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USS Republic Simlog

STSF_BluRox -> Ok...Welcome USS Republic

August Jax Robinson -> where is my worse half?

STSF_BluRox -> We're a little light tonight, but with the holidays, understandable

STSF_BluRox -> maybe he's getting you a gift?

STSF_KBear -> back Sorry about that

STSF_BluRox -> Mission Briefing: The USS Republic, having gotten her crew all reinstated is ready to begin it's next mission and has left DS9, heading once again, for some exploration in the Gamma Quadrant

STSF_BluRox -> Begin sim

STSF_BluRox -> Begin sim

STSF_BluRox -> Begin sim

STSF_BluRox -> Mr Seiben......please take us into the wormhole and to the Gamma Quadrant please...

STSF_KBear -> ::giving Schawana a kiss and heads for the bridge::

Seiben -> Aye aye sir...

Joy -> (Softly) Slowly....

STSF_BluRox -> Oh, and Mr Seiben.....please not at warp this time

STSF_BluRox -> <rofl...nice joy>

Seiben -> ::points the ship at the wormhole at impulse:: I read you, loud and clear.

STSF_KBear -> ::enters the TL:: Bridge

August Jax Robinson -> ::exits the lift and steps into engineering::

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::sitting back at her operation station, resetting her panel from when Ens Nogood had it during the Delta shift, muttering under her breath as she does so::

Joy -> :: calls up a full suite of sensors, looking for any after effects of the recent warp transition on the hole ::

Seiben -> About to enter wormhole apreture in t-minus five minutes, travelling well within set wormhole speed restrictions.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Hiccups, grumbles::

STSF_KBear -> ::exits the TL onto the bridge and walks to her seat:: Evening Sir

STSF_BluRox -> Good evening Kania

STSF_BluRox -> Got the little one all tucked in for the night?

Joy -> :: puts the countdown to wormhole entry up on a small window on her display ::

Seiben -> 3:37 to apeture entry.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Skips the hellos to everyone and dashes for the bathroom::

STSF_KBear -> Yes sir, She cant wait until ... Nevermind

Seiben -> Oh.. ::looks up at the countdown ticker.. shuts up::

Capt Rian Kwai -> <m>I'm suprised there's no gum under the....::running her fingers under the edges of the console:: deck here.

STSF_BluRox -> <grumbles.... just checked my phone, my SGV is unable to make it for tonight's sim>

August Jax Robinson -> ::Takes a second look at her dinner:: how long is this going to last!

Joy -> :: After hearing tales of Captain Corizon's exile to the far ends of gamma quad on a survey mission, decides to look up who else Starfleet is shipping off to far nowhere? ::

Seiben -> Computer> Wormhole entry in t minus: 5...4...3...2...1... Entry achieved.

STSF_BluRox -> Sieben, you may proceed when you're ready

Seiben -> Proceeding. ::does so::

Joy -> :: full attention to her sensors ::

Capt Rian Kwai -> Whew...no gum. ::leans back in her chair, turning her attention to the information scrolling across her screen::

Joy -> :: Nice prophets... I am not the android you are looking for... ::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Exits the head and goes back to the lift::

STSF_BluRox -> <hi CJ!>

Seiben -> ::enters wormhole still safely at impulse::

Seiben -> <Hey CJ>

STSF_KBear -> <<WB CJ>>

CJ Jacobs -> <<Hey there!. Sorry I'm late. Totally lost track of time at the office. Last time I saw the clock it was 4pm. It was 11:01 when I looked up and went OH CRAP!"

Capt Rian Kwai -> ((that sounded like a Jedi mind-trick Joy?))

STSF_BluRox -> ::Holds her breath a moment, hoping for no repeat of what happened to the crew the last time::

Joy -> (( or wishful thinking... ))

STSF_KBear -> ::watches the screen praying for no repeat::

CJ Jacobs -> :::Back in Sickbay, still getting the feel for the routine:::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Enters Sickbay:::

Seiben -> ::looking at his console and the screen at the same time, hoping he does not suddenly find himself in the middle of nowhere again::

CJ Jacobs -> :::Proud of himself for getting through the last routine without having to look up where something was:::

STSF_BluRox -> ACTION: The ship passes through with no problems and emerges in the Gamma Quadrant

August Jax Robinson -> ::Lays on a Bio-bed:: I am dying doc

CJ Jacobs -> :::hears the doors open and turns:::

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::in state of denial that they're in the wormhole, pretending all is well in her world::

Seiben -> We've made it through. Redemption!

Joy -> Seems like a perfectly ordinary every day wormhole transition.

STSF_BluRox -> Ah, very good...very good

CJ Jacobs -> So am I.

STSF_BluRox -> Looks over at Rian, teasing a bit :: I don't know what your problem was Captain....it's a simple passage through...

STSF_KBear -> ::takes a deep breath :: Thank you Prophets::

CJ Jacobs -> I guess the more appropriate question... is how long do you have?

STSF_BluRox -> ::turns and winks to Kania::

Joy -> :: pings the nearest subspace relay bouy to verify time and location ::

STSF_KBear -> ::smiles::

Seiben -> ::Gets a bearing of their position and continues on course::

August Jax Robinson -> my Morning sickness doesnt know how to tell time ::Moans::

Joy -> :: starts the computer analyzing the transition through the wormole, seeing if it can spot anything unusual ::

CJ Jacobs -> :::reaches over for his medical tricorder and honors the time honored traditional scan:::

Capt Rian Kwai -> Simple passage my spots. ;:smirks, squirming in her seat::

STSF_KBear -> ::sits back feeling good to be back at her old post again::

STSF_BluRox -> ::trying not to laugh at Rian::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Puts Pillow over her head::

CJ Jacobs -> Ahhh... the morning sickness that was born on the other side of the planet.

August Jax Robinson -> ::removes Pillow:: huh?

STSF_BluRox -> ::gets up and pats her on the shoulder:: You did great kid...don't ever doubt it

CJ Jacobs -> Never mind.... a bad doctor joke from many years ago.

STSF_BluRox -> Would you mind watching the bridge a few moments Kania, I have something I need to attend to

Seiben -> ::smiles::

STSF_KBear -> ::smiles at Rian and Blu::

CJ Jacobs -> What kind of problems have you been having specifically?

STSF_KBear -> Aye Sir Not a problem.

August Jax Robinson -> I am 7 weeks along, and I am tossing my cookies

CJ Jacobs -> First child?

CJ Jacobs -> I apologize for not knowing off the top of my head. I have not had a chance to get aquainted with most of the crew fully yet.

STSF_KBear -> Joy and Hans, please confirm we are where we are supposed t be?

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::reviewing the status reports from each department:: Thank ye. ::does give Blu an odd look however, she's being awfully friendly lately::

CJ Jacobs -> :::silently kicks himself for not taking a few moments to glance over the file first before jumping to the 20 questions:::

August Jax Robinson -> Well it's sorta my first... I had gotten almost done and then had to start over

August Jax Robinson -> it's the universes way of screwing with me

CJ Jacobs -> I guess I should not mention that my sister was sick through the first two trimesters of her pregnancy....

Joy -> We seem to be, Captain. The relay bouy is answering with the expected time, using the expected protocols. The starmaps match.

STSF_BluRox -> ::gets up and heads to the lift::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Lifts head:: you want to get hit?

STSF_BluRox -> ::Deck 10 please::

CJ Jacobs -> ::::tries to supress a grin and steps back::: OK. Then I won't say that.

STSF_KBear -> Thank you Joy Thats a big relief.

STSF_BluRox -> :: takes the lift down to deck down::

August Jax Robinson -> give me something to make it go away

Capt Rian Kwai -> Quartermaster is fussing again. ::sigh:: Says the yeoman sorting cargo misplaced three crates and he's got a mess on his hands now.

CJ Jacobs -> :::Quickly glances at Jax' medical file, checking for allergies or anything else that might cause complications:::

STSF_KBear -> Again? I think we need a new Yeoman

STSF_BluRox -> Exits the lift and heads towards the holodeck

CJ Jacobs -> I should be able to give you something to settle your stomach a bit. Though it will only last around 12 hours or so.

STSF_KBear -> You know what needs to be done Rian,

STSF_KBear -> ::grins::

August Jax Robinson -> then I will see you in 12 hours

Joy -> Are there any unusual instructions for Science? Standard exploration protocols? No exotic agendas?

August Jax Robinson -> and so on and so on

CJ Jacobs -> It's not really that bad now is it?

Capt Rian Kwai -> Can we space the old ones?

August Jax Robinson -> i'd like to see you go through it!

STSF_KBear -> Nothing Exotic on my reports Joy, FOR a change

Capt Rian Kwai -> Or the Quartermaster? I'm not sure which one is worse.

CJ Jacobs -> :::turns for a moment as he prepares a hypo:::

August Jax Robinson -> I threw up my cake last night..

Fiona Weber -> ( Ugh... I might not stick around long. I'm beat, guys. :))

Joy -> I'll accept it on face value.... and believe it when it happens. :: small smile ::

STSF_KBear -> No We just need to have them retrainned AGAIN

CJ Jacobs -> Cake eh?

August Jax Robinson -> Double chocolate

CJ Jacobs -> Have you taken any kind of suppliments so far?

STSF_KBear -> <<ok Dr Weber>>>

Fiona Weber -> ::heads out of her office to the main sickbay::

August Jax Robinson -> yes those pills the mean one gave me

August Jax Robinson -> crap, there she is

CJ Jacobs -> :::Reaches over and injects Jax in the neck:::

Seiben -> ::compensates for some variables and continues to our destination::

Capt Rian Kwai -> Then maybe I can give them to Will to use as target pratice for the paintball range.

CJ Jacobs -> :::tries to avoid snickering at the comment:::

Fiona Weber -> ::sneers at Jax, looks at Jacobs:: Is she being any more cooperative with you?

STSF_KBear -> NOw RIan THATS an Idea

August Jax Robinson -> Ilike him, I am giving him no trouble

Fiona Weber -> ::instant smile when she remembers that nice doctors don't sneer::

August Jax Robinson -> he said I can have cake

August Jax Robinson -> :D

Fiona Weber -> ::glances at Jacobs::

Fiona Weber -> Give her an inch...

CJ Jacobs -> She's been OK when she's not threatening to hit me.

Fiona Weber -> And she'll take a lightyear. Elements.

CJ Jacobs -> Wait a minute... I did not say she could HAVE cake.

Joy -> :: not sure if she should attempt to prevent KBear from having ideas... ::

Fiona Weber -> ::glances at him:: Cake?

August Jax Robinson -> ::Kicks CJ::

STSF_BluRox -> ::enters and is surprised:: Holly, you're a genious. This is perfect!

CJ Jacobs -> :::is kicked:::

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::sends notice to the Quartermaster that she'll help sort out the mess later::

Fiona Weber -> Do you want to be restrained, Mrs. Robinson?

CJ Jacobs -> A few sweets in moderation should be fine.

CJ Jacobs -> Just obviously not to over do it any.

Capt Rian Kwai -> I've tried to book on some extra trade goods, Captain.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Laughs:: ok 1 don't call me that... B, You can't and if you do Will would kill you

Fiona Weber -> Moderation means one or two a week.

Fiona Weber -> I am sure that your husband would commit murder in cold blood.

August Jax Robinson -> you must have read his file

STSF_KBear -> ::sits back in her chair relaxing a bit:: Extra Trade good Rian? What sort?

Fiona Weber -> He hardly seems the felon.

August Jax Robinson -> *you have have read his file

August Jax Robinson -> He has shot the Admiral 3 times

Fiona Weber -> ::shrugs::

CJ Jacobs -> :::the lightbulb in his head goes off tieing him to the stories he's heard about the one that is a bit trigger happy:::

Capt Rian Kwai -> Eh, luxury items from some of the Federation planets. It seemed to do the trick the last time we had to deal with some diplomatic missions.

Fiona Weber -> ::glances at Jacobs:: Why is she here?

STSF_BluRox -> +Kania+ Would you please call in the beta shift,and have our department heads and those on the list I"m forwarding to you

August Jax Robinson -> I am not. I am on my way out ::Jumps off the bed::

CJ Jacobs -> She came in complaining of extended periods of morning sickness.

STSF_BluRox -> please have them report to Holodeck 1 please

Fiona Weber -> Ahh. ::nods::

CJ Jacobs -> Mrs Robinson....

Fiona Weber -> A shame.

August Jax Robinson -> DO NOT CALL ME THAT!!

Fiona Weber -> It's your name.

STSF_KBear -> :::nods:: I see,

Fiona Weber -> Get used to it.

CJ Jacobs -> Do you think you can handle ... :::pauses as he gets yelled at:::

STSF_KBear -> +Blu+ Aye Sir

Seiben -> Hmm.. ::smiles as he checks the ships speed and ETA:: Not bad..

CJ Jacobs -> Would you prefer ma'am? Most women I've addressed before did not seem to care for that.

August Jax Robinson -> You can call me Jax

STSF_KBear -> +Beta ######+ Beta shift report to stations for ealry shift duty, per request from the Admiral.

Seiben -> ^_^

STSF_BluRox -> <Kbear!>

Seiben -> <Ban? :) >

CJ Jacobs -> Now that we've settled on your name...

Joy -> :: Hopes her relief isn't too blue just now... ::

STSF_KBear -> ::looks at the list sent::

CJ Jacobs -> I was going to offer you a hypospray you could use yourself to save you a few trips back here.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Holds hand out:: that would be vrey nice... I am a busy women

Capt Rian Kwai -> Beta shift? :;raises a brow, glancing back to the Command Chair::

CJ Jacobs -> I've programmed it to allow dosages to be dispensed every 12 hours.

Seiben -> Beta ShiFt? Why now?

August Jax Robinson -> how about 11.5 hours

CJ Jacobs -> Now, I realize that you are an engineer and that you could rework it if you really wanted to. I want your word that you won't do that.

Joy -> Because the admiral says so?

August Jax Robinson -> OK

CJ Jacobs -> That's fine... IF the symptoms are really bad.

STSF_KBear -> +all Chiefs+ Kawalas to all departments heads, ::shrugs at Rian:: report to Holodeck 1

Fiona Weber -> And only if. ::chimes in::

Fiona Weber -> ... Gotta run! ::out of Sickbay in a flash::

Seiben -> ::shrugs::

STSF_BluRox -> ::stands outside of the holodeck door, waiting for everyone:

CJ Jacobs -> :::makes a final adjustment to the hypo before passing it to her:::

Fiona Weber -> ::breathes a sigh of relief:: Saved by the bell...

Seiben -> ::Gets up and heads to the lift::

STSF_KBear -> ::looks around the bridge:: Rian Hans, Joy, you also are to report to Holodeck 1

August Jax Robinson -> Thank you Doctor.. you are a life saver

Seiben -> ::Gets up and heads to the lift::

CJ Jacobs -> You should know the routine.... lots of fluids, bed rest.... blah blah.

Joy -> :: logs out of her console, and moves with Seiben ::

CJ Jacobs -> And call me if anything out of the ordinary comes up.

August Jax Robinson -> ::exits sickbay and heads to the Holodeck::

STSF_KBear -> +Medical+ Dr Weber, Your new doctor is also requested to Holdeck 1

August Jax Robinson -> Yeah yeah... I will

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::chuckles, moving out of the way for Ens Nogood:: <M> No gum on my station. ::heading to the lift to wait for the others::

Joy -> :: to Kbear :: You have confirmed it is the Admiral requesting this?

STSF_KBear -> ::takesa a deep breath:: Lets go see whats going on Shall we? ::to Rian::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Enters the Holodeck:::

CJ Jacobs -> :::chuckles as she departs sickbay in a hurry... notices how happy she was now that she had drugs:::

STSF_KBear -> It was her voice Joy

STSF_BluRox -> <standing outside of holodeck..waiting for everyone to arrive first>

August Jax Robinson -> <<Isn't everyone CJ?>>

Seiben -> ::follows everyone into the lift, unsurprisingly, he is given a small space in the corner with everyone in the lift pressing on him::

Fiona Weber -> ::grimaces, heads back into Sickbay:: Jacobs... you're with me.

STSF_BluRox -> <pulls jax back out by the ear>

CJ Jacobs -> +KBear+ Understood. Dr Weber has already left, however I'm on my way.

Joy -> Hmm... Well, if someone who shall not be named wants us all do do a wilderness survival program, you will not be lightly forgiven.

August Jax Robinson -> *Correction: Arrives at the Holodeck::

STSF_KBear -> +CJ+ Very well Meet you there

CJ Jacobs -> :::turns to the other doctor on duty, nodding to make sure he saw that he was leaving:::

Capt Rian Kwai -> I guess so. ::stands on lift, waiting for the others to file in:: Don't want to repeat history, Joy?

Seiben -> I wonder what the capacity of a Galaxy Class turbolift is.

STSF_KBear -> Oh Joy lets hope not. Not again

CJ Jacobs -> :::enters the turbolift::: Holodeck 1

Joy -> Frankly..... no.

August Jax Robinson -> Hello Admiral

STSF_BluRox -> Good evening August

STSF_KBear -> ::steps into the lift:: Holodeck 1 ::after all are in::

STSF_BluRox -> How are you doing tonight? And where is Will?

August Jax Robinson -> Those Strange doctors Keep calling Mrs. Robinson... it's so rude

Seiben -> ::Steps off the lift and arrives at the Holodeck::

CJ Jacobs -> :::Exits the lift and makes his way to the holodeck:::

August Jax Robinson -> Will? He must be busy shooting someone, or something

Joy -> :: with the bridge crowd ::

Capt Rian Kwai -> I don't blame you, Joy. I think I've had enough camping for a while.

STSF_KBear -> ::follows Hans:: Your alls guess is as good as mine as to why we are being asked here.

Seiben -> The only camping I want to do now, is in an RV

CJ Jacobs -> :::makes his way to the entrance and nods politely at the Admiral:::

Fiona Weber -> ::never wants to camp. ever again::

Seiben -> or better yet, a five-star hotel.

Capt Rian Kwai -> What's an RV? ::raises a brow::

STSF_BluRox -> Ok...looks like most people have arrived....the rest can catch up

STSF_KBear -> ::shrugs:

Fiona Weber -> ::hurries in with the crowd::

Seiben -> A Recreational Vehicle. Basically a luxurious land shuttle with a bed, livingroom and head that can move.

STSF_BluRox -> Welcome everyone. As we have just found ourselves thrust back together, and one big happy family

STSF_BluRox -> I wanted

STSF_KBear -> Reporting as ordered sir ::with an odd look on her face::

Seiben -> ::arrives with the bridge crowd::

CJ Jacobs -> <<We are fam-ah-lee.... >>

STSF_BluRox -> "my crew family" to share a little togetherness and relaxation after what you went through,a nd before we begin again

STSF_BluRox -> ::swats SJ"

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::opens her mouth to discuss the illogical nature of a RV shuttle, but then turns her attention to Blu instead::

STSF_BluRox -> ::pressed the holodeck door to open revealing a winter landscape, gently snowing and a line of horse drawn sleighs::

STSF_BluRox -> Please..everyone find a sleigh, and they will take you to our destination....

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::soft voice;: Whoah.

Seiben -> Ooh. ::not very hard to imagine... looks out of his window::

Joy -> :: finds a sleigh Boards. ::

Seiben -> ::is just glad he doesn't have to shovel any::

STSF_KBear -> Whats all this.. ::walks in and gets in the sleigh with the big bay draft horse::

STSF_KBear -> Come on Rian

CJ Jacobs -> Wow... how nice.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Climbs into a Sleigh::

Fiona Weber -> Lovely... ::with a hint of her London accent::

STSF_BluRox -> ::jumps up with Kania: You'll see.....::sits and enjoys the ride as the horses know the way::

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::cautiously boards a sleigh::

Seiben -> ::also gets on the sleigh:: Very nice scene. My compliments.

Fiona Weber -> ::glances around for Christmas foliage -- namely Holly::

STSF_KBear -> This is very nice Admiral

CJ Jacobs -> <<ummmm... I might not wanna ride this one if Holly is runnin' it. lol>>

Seiben -> <me too.. I'll take the bus :) >


STSF_KBear -> Oh Wow look at that!!

Seiben -> ::looks at the pond and the lodge:: Oooh.. Me like.

STSF_BluRox -> ::hopping down from the sleigh, I wave everyone to please follow me

CJ Jacobs -> :::clinms in and settles into the seat with the high back to it:::

STSF_BluRox -> Please...everyone....this way.....

Seiben -> ::disembarks and follows Blu::

STSF_BluRox -> The outside of the lodge is all decorated with lights, and the trees all decorated like christmas trees,

Seiben -> ::slips on the ice::

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::startled at the intial start of the sleigh, but relaxed by the time they reached their destination:: Wow. ::stepped off the sleigh::

STSF_KBear -> ::gets out of the sleigh and follows Blu looking at the senery as she does so.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Climbs down::

Joy -> :: follows, although not looking entirely casual and comfortable ::

CJ Jacobs -> :::exits and moves with the rest of the crowd:::

STSF_BluRox -> other decorations for those of other followings are noted along with the decorations

CJ Jacobs -> I'm glad I was not the one who had to put up all of those lights...

CJ Jacobs -> Something like that would take forever to do.

Seiben -> ::Gets up and walks to solid ground::

STSF_BluRox -> Welcome everyone to our Annual Holiday Celebration.

Seiben -> Ahh!

STSF_KBear -> ::smiles:: Thank you Sir. This is wondeful.

Fiona Weber -> ::grins, wondering what the year's action figure will hold. She was betting on "Survivor: Republic"-style.::

STSF_BluRox -> You've all worked so hard thsi year, that I wanted you all to have a nice evening off to spend with friends and family..::nudges Kania to see her kid smiling up from a rug full of presents::

Capt Rian Kwai -> Cool ::grins::

Seiben -> Sweet

Fiona Weber -> ::smiles at the Caitian, lop-sided::

STSF_BluRox -> Holly..please...music....light the fireplaces..

STSF_KBear -> ::smiles seeing Schawana::

CJ Jacobs -> How thoughtful.....

Seiben -> ::looks at the fireplace::

STSF_BluRox -> The meatballs are over there on the counter...there are gifts for you all under the tree, just go find the ones with your names on them, and ...of course, our annual obligatory action figures....

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::winces, waiting for Holly to pull a fast one on them::

STSF_BluRox -> "which will be listed and posted when I get a chance"

Fiona Weber -> Hey... at least my action figure won't come with a paddle like Apollo and Dave's will.

STSF_BluRox -> As they could not attend at the moment..I have a small diorama of two of our crew members for your viewing pleasure

Seiben -> ::looks up:: Heh..

STSF_BluRox -> ::Points to the Apollo figure, swinging an oar at David's head::

Seiben -> ::grabs some meatball::

STSF_BluRox -> Pretty realistic, no?

August Jax Robinson -> scarey

STSF_KBear -> ::walks over to Schawana:: Did you bring Auntie Blue Gift you made?

August Jax Robinson -> ::Grabs a few meatballs.. then a few more::

Seiben -> Nice detail on Apollo and Dave

STSF_BluRox -> Anyway......have some food, there will be dancing later....I figure after you get into the spiked eggnog....

STSF_KBear -> ::LOoks to the figure: and give a giggle::

STSF_BluRox -> Jax, I suggest you stay away from the eggnog...oh good, you're busywith the square meatballs

Seiben -> ::grabs some punch::

August Jax Robinson -> crap I can't drink'

Fiona Weber -> ::snerks::

STSF_KBear -> Schawana>I wrapped it myself, Jenna watched me. can I give it to her now?

STSF_KBear -> Sure

CJ Jacobs -> :::walks past the collectables chuckling:::

Capt Rian Kwai -> <m>Well, at least it's not the scene of the Science staff dancing to attract the Prophets

Fiona Weber -> I'll dunk you IN the eggnog if I see you near it, Jax... ::good-natured::

August Jax Robinson -> Well the Kid is going to be messed up anyway with Will's DNA.. could it really do much more damager?

STSF_BluRox -> <just as she says it.....Jax sets off the borg recording.... We are the Borg meatballs. Resistance is futile. You will assimilate us. We will become part of your collective....on your butt and thighs ..

August Jax Robinson -> *Damage

Fiona Weber -> (rofl, Blu)

Seiben -> <lol>

CJ Jacobs -> :::glad he's not been here long enough to be immortalized as an action figure yet;::

STSF_KBear -> Schawana>::picks up her present and takes it to Blu:: Here Auntie Blu Open it ::jumoing up and down ::

STSF_BluRox -> <wait....we had a new person that's not seen the meatballs before!?, >

STSF_KBear -> <<LOL/

STSF_BluRox -> <shoot, we usually set them up>

Seiben -> <oh yes..>

STSF_KBear -> <<2 I think>>

August Jax Robinson -> ::Nibbles::

STSF_BluRox -> ::sees the little one:: Ok..thank you Schawna""

Seiben -> ::assimilates a Borg meatball::

STSF_BluRox -> Opens the gift

CJ Jacobs -> <<Awwww... I missed one of the traditional initiations?>>

STSF_KBear -> ::inside Blu finds a scuplture that kinda but not quiet resembles herself::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Tosses a Marshmellow into the fire to watch it burn and melt::

STSF_KBear -> Schawana> Aunite Blu I made it to look Like you

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::tucks in a gift she purchased from the station for the crew, snickering - Post-It-Toast::

Seiben -> <W> ::Joy:: That's a nice model of Captain Corizon.

Joy -> :: Nods, quietly ::

Fiona Weber -> (ROFL, Seiben)

STSF_BluRox -> I think it's beautiful, thank you

STSF_BluRox -> ::reaches down and hugs her

Fiona Weber -> ( ::considers:: I think on my wishlist I would like a Caitian rug.)

STSF_KBear -> Schawana>::hugs Blu back:: Thank you for bringing mommy back

August Jax Robinson -> So let me get this stright, being a parent means you get to lie?

STSF_BluRox -> <flattens ears at fiona>

Fiona Weber -> (To go with a tiger rug. Can you give any information on how to go about obtaining one, Admiral?)

STSF_KBear -> (( ::watches for Dr Weber to get a bag of coal in her stocking:: ))

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