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Uneasy Alliances (pt1)

Morgana noticed immediately that her attitude, posture and even her facial expressions had changed the moment she entered the conference room to confront K’loth. The persona of what she perceived the Daise’Khre’Riov to be had returned and she did NA like it. Necessary evil or na, the Daise’Maenak just wanted to be the Morgana t’Ksa that she had come to know, na the character she was forced to play.


“Unfortunately, the Praetor has vacated the station. She is most likely on her way to meet up with her fleet.”


She watched as that simple statement enraged the Kll’inghann Commander. “You let her GO?!? You. Let. Her Go?!” He burst out of his seat on the opposite side of the table, slamming his fist against caramel covered tabletop. A stream of Kll’inghann curses flowed from his mouth directed at her.


Surprising herself, instead of cowering, Morgana shouted back, “I didn’t let anyone go!” the Daise’Maenak stood up and leaned forward against the table so she was nose to nose to the Kll’inghann. “I had other priorities in securing this ship. Not to mention bailing au out of trouble! Her current departure is inconsequential to my plans. In fact--”


K’Loth snarled as he broke in. “Perhaps au should reexamine your priorities, t’Ksa. I certainly—“


“And who are au to question my priorities or my authority on my ship?” Morgana interrupted, pounding her fist on the table top. “My ship! My ship, Etreh K’loth. Taking this ship away from her is a morale blow. She is cowering like a sseikea flea.” She lowered her voice, sneering at him. “I will employ whatever means I deem necessary to secure my home. If au have a problem with that, au can step down now and I will be glad to appoint your underling in your place. What was his name again? The smarmy io nipping at au’s heals? Hmmm?”


“You wouldn’t dare...” K’Loth looked as if he would reach over the table and strangle her.


“Watch me.” Morgana snapped. She narrowed her eyes into a cold glare. “We have less than io tlhojur to prepare for the Praetor’s ship. Unless au wish for your people to be dominated by that fvadt woman, au get with the program. Otherwise, better get some kneepads now.” She leaned back, crossing her arms cross her chest. “Au and the Kll'inghann Empire will be kissing her feet from now until eternity. At least with me, au have the honor to live or die like warriors.”


His lip curled in a snarl, yet he said nothing for a few moments. She watched him silently, thinking perhaps she had misspoken. Perhaps the Kll’inghann here, in this universe, did na value warrior life or honor as they did on her side. Or perhaps he all ready suspected she was a fraud. Strategically, it was best for her to take a wait and see approach, then react to whatever response he gave.


Surprisingly, the Kll’inghann warrior, after many tortured facial contortions, sat slowly back down. “Where do we begin?” He hissed through a clenched jaw.


Morgana too sat slowly. “We need to go over the battle plans. I need to know about the latest intelligence reports and the readiness of au’s fleet. We know that the Praetor’s other ships will be here within the tlhojur….”



Five siuren later, Morgana knew as much as she knew when she first entered the conference room. Very little. She stood, turning to the viewport. The Daise’Maenak stretched and stared out at the stars glimmering around them. K’loth, grudgingly, seemed to be much more helpful since their argument. But neither officer had any more information than the other. She needed more information from Laehval, Rexan and N’Dak. Getting that information without breaking character would be difficult however.


She seemed distracted as she stared at the stars. But na so preoccupied as to notice K’loth’s reflection in the viewport surface. He sat staring at the ISD on the table top. She glanced away for a moment only to spot him out of the corner of her eye suddenly leaping from his chair brandishing his d’k tahg. She jumped out of the way just as the knife came slicing through the air……

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