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Abe Kas

Lunch Break

::entering personal quarters during lunch break::


Computer, open personal log.


I was hoping Natalie wanted to join me to watch the tractor beams bring the probes back on board. I’m wondering where she was, since she didn’t respond to my pages. Well, like my Marriage and Family Counseling teachers always pointed out, sometimes what one person is interested in the other doesn’t even know exists.


Ah well, I know that my five little bird friends will be joining me soon. With the Captain’s change to orders, we’re now allowed to bring pets aboard as long as they’re under 20 kilograms. I’m looking forward to harvesting some of their eggs for gunkan sushi toppings. Nothing like raw parakeet eggs on top of smelt eggs! I wonder if the protein resequencers even have smelt eggs in their data base. Maybe the Klingons have some fish around that would be a good substitute.


Computer, close log.


::exits quarters and returns to duty station in engineering::

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