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Cmdr Ridire

Trouble Sleeping

Aidan yawns and blinks his eyes open, knowing without even looking at the clock that it was still early in the morning. He finds himself staring into the face of a purring Siamese who's curled up on the pillow opposite him. He reaches up and scratches the Siamese behind the ears. He murmurs, "I hope you've been sleeping better then I have, Nephtys." Nephtys closes her eyes and arches into his hand, managing to purr louder then she was before.


He glances at the rest of the open bed next to him and sighs to himself. He'd been trying to get to sleep for the last few hours and wasn't having much success. He'd manage to fall asleep only to be awakened later by rather vivid dreams. For the life of him, he can't remember the other women he had been involved with when he was younger ever getting under his skin the way Deb has done. But then, while he had seen those relationships as serious, something that he wanted to become permament, those relationships somehow paled to his relationship with Deb. It was a night and day comparison.


And it's not even that he wants her as his lover. He already knows that what he wants is her as his wife. As much as he was enjoying the intimacy from earlier, before she put a stop to it, he'd gladly have given that up if it meant she was simply sharing his bed this night.


And he suspects the reason that their self control wasn't all that strong earlier was because of the events of the last few days. They had seen a lot of death and destruction over the last few days and it was only natural that they'd find a way to try and balance it. Still....that wasn't what he wanted to be the reason for them taking that step, if they had. In his mind, it was the wrong reason, at least for the first time.


He sighs again and brushes a hand against the open spot next to him. He reaches up to pet Nephtys one more time before murmuring, "Suppose I should try and get to sleep. Though I think that it's going to be a fools errand. She clearly got under my skin....in more ways then one." By way of reply, Nephtys yawns before curling up on the pillow next to him.

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