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Leilani Feretti

A New Chapter

"A New Chapter"

Log entry 00, Part II: SD 50711.02



To everything - turn, turn, turn

There is a season - turn, turn, turn

And a time for every purpose under heaven


- Turn! Turn! Turn! - The Byrds.



A few weeks ago. Janaran Falls, Betazed.


Leilani looked at herself in the mirror one last time, making sure everything looked perfectly. Once she was content in her appearance, she got up from her chair. At that moment, a stage hand entered and told her that she was due to be on in five minutes. Five more minutes as Miss Universe before she'd have to relinquish her crown. In the past year as Miss Universe, Leilani had met, done and saw so much.


Travelling the far reaches of the Federation and beyond as an ambassador of peace and goodwill on behalf of the United Federation of Planets. Truly, experience she will never forget and will treasure for the rest of her life. Her experiences varied from place to place, hob-nobbing with the social elite at five-star restaurants and country clubs one place to aiding poor Bajoran orphans in former Cardassian concentration camps the next.


Some of it happy moments, some not. But moments that she never would have had the opportunity to experience anywhere else. Of it all though, Leilani most enjoyed working with children. Those orphans or even visiting schools and presenting for their assemblies. Children were the same everywhere -- filled with wide-eyed fascination and curiosity. They also seemed to ask the most hardest questions too.


But that's why Leilani liked children so much. That and fuzzy animals. All the same though, she thought, as she was being led up to the main stage. She was ready to give it up and return to a more normal, quieter life where the press aren't watching your every single move like a hawk. Leilani watched the competition from back stage. She very well knew what this year's crop of finalists felt like right now.


She sympathised with them. It's tough being front of thousands of people live and billions more watching at home. She sighed as the host began to reveal the winners. Her time in the sun was over. But Leilani wasn't too sad about it. On the contrary. In 23 years, she'd done it all, model-wise.


What else was there for her to do? She thought as the winner was announced, this year going to Miss Cait, who actually Leilani knew and thought she was a nice enough person. Leilani smiled and in her final act as Miss Universe placed the crown upon the feline's furry head, thus ending her eventful reign, taking her place back stage to watch the newly minted Miss Universe take her victory walk.




Maui, Hawaii.


The wind provided a cool breeze as it wafted through the palm trees. The quiet sounds of the ocean's waves lapping the sandy beach was all that let Leilani know of her surroundings. Sipping a mai tai, she reclined further into her beach chair and watched the waves and the birds fly overhead.


Retreating back to her home in Hawaii, Leilani enjoyed the peace and quiet of solitude for the first time in a very long while. With her obligations as Miss Universe, Leilani had precious little time to herself. The alone time, sufficive to say, was a welcome relief. The warm, salty ocean air also provided a calming effect and helped her think about her future.


The new fashion season was set to start soon, but she didn't care. Some how, strutting up and down a catwalk in garish and uncomfortable outfits just didn't seem very appealing to her any more. Oh, don't get her wrong, Leilani still loved fashion, but didn't seem to be into modelling any more. Perhaps it really was time to hang up her dresses and call it quits.


A few days later..


Pressing the disconnect button on her terminal, Leilani sighed as she got off the line with her agent in Paris. He obviously wasn't very happy about her sudden desire to quit modelling and pleaded endlessly for her to reconsider. But try as he might, there was nothing that he, or anyone else, for that matter could do that would make her change her mind.


After reaching the top of the mountain, then what? Leilani didn't seem to have it in her any more to continue. She longer wished to be the centre of everyone's attention. Cameras, eyes and flashbulbs going off capturing her every move. But then... what would she do now? It only took a second for Leilani to find out.



10 days ago...


"Really?" replied the man on the other end of the line. "Well, I'm certainly glad to accommodate your request" Thomas Johansen, Starfleet's Public Relations Manager was taken by surprise by Leilani's sudden request, but promised that he'd help get her back on the Active Rota. Especially since she's already done so much for Starfleet, even though she'd never even set foot on a starship or space station before.


Inwardly, Leilani envied Starfleet officers. Travelling the galaxies in fancy and powerful starships fighting for the freedom of all citizens of the Federation. These were the people who were making a difference in the universe. Some day, she too would like a piece of that. She never told anyone, especially her agent who would flip out at her, just for thinking about it.


But it wasn't until she befriended a few officers on leave in Risa whilst she was on a shoot that she finally decided to go for it and enrol in the Starfleet Academy. Still modelling on the side, Leilani studied alone on her off time and eventually passed and graduated the Correspondence courses, with honours in sciences.


Leilani wasn't just a pretty face, oh no. She'd always liked science and hoped to pursue a career in that field once her modelling days were over. Having attended the finest private schools Honolulu had to offer, and graduating at the top of her class, Sciences, and stellar cartography in particular, fit her like a glove.


But, because of her tight schedules, and objections from her agent, Leilani instead opted to serve in the PR department of Starfleet's Recruitment programme. Thus, she posed and modelled in countless recruitment ads in a blue science uniform. She looked absolutely stunning in her uniform and her ads generated tonnes of results for PR.


Grateful for all of this, Public Relations Director Johansen was true to his word a few days later, informing Leilani of her new assignment in deep space. "Leilani! I've managed to find a new assignment for you" he said smiling. At home, Leilani was in the middle of cleaning her small condo.


Leilani put away the Swiffer. "Really? I only asked a few days ago" responded she. "Yeah, it seems there was an opening that just came up, that we thought would be a good fit for you" Leilani smiled, and removed the cloth she put on her head. "Great. What is it?" she asked. Johansen looked at his notes.


"It's a position for a Science Officer at Sky Harbour Aegis, a space station near Cardassia. It seems they're in need of a science officer. I've been there before. It's a nice station with good people and a friendly atmosphere. I'm sure you'd do great there" Leilani nodded. "You'll start at the rank of ensign, and you've already been assigned to a quarters"


"Great" smiled Leilani. "I can't wait to start" Johansen nodded. "That's nice to hear. And as a token of my appreciation, I've booked a ticket for you in Business Class on Virgin Inter-Galactic. Good luck, Ms. Feretti. Of course, if you need anything else, call me any time"

She nodded. "Thank you, I will"


Leilani didn't resume cleaning her condo. She was too caught up in the moment. It was finally happening! A new chapter of her life was about to begin, and she was excited for the change. No more cameras watching her every move, and no more long tiresome photo shoots lasting well into the night.


Best of all, she was going to make a difference in this world. Leilani remembered back to the Question round in the pageant. "'If you won Miss Universe, what would you do afterwards?' asked by Miss Risa" asked the host. "Well" responded Leilani in her best smile. "I hope that maybe, I could continue on in making a positive contribution to the universe, and the Federation. And continue to vigorously fight for the values and freedoms we all hold dear"


Ironic, wasn't it? She had no clue that a year later, Leilani was going to do just that. A flight ticket and a PADD suddenly materialised on Leilani's desk. She was to report to Sky Harbour Aegis in a week's time. Her passage for her next stage in life booked on seat 159-A on Virgin Intergalactic 1588, tomorrow at 1300. She had better pack.

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