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Trust Those Around You

Deb was still sitting at the science station when Aidan Ridire bolted onto the bridge. She glanced at him for a moment but then looked away, afraid someone might believe she was expecting preferential treatment. She wasn't. All she wanted was a fair and impartial investigation. She needed to know what really happened in that Ready Room.....who was responsible for assaulting the Captain....and why.


At the same time, she could almost hear what everyone was thinking. Her husband was now in command of the ship. Would he be able to act without prejudice? Or would his relationship with the prime suspect cloud his judgement?


The CMO stared straight ahead but she knew what was going on. Commander Ridire was just steps beyond the turbolift when Brian Smith started briefing him on the situation. She could feel Aidan looking at her but she dared not meet his gaze. Although they'd known each other for years, they had only been married for about three months. She trusted him implicitly but still, how must he feel knowing his wife was now a suspect in a vicious attack on their commanding officer. Would he even consider the possibility she was guilty of such a thing? And what would he think after reviewing the logs?


She shook her head and forced her thoughts back to the present. She was confident Aidan would push for a thorough investigation that would eventually lead to the capture of the unknown assailant. She firmly believed he would never doubt her innocence.


But they were both in difficult positions. He was now between the proverbial rock and a hard place. Deb was determined to make this as easy as possible for him. The only question was, how would he react to her plan?


As Aidan steps onto the bridge he's still trying to wrap his mind around what had been reported to him. He had been in his quarters trying to get some rest but still, even the fog of sleep wouldn't explain the difficulty he was having in contemplating the sheer lunacy that his wife was suspected of attacking the Captain.


His gaze immediately falls on Deb just as she shifts her eyes away from him. He frowns slightly, resisting the very strong urge to go to her and take care of her as her husband rather then deal with this situation as the First Officer of the ship. Thankfully, that's when Smith decided to intervene by beginning to brief him further on the situation. The only visible sign of agitation at this situation Aidan allows himself is the steady digging of his nails into the palms of his hands.


When Smith finishes, Aidan taps his commbadge and says, with as much calmness as he can manage, "Schawnsee, report to me immediately. I will be in the observation lounge." With that done he sweeps his gaze around the bridge, finally alighting it upon Deb again. "Everyone who was on the bridge at the time of the...incident is to remain on the bridge until told otherwise by either Lieutenant Schawnsee or myself."


For the first time since he arrived on the bridge, Deb allowed herself to meet her husband's gaze. She smiled sadly as he ordered Kat Schawnsee to report to the Observation Lounge. She'd already made up her mind what she had to do. She was unwilling to be alone with him, even for a few minutes. From now until this mess was cleared up, Deb would insist that someone be present whenever she and Aidan were together. But it wasn't until that moment, when their eyes met, that she fully realized how painful that would be.


Aidan tries to put as much reassurance into his expression as possible when his and Deb's gaze meet. He steps into the observation lounge and within a few minutes Lt. Schawnsee arrives on the bridge and also steps into the observation lounge. After a little while Schawnsee emerges back onto the bridge and that's when Aidan's voice says over the intercom "Dr. Matthews to the observation lounge."


The order to report to the Observation Lounge came earlier than she expected. The meeting between Ridire and Lieutenant Schawnsee didn't take as long as she thought it would. Deb looked straight ahead and said nothing as she walked to the Lounge door and rang the chime. A moment later, the door swished open and she stepped inside.


Aidan was standing near the windows, arms folded, staring into the black void beyond. He turned slightly as she entered the room. His expression was warm....loving.....what one would expect from a husband contemplating his new wife. More than anything, Deb wanted to run to him....to embrace him....to feel his arms around her and hear him whisper in her ear that everything would be okay. But she forced herself to stay where she was.


"I had nothing to do with the this," she said in a low yet firm voice. "And I'm sorry.....about the position this has put you in." Deb took a deep breath and plunged ahead. "You are the love of my life. But until this mess has been sorted out, I don't think we should be alone together...not even for a few minutes."


He blinks and if she had physically slapped him, she couldn't have created more shock in him. He frowns and narrows his eyes as he silently regards her. After a minute, he steps up to her and slipping a hand around the back of her neck, kisses her, ignoring whatever resistance she gives. Breaking off the kiss, he brings his left hand up between them, with his ring facing her. "I am your husband and nothing...certainly not this....mess, as you say, changes that fact. You are not to worry about the...position this has put me in because if you think my career is more important to me then you are, you don't know me half as well as you should by now, especially if you think you had to tell me that you had nothing to do with what happened." He closes his eyes briefly and his tone softens a little when he says, "We will get to the bottom of this, we will find out who really attacked the Captain, Schawnsee will see to that. So you just sit tight and trust those around you...especially me."


She stood in startled silence as Aidan dressed her down. From the moment she decided they should keep their distance during the investigation, she'd known he probably wouldn't approve. But she thought he might understand her reasoning....see the wisdom in her suggestion. It was obvious she'd been wrong on both counts. Instead of considering her idea a viable option, he was....hurt and a little more than annoyed.


Deb closed her eyes and allowed her head to fall forward. "Could anything else go wrong today?" she wondered quietly. The last thing she wanted to do was disappoint the man standing in front of her. But she didn't want to compromise his integrity either. Couldn't he see that she was trying to protect him? For several seconds, she struggled valiantly to come up with an argument to bolster her idea. She finally looked up at him, fully prepared to continue the debate although she had no idea what she should say. But as their eyes met, she knew it was pointless. He was having none of it and deep down, she couldn't have been more relieved.


He takes a step back, "In the meantime I would suggest that you keep in mind that part of being married is relying on each other in times of need..and not trying to push each other away. Perhaps you should think of a way to make that up to me when this mess is cleaned up."


His words stung....primarily because they were so true. In the past, they'd both been guilty of closing themselves off from the world during difficult times. How often had they promised they would stop that...they would lean each other....they wouldn't allow themselves to fall back into their old habits.


This was the first real crisis they'd faced since their wedding. And here she was, ignoring the promises she'd made to her husband and herself. Rather than leaning on him, she was trying to push him away. She rationalized it by telling herself she wanted to protect him. But there was more to it than that. She was accustomed to the old way. Trusting someone other than herself, even her own husband, was new and unsettling. She was more comfortable being alone in times of trouble.


But Aidan wasn't going to allow her to get away with it.


Deb Matthews stared at her husband for several seconds."You're right," she finally whispered, reaching for his hand. "I'm sorry. I should have known better." She smiled weakly, determined to maintain her self control. "And I promise....I'll find a way to make this up to you. I'm not sure how, but I guarantee you...you'll be...pleased."


He squeezes her hand gently and murmurs, "I think a day or two off when this situation is resolved and over with will do for a start on the making it up to me department." His smile fades as he lets go of her hand as he murmurs, "And this I'll need to make up to you but consider yourself relieved of duty temporarily and either you'll be confined to quarters or to the brig. I'd just as soon keep it to the former but Schawnsee will need to make that decision." He reaches his hand up to brush his fingers against the side of her face before adding, "For what little it's worth, I am sorry."


She'd known this was coming but it was difficult hearing the actual words, especially from Aidan. "You have nothing to apologize for," she replied quietly. "I'll go wherever is deemed appropriate." Deb shook her head and sighed. "My biggest concern right now is the Captain. He's fighting for his life." She paused and drew another deep breath, trying not to lose control of her emotions. "And where am I? Locked out of Sickbay.....when I should be down there helping him fight that battle."


Deb looked up at Aidan and shrugged. "I can't believe this has happened," she grumbled. "The sooner the investigation is over, the better. So, where is Schawnsee? When do we get started with this?"


His frown deepens as he murmurs "The Captain will be fine. You know very well how capable your staff is so try not to worry, love. Things will all work out as they should." He hugs her briefly before murmuring, "I'll go get Schawnsee now." With that he turns and steps towards the door.


She nodded silently as he stepped away, resisting the urge to cling to him for a few seconds longer. Drawing a deep breath, Deb smoothed her uniform blouse, threw back her shoulders and stepping further into the room to wait for the Chief of Security.

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