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And still, even more confusion

The ship shudders as the Vorcha class vessel fires on it...again ! RHoz hears Narn utter a curse from the Captains chair as the vessel recloaks . RHoz finds himself sitting at helm,  puzzled at how he knows evasive flight tactics.  Basic flight operations is taught as a prerequisite at the Academy, but he manipulates the navigational software as if  he were born to fly a starship.


As they execute the Picard maneuver, RHoz finds himself unsettled...yet his blood crys out for the destruction of the Petaq klingon vessel now decloaked on the main viewer!  He shrugs as he maneuvers the Lakota to get a good shot on the Klingon Duj.




         Ad astra per aspera... A rough road leads to the stars

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