell him about the possible complications. I'll also talk to Le Morte and let him know about the chronitons and that we need his help. What else...oh, the Commander, I just finished my report to her but I guess I'll have to update it. She'll probably be just as thrilled as the engineering folks."


"That's quite a list, and we've got company coming.” It still seemed a little unreal to her that Breen forces were on their way.


"Oh, you did have to remind me, didn't you? When I think of what the Breen did to us the last time they visited..." Nick trailed off in mid-sentence. He didn't want to think of the last time the Breen had been in this sector. What he needed to do now was make sure they'd set up triage and be prepared for the worst.


"That is the drawback to being on a station. You're a sitting duck."


"Yeah, so let's make sure we'll be prepared. For now, do you think you could help the others setting up triage? I'll be with you as soon as I talked to Le Morte and Jorahl."


"Absolutely, Nicolas. Is there a remote location that needs setup?"


Again Nick was confused before he realized that Isabeau had only just come aboard the station. Somehow it felt like they'd been working together for ages. "Oh, yeah, we usually set up cargo bay 2 for triage. Sickbay becomes our ICU. I trust you know triage protocols."


She raised an eyebrow and gave him the 'you've got to be freakin' kidding me' look. “Your trust is not misplaced, mon ami. I'll help get the cargo bay ready.”


"Très bien, ma chère. So, let's get to work."

Edited by Isabeau Delevan

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