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Nicolas Lepage

Bad Company

Day entered the deserted marine lounge well into the Agincourt night. She'd tried to meditate again, but with poor results. Her head was throbbing. Her mind was racing. She needed the solace that only a gooey hot fudge sundae could provide. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Lt. Matthews, and briefly wondered why he was up so late. She placed her order at the replicator: warm pecan brownie, topped with chocolate ice cream, hot fudge, chocolate chips, and chocolate whipped cream. Picking it up from the replicator, she made her way to an empty table with a view of the stars. Sitting down with a sigh, she just stared out at the nebula for several minutes, forgetting the confection in front of her.


Buddha was sitting in a corner of the lounge, a half full glass of some colourless liquid in front of him. He had been here since the end of his shift. At first the lounge had been full with marines chatting excitedly, relaxed after a long shift. Usually Owen was among them, sharing the latest gossip. Today he had kept to himself. People had called over to him but noone had made the effort to sit next to him and ask what was wrong. Owen was grateful for that. He didn't want company tonight. Now the lounge was deserted except for him and whoever had just arrived. He hadn't bothered looking up. He listened to the other marine order something at the replicator and then sit down at a table.


Only then did he look up to see who it was. Owen was surprised to see Day. After a few seconds he got up, took his glass and walked over to her. "Good evening Colonel, mind if I join you?"


Day looked up, almost startled, "Buddha. I.. uh.. I'm not real good company.”


Owen shrugged and took a seat not getting the hint. "Neither am I." He took a sip from his glass before going on. "Had a bad day, too, eh?"


Day looked at him incredulously. Was he really that dense? Oh, wait.. he's a Marine. Nevermind. She sighed, "Having still, thank you. What's wrong with you?"


"Oh, you mean other than almost killing M&M? Wait, I think there was this mission on which we accidentally killed a whole shipload of Selshans...that could be it...not sure, yet though." He hadn't mean to be as sarcastic as that but somehow it felt good taking his frustration out on someone.


Day looked at him, "That was yesterday. What happened today? Good Grief, Buddha. Can't you even come up with NEW stuff to whine about?"


Owen was just taking another sip...and choked. After coughing for the better part of two minutes he looked at Paradox. "I'm sorry but I only do killing every other day. Today was my appointment at the beauty parlour." He sighed. "So, what bad things have happened today...I mean except that you won't let me deal with that Selshan worm in the brig?" He looked challengingly over to Day.


Day's jaw tightened ominously, "If you try it, so help me... I WILL keelhaul you." Her anger was almost a physical presence, and was demonstrated as she picked up her half-melted dessert and threw it across the room. "And THEN, I'll bust you back to Private and you can go back through basic right along with the other two!"


Owen didn't flinch. His head turned, his eyes following the trajectory of the sundae. "I take it someone else has done that already." Buddha surprised himself at how calm he managed to stay at this outburst of anger. He took another sip. "Don't worry, I got my orders and I follow them. Who are "the other two" if I may ask?"


"The two that broke into the brig to question the bastard... the bleeding heart and her accomplice. The ones that may expose Harper and I to ... Nevermind. At least you follow orders. Like I told Medusa, Marines are easier."


Buddha tried hard to suppress a grin. Obviously someone had managed to ###### off Paradox big time. "Yes Marines are much easier. So, you're making those two go through basic...I mean marine basic? Wow...what a prospect. But don't you think you are overreacting? I mean two fleeters disobeying orders....that's usually not such a big deal."


Paradox glared at him again, "It is when it's two of the (expletive deleted) department heads! There isn't much else we can do to them. Considering the trouble they have caused, and the... no, it's not overreacting. If anything, they're still getting off easy. They could be court-martialed for this."


"Department heads? Wow...I think I understand why you're so...euh...upset. but you know...he deserved it...whatever they've done to him, he deserved it."


Again, Day sighed, "They want to KEEP him. Forgive him. He's just misunderstood, you see..." Her fist clenched and unclenched, "We're giving him back to the Selshan. It's the best way to keep ourselves out of a war with them. But they want to use him for intel, as a guide..."


Owen raised his eyebrows. "I'm sorry I think I didn't get what you said...build up of earwax or something...did you say they want to FORGIVE him? Put the safety of the crew and the ship at risk in order to save this squalid little worm? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for protecting the weak but this guy knowingly sabotaged our mission so we'd kill hundreds of his people. He isn't worth putting any of our crew at risk!"


"Precisely why Medusa and I opted to return him." She took a deep breath, "His motives... deep down, are somewhat honorable. He's trying to get the attention of the government.. really make changes. But he went about it SO the wrong way.... " She sighed again, pressing index fingers to her temples. "I'll give him this.. he's a fighter."


Owen shook his head vigorously. "A fighter? He's a coward. He used us. You know, it's not just the motives that matter but also the means. As far as I am concerned he doesn't deserve to live. The only reason why I haven't killed him yet is that it would put me on the same level as him. I don't give a rat's rear what the Selshan will do with him. And if giving him back assures save passage for us...all the better." He leaned back in his chair, still not believing what he had just heard. He knocked back the rest of the drink and set the glass back on the table with a loud thud.


Day's face paled a little. Was he right? Can the motives justify the means? Was the means of the mind-meld justified by the motive to protect the ship? Her eyes dropped, as the internal struggle resulting from the last several hours renewed itself once more.


Owen stared at his glass for a couple of minutes. No one spoke. Suddenly he got up, almost knocking over his chair. I think I should go try and get some sleep."


Lost in thought, she didn't even really acknowledge him. The only person that might understand her dilemma was the last person she could discuss it with. Doctor Levy was a telepath, but she was a doctor, and her oath would compel her to report the violation of regs.


Leaving the Marine lounge Owen knew he would probably not sleep tonight. He had the irresistible urge to smash something. A couple of minutes later he was in the locker room of the gym, changing for a long workout.

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