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Guest Natalie Harris

The Klingon way

Science always seemed to prevail, even in the face of war. What was a war if not fought with technology, after all? Even the best tactical experts couldn't fight a war if all they had were sticks and stones; the technology involved in combat was one of the most important things.


So Natalie figured she shouldn't have been all that surprised by the fact that the Klingons were equipped for science researching. But still, it was a departure from the "image" that she had crafted in her brain, that Klingons were all about their giant bat'leth blades and didn't care at all for the "brainier" aspects of society.


Again, it shouldn't have surprised her. But it did. They just kept surprising her. Even in the bar back on the station they'd surprised her. She expected a few deaths and bloody, armed combat, but she didn't see it. There were brawls, but there were brawls back on Earth, too. Even in small towns.


Maybe they weren't as warlike and provokable as she and a lot of Starfleet had thought?


There was something noble about them, now, changing from the warlords to the researchers. Fighting to save their world. It was a very humanitarian cause, almost, and she was going to be curious to see how this whole thing would play out.


She only hoped the Federation could help them.

Edited by Natalie Harris

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