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A Newlywed Christmas

This log should have gone out for Christmas. But, as often happens around the holidays, we were running behind schedule.


Aidan finishes clearing the table from the rather extravagant dinner he had made for Christmas. It was a week into their honeymoon and he wanted to arrange something special for their first Christmas as husband and wife. So dinner was a full turkey dinner with all the fixings including mashed potatoes, rolls and a choice of pumpkin or pecan pie.


Deb had offered to help with the dishes but he insisted on taking care of it alone. He could feel her watching him from the couch in the main part of the room. Finishing with the dishes, he retrieves two glasses of wine and brings them over to her. He has her close her eyes then and after she's done so he steps into the bedroom for a minute. When he returns to the main room he steps over to the couch. Sitting down next to her, he places a fair sized box in her lap. He leans in and kisses her ear gently. He murmurs "Merry Christmas, my love."


The box was beautifully wrapped in shimmering gold paper and topped with a big, red bow. Deb looked up at Aidan, clearly surprised. They'd been married for just a few days. In all the bedlam surrounding the engagement and the wedding, she'd almost forgotten about Christmas. Fortunately, she'd remembered they would be on their honeymoon during the holiday so she'd added it to her list of things to take care of before the wedding.


She never talked about Christmas with Aidan. If it slipped his mind, she wasn't planning on mentioning it to him. Besides, the gorgeous ring and the wedding and just being married to him was all she wanted or needed.


But Aidan didn't forget. Deb was a little blown away when he insisted on preparing a full turkey dinner in honor of the holiday. And he did it the old fashioned way....with raw ingredients and a stove. What's more, it was fabulous. Deb didn't realize what an asset he was until she took a few bites of his home cooking. But on top of the dinner, now he was presenting her with a gift.....and it was in a dress box.


Deb waited until Aidan sat down beside her and then carefully unwrapped the gift. "You shouldn't have done this," she whispered as she lifted the top off the box. Dropping the lid onto the floor, she slowly pulled away the tissue paper, exposing a beautiful black silk dress. Debbie's mouth fell open as she gently removed the dress, holding it up in front of her. She had never owned anything quite like it.


It was a soft silk dress with a shirred bodice and a tied charmeuse Empire waist, falling to a full, fluid skirt. The moment she saw it, Deb pictured herself wearing it as Aidan guided her around an elegant ballroom. She dropped the dress into her lap and leaned over to hug her new husband. "Like I said, you shouldn't have done this. But since you did, thank you. It's absolutely beautiful."


He smiles and kisses her warmly. Breaking it off, he breathes, "It will be absolutely beautiful on you. And since one should be seen in such dresses, if it pleases you, I was thinking we'd go dancing tomorrow. There are a couple of clubs on the main island that we haven't been to after all." He tucks his head against hers and purrs, "And don't tell me I shouldn't have. It's Christmas and you're my wife, of course I'm going to get you a present. Wouldn't want you mad at me for forgetting such a thing."


"I couldn't be angry with you," she whispered. "Not after this past week." Pulling away slightly, Deb smiled as she stood up. "If it's okay with you, I'd like to try this on. And yes, I would love to go dancing tomorrow."


A few minutes later, she emerged from the bedroom wearing the latest addition to her wardrobe. It was a perfect fit and she had to admit, she looked stunning in it. She couldn't wait to wear it out the following evening. Crossing the room, she stood before Aidan, her hands behind her back. "So," she purred. "What do you think?"


His gaze floats over her from head to toe and back again. In some back corner of his mind, it occurs to him that at least one of them would be blushing at such a display of open attention just a week earlier. He stands and steps into her, slipping his arms around her waist. He kisses her ear and purrs, "I'm not entirely sure I have the right words. Beautiful, gorgeous and delectable come to mind." He smiles mischievously as he adds, "Though I'm thinking maybe that it might not have been such a good idea for me to buy such a dress since it means you'll have more then your share of attention from other men when we go dancing." His smile softens, "And I'm glad you like the dress. Was a bit anxious about it."


"I don't know that I'll attract that much attention," replied Deb with a soft smile. "But if I do, just think how jealous they'll be of you." She reached up and gently caressed his face. "Because I only have eyes for you." She took his hands in hers as she stepped away from him. "Now, come with me," she insisted, pulling him toward the front door and the veranda beyond.


As he lets her lead him onto the porch, he says bemusedly, "Trust me, you'll get quite a bit of attention....especially in that dress. But I don't think I'm going to be noticing any jealousy on the part of the other men....as my attention will be entirely on my wife."


As they stepped onto the porch, Deb couldn't resist a brief glance the magnificent view. The ocean was just a few meters away and they could hear the soft sounds of the waves breaking onto the beach. Leading Aidan to one of the wicker love seats on the veranda, she picked up a rather large box brightly wrapped in green foil paper with a gold bow. Picking it up, she proudly handed it to him. "Merry Christmas, Aidan," she whispered, kissing him on the cheek.


He starts to tell her that she shouldn't have....but his words from a minute earlier echo in his mind. He takes the gift as he sits down in the love seat. He opens it carefully, not wanting to seem like a child opening presents at Christmas. Opening it, he brushes the tissue paper aside and finds a dark navy blue dress silk shirt and a pair of dress slacks contained within. He blinks and a slow smile forms on his face. He glances up at Deb. "It would appear we both had the same general idea. Thank you, love. This will go perfect tomorrow night."


"I sneaked a look in your closet a couple of weeks ago. It was as barren as mine," laughed Deb. She shrugged her shoulders and grinned. "I assumed we would be going out a little during our honeymoon. I wanted you to have something sharp and stylish to wear."


He puts the cover back on the box before standing. He leans into kiss her, "I suppose I should go try these on. I'll be right back." He guides her to the chair he just vacated before he steps inside.


Returning a few minutes later, having changed, he steps in front of her and bows. Bemusedly he says, "I trust I meet m'lady's expectations?"


"Oh," she breathed, smiling broadly. "You look fabulous." Deb got up and stepped toward him, slipping her arms around him while resting her cheek against his chest. "I'm not the only one who will draw a lot of attention tomorrow night," she whispered.



He steps to the chair and sits down, pulling her gently down on his lap. He purrs contentedly and murmurs, "The only person's attention I want is yours. All others pale in comparison." He slips his arms around her and cradles her head against his shoulder. Hugging her gently, he breathes, "Thank you for making this the best Christmas I've had so far."


Deb pulled away just far enough to look into Aidan's eyes. "I feel the same way," she whispered, kissing him lightly on the cheek. "As a matter of fact, these past few days have been the best of my life." She leaned against him, the soft fabric of his new shirt cool against her skin. They sat in silence for a couple of minutes before Deb slid off his lap and pulled him to his feet. "Come on," she murmured. "Let's go inside and continue our Christmas celebration"


"Oh? What does my wife have in mind? Because I was rather liking the cuddling." He smiles as he says that. He slips his arm around her waist as he murmurs, "This has been the best week of my life so far as well. A lifetime's worth is what's ahead of us." He steps past her a little then turns, sweeping her into an impromptu dance as they step through the door.


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