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Ab Imo Pectore

Ab Imo Pectore



Personal Log: Hilee,Richard,B.,Lt.Jg., Warp Theorist Engineer,PhD.,U.S.S. Manticore


Computer begin log: Bleep...


The room had not quite jumping as Hilee poured the coffee into his cup...Far too many hours of non rest had began to catch up with him. The sole reminder he had gotten any rest at all was the chime from the old fashioned naval clock that was in the way of chiming off the wall.


The past days have been spent in the science labs pouring over the combined data from all the departments involved planet side before our departure from orbit in an attempt to follow certain warp trails before they became cold. The latter had occurred as we went through the piles of data. I had left the lab after an extremely long shift and retired to my quarters.


Taking a partial accumulation of my PADDS to my quarters with me ...and post dinner I had began to sift carefully through the data; running careful comparisons through known Fleet records as they applied to known Fleet designed weaponry and fittings on all known and recorded ships of the line. Taking a brief respite from my research and sitting back from the screen,Rubbing my eyes .


The thought raced to my mind the weapons had a vague familiarity to them as I had mentioned them before to our superior officer Commander Garnoopy and again to our science officer Aliana. I had not drawn the connection until I had accessed my old files from the R & D department I had been previously assigned to at Fleet ship design and implementation department ....There it was in my own notes, A project I had been involved in years ago to enhance the capabilities of a small federation special ops vehicle for delivery of an enhanced weaponry design system....coupled with the warp/Ion drive propulsion system.


The notes struck me to the core...Had my own research and development been a party to the wanton destruction of the planet we had just observed,So much destruction being leveled against an unprepared and in all probability a preemptive strike they had little or no known warning ...No time to even make the most basic of preparations for the in coming assault. The assault that would eventually result in the deaths and scarring to many.


The mere thought of my self being an unknowing party to this disaster began to cascade and split to an unfathomable number of personal and accepted moral implications within my own mind.The following time was merciful in the extent too many hours,days without any sleep or rest began to creep into my consciousness ...starting at the edge of my perceived waken state and eventually led into my sleeping state as I placed my head into my arms on the meager desk top before me.


The ensuing nightmares followed my drifting off to sleep, Finally succumbing to the the physical and mental demands placed upon me. The images and thoughts from the ID began to couple with my most recent encounters on that planet and the sheer magnitude of what had transpired. The reflections ghostly in appearance from long term memories from my time at the R&D division began to merge with my recent experiences.


The chime awakened me in a startled way... I awoke at my work station back at the division post long hours of implementation of research projects...and then realized I was in my meager quarters on the Manticore. Obviously I had been shaken to the very core of my being. The image of some of the Skunk projects I had been assigned to began to fill my mind. The relation of the projects began to assemble and fit into our present situation as it pertains to the tracking of a ship(s) on a trail gone cold.


I do believe I may have a way to resume the hunt for the unknown assailants that ravaged the planet that left so much pain and agony in their wake...The one thought that remains is as well a prayer ...Ab Imo Pectore...From the bottom of my chest/heart I hope I have an opportunity to make right what I may have been an unknowing party to.


Computer...End Log: Bleep..... :P

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