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"All I Want For Christmas..."


USS Agincourt NCC-81762

“All I Want for Christmas…”


…is a rear fang molar, a rear fang molar…


Kansas had woken up abruptly when she had rolled over in her sleep and pressed her still tender jaw and mouth against the mattress of the bio bed. Bleary eyed, the lieutenant commander carefully rolled over to take in the surroundings of the medical bay. Various technicians and interns bustled this way and that, prepping for possible casualties if the Selshan ships decided to fire at the Agincourt. Her scuffed EV suit and cracked helmet lay nearby, piled atop a chair; some blood was still visible inside the helmet from the smacking her head and mouth had taken. The feline started cussing under her breath at the universe – and the Selshan traitor Noleph - in general.


The feline admitted to herself that she felt lousy. The long hours put in, the prep work for the security portion of the Umbara General extraction mission, the bruising sparring match she had had with “Buddha” Matthews prior to the launch of the op, and finally the shuttle crash that had given her a concussion and knocked a tooth out – it had all finally caught up to her. Honestly, she hadn’t felt this sore since the Academy survival trek in the Appalachian Mountains. Her body was letting her know that she desperately needed to rest, and there was no way sickbay would release her without Doctor Levy’s permission. Kansas also couldn’t just “sneak out” this time as she had done after the sparring match treatment – an annoyed CMO hunting you down? This was a much scarier option then an angry mother Le Matya protecting her cubs.


She rubbed a paw over her eyes and swiped the Padd from the nearby bedside table, and promptly yelped as her paw throbbed. Great Bird of the Galaxy, was there a section of her body that hadn’t been jostled during the shuttle crash? Don’t answer that.


The information on the report padd made her feel better, as Lieutenant “Elvis” Black-Knight had the security department well in hand during her incarceration. Wait – hospital stay? Enforced vacation sounded better. The Umbara general was settled in her quarters, and that Selshan rat Noleph was under heavy guard. Elvis had ended the report with another ‘don’t worry about it’. The feline smiled, and then grimaced as her jaw throbbed through the medicine again.


The painkillers and fatigue caught up with her again and JoNs felt sleepy. The Caitian replaced the report padd after electronically signing off on it, and then rolled over onto her side. Her last vision was of her dislodged fang as it floated in a clear container of solution on the side table. Her last thought was to never take anything for granted – especially an extraction mission where the inside information on how to compromise the Selshan came from a being who was double agent and on the run from his own people in the first place.

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