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USS Republic Simlog

23:13:12 STSF_BluRox -> BEGIN SIM

23:13:15 STSF_BluRox -> BEGIN SIM

23:13:18 STSF_BluRox -> BEGIN SIM

23:13:25 STSF_BluRox -> Mission

23:13:49 Joy -> :: lookng at the marker stones, and how the shadow of the sun has been falling ::

23:13:51 STSF_BluRox -> Briefing: With a source of fruit found nearby, the panic over food has been lessened a little

23:14:29 STSF_BluRox -> and the crew has been setting up more ammenities to help make life more comfortable, as rescue does not seem to be fast in the coming

23:15:17 STSF_KBear -> :: working on drying the fruit::

23:16:04 Cdr Rian Kwai -> ::listening to a long, drawn out explaination about we can turn a tubor into a battery for....well?::

23:16:20 STSF_KBear -> Rian These dried fruits should last about a month or so before they start to go bad.

23:16:26 DaveJohnson -> ::Sitting by a tree with Rebecca, fiddling with some pieces of metal::

23:16:50 STSF_KBear -> Sorry Sir thought you wanted to know.

23:17:03 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> test

23:17:10 STSF_KBear -> <<pass.>>

23:17:13 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> yrdfhgfgfh

23:17:34 STSF_BluRox -> <nice typing Hans>

23:17:47 August Jax Robinson -> <<Such potty mouth in our room!>>

23:17:50 LtCmdrRobinson -> ::building a solar shower::

23:17:50 STSF_KBear -> <<WB Hans>>

23:17:55 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> <ty<


23:17:59 Cdr Rian Kwai -> Let's hope we're not here a month to see them go bad.

23:18:04 August Jax Robinson -> <<NO!!>>

23:18:08 Cdr Rian Kwai -> ((another month0)

23:18:08 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> < O_O >

23:18:16 DaveJohnson -> LtCohen>::to Johnson:: You know you don't have to go to so much trouble for me

23:18:25 STSF_KBear -> <<APOLLO!!!!>>>

23:18:33 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> <Linkage!>

23:18:35 Apollo -> << I actually do still exsist >>

23:18:47 STSF_BluRox -> <omg>

23:18:51 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::Adds another arrow to the pile::

23:18:52 STSF_KBear -> <<ITS AMAZING!!!>>>

23:19:19 DaveJohnson -> ::to Cohen:: I promised you that you'd have something to do and I stand by it

23:19:20 August Jax Robinson -> ::sighs, walks over to Will::

23:19:22 Joy -> << I looked specifically for him after our arrival. Couldn't find him.... :P >>

23:19:38 STSF_KBear -> Sir? the way its looking Hans and Will have a nice stock pile of Spears and bows and arrow

23:20:00 DaveJohnson -> LtCohen>::feels something:: Dave, quick, the baby's kicking ::smiles::

23:20:05 Cdr Rian Kwai -> Don't complain, it keeps them out of trouble.

23:20:05 STSF_KBear -> <<And now hes gone>>

23:20:17 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::woroking on a canoe he stareed to carve a month and a half ago::

23:20:23 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> started*

23:20:27 LtCmdrRobinson -> How ya feeling? ::to jax::

23:20:30 DaveJohnson -> ::puts the metal down and puts his hand on Rebecca's stomach::

23:20:40 STSF_KBear -> Complain? Im not complaining only reprting in.

23:20:42 STSF_BluRox -> <wb>

23:20:44 Apollo -> << ::grabs the tape:: >>

23:20:46 STSF_KBear -> <<WB>>

23:21:11 LtCmdrRobinson -> << ::takes away the tape and uses staples:: >>

23:21:12 August Jax Robinson -> tired

23:21:30 STSF_BluRox -> @ ::continues to wander aimlessly, having lost all track of time in the twisting corridors::

23:22:04 STSF_KBear -> ::looks around for Jax::

23:22:13 STSF_BluRox -> @ ::continues to hear muffled voices, yet can never reach where they are coming from before they stop::

23:22:23 STSF_KBear -> ::Walks over to her:: Jax hows the shelters coming?

23:22:29 Joy -> :: Tries to improve the efficiency of the jury rig recharer mechanism. ::

23:22:47 LtCmdrRobinson -> ::finishes up:: Well, if you wait a few hours for it to heat up, you can have the first hot shower here. Should work fine.

23:23:05 DaveJohnson -> ::to LtCohen:: Hopefully we will be off of...this planet if it is even real before you go into labor ::chuckles::

23:23:34 August Jax Robinson -> I thought we would be off this rock by now

23:23:41 DaveJohnson -> ::to LtCohen:: Here ::hands her the metal pieces which he has managed to mold into a few weight lifting devices

23:23:44 STSF_KBear -> Hot Water Will?

23:24:19 STSF_KBear -> Dont look for it to happen to soon. We might as well make the best of it.

23:24:20 DaveJohnson -> LtCohen>::to Dave:: Thanks ::smiles and kisses him on the cheek::

23:24:29 STSF_BluRox -> @ In her mind, Blu continues to hear the lost voices, and swears she's hearing voices of those she's lost or had gone missing in her past

23:24:31 DaveJohnson -> ::to Cohen:: I'm going to go help Lt Commander Jax

23:24:36 Cdr Rian Kwai -> ::looking over the patrol maps taken over the past two months:: I can't believe we're on the only planet I've ever encountered that is not inhabited by...well...someone that can help us.

23:24:44 DaveJohnson -> ::gets up and walks over to Jax::

23:25:03 LtCmdrRobinson -> Only enough hot water for maybe 3 uses a day, but at this point any luxury is appreciated.

23:25:05 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::hammering in some benches and evening out the wood for a more steamlined flow::

23:25:54 STSF_KBear -> I told you a while back that the Prophets..... On nevermind. ::turns away from Rian knowing she doesnt want to hear it again::

23:26:03 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::shrugs::

23:26:06 STSF_BluRox -> <Hans!! That reminds me of the time we did Trading Spaces Starship episode!!>

23:26:12 August Jax Robinson -> ::Gives KB A look:: I wasn't planning on having natural child birth... and aren't you worried about your Daughter?

23:26:18 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> <lol>

23:26:33 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> <I remember that!?

23:26:35 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> >

23:26:39 DaveJohnson -> ::hears the conversation between Jax & KBear::

23:26:49 STSF_KBear -> I am but I also know the Prophets will not allow anything to happen to the inicent

23:26:52 DaveJohnson -> ::waits to speak to Jax while he listens in quietly::

23:27:10 Apollo -> << LOL >>

23:27:11 STSF_BluRox -> <that would make you all out to be...the guilty>

23:27:29 Apollo -> << At least she didn't remember the time that we blew up the ship and got into hot water on Aegis... >>

23:27:49 STSF_KBear -> <<LOL>>

23:27:54 Cdr Rian Kwai -> So what? We're guilty? Guilty of what? Wanting to go home?

23:27:56 August Jax Robinson -> ::Grumbles, looks at Will:: do something

23:27:56 STSF_BluRox -> <oh, Fred and I remember Apollo and Hans>

23:28:05 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> <Technically, we averted that timeline...>

23:28:13 STSF_BluRox -> <true>

23:28:20 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> < :P >

23:28:22 DaveJohnson -> ::to Jax:: Perhaps I might be able to do something to help, with something ma'am

23:28:23 Apollo -> << save for the fact she wrote her self a memo >>

23:28:25 STSF_KBear -> ::just goes silent::

23:28:30 STSF_BluRox -> <true>

23:28:31 Apollo -> << because she's vindictive like that >>

23:28:38 STSF_BluRox -> <don't go there>

23:28:40 August Jax Robinson -> ::Looks at Dave:: like what?

23:28:50 DaveJohnson -> ::to Jax:: Well haven't done much since you & I built those storage containers for the food

23:29:01 Apollo -> << wasn't that also the same little pleasure cruise I thought we should let the local execute her? >>

23:29:11 Apollo -> << or was that the next trip? >>

23:29:17 August Jax Robinson -> Dave... I give you premission do do it

23:29:26 STSF_KBear -> <same one I think>>

23:29:38 Joy -> :: considers, again, the problem of communicating with energy beings. ::

23:29:45 STSF_BluRox -> <I'm feeling the love here..... :/

23:29:47 STSF_KBear -> <<that was another demotion for me>>

23:29:49 DaveJohnson -> ::to Jax:: When I figure out what is, I'll let you know ma'am thank you

23:30:01 DaveJohnson -> ::to KBear:: Captain, might I have a moment of your time

23:30:19 Joy -> << AFK a bit >>

23:30:19 LtCmdrRobinson -> ::points to Kwai:: Thats the captain ::quietly::

23:30:22 Apollo -> << two words: electo-whip >>

23:30:46 STSF_KBear -> Sure Dave, ::shakes head and walks off::

23:30:50 STSF_BluRox -> @ :: is fairly ceratin that she is going insane, with all this wandering and finding nothing but shadows and voices>

23:30:54 STSF_BluRox -> <wrong sim>

23:30:56 DaveJohnson -> ::walking with the Captain::

23:31:01 Apollo -> << :lol: >>

23:31:02 STSF_KBear -> What do you need Dave.

23:31:08 Apollo -> << Also, Orange Thong >>

23:31:22 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> <ROFLK>

23:31:23 DaveJohnson -> ::to KBear:: Remember how you told us that story around the campfire a few months back right after we got here

23:31:29 August Jax Robinson -> ::Looks at Will:: Well?!

23:31:35 LtCmdrRobinson -> Well what?

23:31:47 Apollo -> << Also: Holly turned my quarters into an ice-cave. >>

23:31:53 August Jax Robinson -> I asked you to do something

23:31:57 STSF_KBear -> And Wills Right Im not the captain any longer Kwai is Acting Captain and Will is Acting XO

23:32:10 LtCmdrRobinson -> Ok what do you want me to do?

23:32:30 STSF_KBear -> Yes what about it

23:32:35 DaveJohnson -> ::to KBear:: I'm sorry, the command structure hasn't exactly been on my mind lately

23:32:38 STSF_BluRox -> ACTION: Lt Vince, having tired of hoe'ing for the day, decides it's time to give that lazy Apollo a chance, and drops the hoe across the prone sleeping form of Apollo:: Your turn. You're the science officer, make something grow faster

23:32:42 STSF_BluRox -> ::walks away::

23:33:03 Cdr Rian Kwai -> :;just shakes her head, studying the maps for a time, then glances up:: I'm going to take a bit of a walk. May there's something we missed...

23:33:06 Joy -> <<BAK>>

23:33:18 STSF_KBear -> <<WB>>

23:33:21 DaveJohnson -> ::to KBear:: Well...I want to let you know I have really been thinking about it

23:33:22 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::looks at his progress. Yes very canoe like::

23:33:27 August Jax Robinson -> ::Sighs:: I don't know... but something has to happen ::Sniffles:: I can't handle this anymore

23:33:38 STSF_BluRox -> <That was nothing on the time Mario and Luigi, those cheap plumbers we picked up on the starbase, had her fill Will's quarters with Jelly covered toast>

23:33:50 DaveJohnson -> ::to KBear:: And I have a feeling that we are here for a reason, wherever here is, and if the others would just well...listen to you we might find a way back home

23:33:59 LtCmdrRobinson -> <ah, good times>

23:34:03 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::places his home made oars in the boat as well::

23:34:24 DaveJohnson -> ::to KBear:: It's not Q, it's not some random alien species that is doing this I am convinced of that...but everyone else just seems to be content to accept the situation

23:34:46 STSF_KBear -> Thanks Dave, Its not I that you have to convence. Its them.

23:35:09 LtCmdrRobinson -> I know. This whole situation sucks. i am a bit worried, with our lack of medical equipment and your pregnancy.

23:35:12 Apollo -> Apollo> ::starts hoe'ing...if only he had a P.I.M.P. ::

23:35:21 Joy -> :: Considers, now that the observatory has performed its primary function, whether to let the younger scientists dye themselves blue and dance skyclad... none of the other approaches to summoning energy beings have worked... ::

23:35:22 DaveJohnson -> ::to KBear:: I was wondering what I can do to help, what I should be doing if anything so we can have a better chance of making it home

23:35:41 STSF_BluRox -> @ ::comes upon the tray of salad and fruit she encounters every so often, and decides to stop to eat. Someone must feel it's about dinner time.

23:35:45 Fiona Weber -> ::doing something with... something or the rather::

23:36:02 August Jax Robinson -> it doesn't help that I keep crying

23:36:04 DaveJohnson -> ::to KBear:: I know some people who were on the Voyager and I don't want us to end up like them, they made it home but believe me they got lucky, and if we don't try harder we could spend the rest of or lives here

23:36:08 STSF_BluRox -> @ ::takes the tray from the shelf and sits on the floor and starts eating::

23:36:29 LtCmdrRobinson -> Dont start doing that again, I hate it when you do that.

23:36:49 August Jax Robinson -> ::Rubs tear away:: I'm sorry

23:37:06 Cdr Rian Kwai -> ::takes her barings and starts walking, following the map to avoid the charted terriroty, mainly to see if there's something they missed::

23:37:35 STSF_KBear -> I know But you have to tell the others. If we would work as one and as a family, even closer than a team. family cares for eachother through thick and thin.

23:37:50 LtCmdrRobinson -> We wont be here forever. Eventually the 'prophets' will get bored of us rotting away on this planet.

23:37:59 STSF_BluRox -> @ ::having finished the food, and tired of the days, weeks who knows how long of wandering, she decides to just stop and lay down on the floor

23:38:06 DaveJohnson -> ::to KBear:: Alright...that is one way to start, I'm an engineer right, engineers fix things, I think it's time to go...fix their thinking

23:38:13 LtCmdrRobinson -> Becuase if we havnt done what they wanted by now, its not ever going to happen

23:38:30 STSF_KBear -> Good luck

23:38:33 August Jax Robinson -> what if we never leave?

23:38:50 August Jax Robinson -> I can't live like this forever!

23:38:50 DaveJohnson -> ::to KBear:: I will probably need it

23:38:56 August Jax Robinson -> I need sunscreen!

23:39:04 August Jax Robinson -> and power.. and soap

23:39:06 LtCmdrRobinson -> Well you wont live forever.

23:39:10 STSF_KBear -> ::walks back over to Jax::

23:39:20 August Jax Robinson -> I need pain medication!

23:39:35 LtCmdrRobinson -> Bring the freak-out storm down a notch, ok?

23:39:36 DaveJohnson -> ::walks over to Weber::

23:39:37 STSF_KBear -> Soap and sunscreen can be made JAx. we have the plant material

23:39:41 Fiona Weber -> ::vaguely uninterested in the woes of the Trill and her two parasites::

23:39:44 DaveJohnson -> ::calls out:: Hey Doc!

23:40:06 STSF_BluRox -> @ ::dozing off, she finds herself sitting in the messhall, across from Erinna, Fish and Ann

23:40:35 Fiona Weber -> ::... and Johnson & Parasites. She turned to quirk an eyebrow at Johnson.:: Yess?

23:40:39 August Jax Robinson -> ::Sighs:: Commander... I am a pampered women... altho I am an engineering and I do get dirty.. I still need somethings in life... like chocolate

23:40:47 DaveJohnson -> ::to Fiona:: Got a minute to talk?

23:40:56 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> Maybe there are some cocoa beans nearby

23:41:07 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::Still working on his canoe::

23:41:14 Cdr Rian Kwai -> ((Hey, which Trill are you bored with? ::pokes her lip out::))

23:41:38 Fiona Weber -> A minute, yes...

23:41:50 Fiona Weber -> (Jax, of course -- you only have ONE parasite right now. :))

23:42:02 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> :)

23:42:08 Cdr Rian Kwai -> ::hops down from a small rock outcropping, and makes a notation on the map before picking her way through the undergrowth::

23:42:18 DaveJohnson -> ::to Fiona:: Well...remember about 8 months ago when you sowed back on my finger after that duck bit it off

23:42:26 STSF_BluRox -> <rofl, parasites>

23:42:35 Fiona Weber -> ::blinks::

23:42:37 STSF_KBear -> <<::snickers::>>

23:42:44 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> <lol>

23:42:47 Fiona Weber -> I've never sewn your finger back on.

23:43:00 DaveJohnson -> <<Was that TLanna >>

23:43:23 Fiona Weber -> (Must have been)

23:43:41 STSF_BluRox -> < or cirara>

23:43:41 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> <may do>

23:43:54 DaveJohnson -> ::to Fiona:: Oh that must have been Dr. Eagle...well, the point is that you have done things for me which although you are just doing your job have really helped me

23:44:27 STSF_BluRox -> @ Finds herself talking to old friends, now dead, or missing and presummed dead

23:44:37 DaveJohnson -> ::to Fiona:: But it occurs to me that I don't do enough for you, and you and I the rest of the crew are a team, a family sort of and we need to work together

23:44:40 August Jax Robinson -> I am going for a walk

23:44:50 Fiona Weber -> I haven't required anything of you.

23:44:55 LtCmdrRobinson -> Dont go to far

23:44:59 STSF_KBear -> Jax, We can make things like soaps, Sun screens and other things.

23:45:00 DaveJohnson -> ::to Fiona:: So I was wondering if I could help you with something, anything no matter how small

23:45:14 Fiona Weber -> Hmm... not at the moment. I'll let you know if I think of anything...

23:45:19 August Jax Robinson -> ::starts towards the water:: try and stop me ::Sticks her tounge out::

23:45:40 DaveJohnson -> ::to Fiona:: I know it may sound like a strange request but I have a burning desire to return the past things you have done for me

23:45:41 STSF_KBear -> Jax? ::as shes walking away::

23:45:49 August Jax Robinson -> Yes Commander?

23:46:55 Fiona Weber -> I'll keep you in mind, Lieutenant, should need arise for me to contact someone for help.

23:47:09 DaveJohnson -> ::to Fiona: Thank you Doc

23:47:13 STSF_KBear -> We need to take into consideration that we may be here for a while. There are things on this planet that I had been taught about when I was small and with the Occupasion. THe plant life here can be used to make things we need.

23:47:18 Cdr Rian Kwai -> <m>I really don't apprecaite this, you know? ::talking to the sky as she walks:: If you knew anything about me, you know I don't respond real well to beings trying to force their will on me.

23:47:24 DaveJohnson -> ::to Fiona:: Have a good day

23:47:34 DaveJohnson -> ::to Fiona:: Oh and Doc...

23:47:41 Fiona Weber -> Yes?

23:47:53 STSF_BluRox -> @ I dont' understand what you mean

23:48:07 DaveJohnson -> ::to Fiona:: Pass on the good word if you wouldn't mind, to someone else you encounter today ::smiles::

23:48:11 STSF_BluRox -> @ Erinna> You've lost yourself

23:48:28 STSF_BluRox -> @ No kidding, I've been wandering around here for...days...weeks..

23:48:33 August Jax Robinson -> ::Places her hand on KB shoulder:: I am not good in nature, I was born in space.. it's where I belong. not here... in the sun.

23:48:34 Fiona Weber -> certainly.

23:48:44 STSF_BluRox -> @ Erinna> No, you've lost yourself, you've been wandering alone for years

23:48:48 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> @::picks a fruit from a tree, a non-poisonous, completely harmless apple and eats it::

23:48:49 Cdr Rian Kwai -> ::hops up on a rock, then walks the face of it to the other end, walking downhill:: The last time that happened, the freak turned me into a sideshow attraction at the Space Mall. You're not winning friends and influencing people here. You're agravating the

23:49:01 STSF_BluRox -> <hans, leave my @ alone!>

23:49:03 DaveJohnson -> ::to Fiona:: Thank you

23:49:06 STSF_BluRox -> < you cna'tg have that fruit>

23:49:12 Cdr Rian Kwai -> more. ::essentially talking to herself as she walks...must have finally gone over the bend herself::

23:49:13 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> <oops. JUst trying it on :D >

23:49:39 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::bites the apple::

23:49:47 Fiona Weber -> (Maybe it wasn't a serpent that tempted Eve to eat the fruit, but a cat. She's evil enough.)

23:50:15 STSF_BluRox -> <har har har>

23:50:20 STSF_KBear -> Only thing is Jax is this group needs to be more of a family, Not just s team. If we can get everyone to understand this we may get out of this more sooner than later

23:50:50 STSF_BluRox -> ACTION> An unexpected storm blows in,a nd catches Fiona away from shelter, the heavy rain soaking her to the bone

23:51:14 August Jax Robinson -> isn't that the same thing really? a Family is a team all working towards the survival of each other.

23:51:26 DaveJohnson -> ::see's Fiona getting wet::

23:51:34 DaveJohnson -> ::takes off his uniform jacket and runs over to her::

23:51:42 August Jax Robinson -> We are a team and a Family..I don;t know what more we can do

23:51:46 Joy -> :: Notes the storm, and moves the recharger inside ::

23:51:46 DaveJohnson -> ::to Fiona:: Doc, you're soaked

23:51:46 Fiona Weber -> ::growls, unhappily:: I'm QUITE fine.

23:51:55 STSF_KBear -> Not just a team. ::looks over at FIona:: ouch

23:51:57 Fiona Weber -> I'm waterproof. I'm not Joy, I don't rust.

23:52:02 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> Ack!::Seeks shelter::

23:52:05 DaveJohnson -> ::offers her his jacket::

23:52:06 Cdr Rian Kwai -> :;pauses long enough to make another notation on the map::

23:52:16 DaveJohnson -> ::to Fiona:: At least use it to dry yourself off, I don't think we have towels

23:52:25 Fiona Weber -> ::takes it, grumpily::

23:52:43 STSF_BluRox -> <Ah..the power of ACTION>

23:52:44 STSF_KBear -> Anyway. A family works closer together than a team does.

23:53:06 Apollo -> << What are you, a Level 70 ACTION Master? >>

23:53:08 DaveJohnson -> ::to Fiona:: I don't mean to baby you, but like I said, I think about our crew like a family and familes care for each other

23:53:12 Joy -> :: Goes back out to watch the storm for acts of god ::

23:53:14 August Jax Robinson -> I can't see us working any closer then we are now

23:53:22 DaveJohnson -> ::to Fiona:: Sides, you might end delivering my wife's baby

23:53:48 Fiona Weber -> ::Won't shudder.:: I'm not much of a pediatrician. Let's hope it doesn't come down to that.

23:53:55 STSF_BluRox -> <I'm sorry, but you know that my Annual Action Figures come out a the holiday party>

23:53:56 STSF_KBear -> Thats it, We need to.

23:54:10 Apollo -> << ::snicker:: >>

23:54:14 Cdr Rian Kwai -> ::tucks the map away and starts walking again:: <m>Nothing like camp, is it? ::sighs softly::

23:54:15 STSF_BluRox -> @ I do not understand Erinna, I've not been here for years

23:54:23 DaveJohnson -> ::to Fiona:: I'll leave you to your work

23:54:31 DaveJohnson -> ::to Fiona:: Keep the jacket for now

23:54:34 Fiona Weber -> Thank you, Sir. ::politely::

23:54:38 Apollo -> << I think I have the whole collection of t'Rexans and Laehval....though I am hoping to get the limited edition Collared BluRoxx >>

23:54:38 STSF_BluRox -> @ Fish> And how do you know that? Can you really say what the measure of time is?

23:54:41 August Jax Robinson -> Please tell me how then?

23:54:45 DaveJohnson -> ::to Fiona:: Your welcome ::smiles as he heads off::

23:54:45 Apollo -> << ::finds something very large to hide undeR:: >>

23:55:29 August Jax Robinson -> :: Makes her own Gaseous anomaly::

23:55:40 STSF_BluRox -> ACTION:The storm continues and a bolt of lighting slams down very near Apollo, close enough to raise the hairs on the back of his neck::

23:55:55 DaveJohnson -> ::hopes he has made an impact on Fiona as he heads inside the shelter::

23:55:55 STSF_KBear -> Jax Ive tryed everything I can, There is not enough working together and excepting that this might be our home for a long time. If folks would except that and work together as a family and not just a team there may be a chance.

23:56:02 Apollo -> << Oh how I missed that ACTION gun >>

23:56:04 DaveJohnson -> ::see's Joy::

23:56:11 DaveJohnson -> ::to Joy:: Joy, you alright?

23:56:13 LtCmdrRobinson -> ::starts directing people back to the shelter::

23:56:14 Cdr Rian Kwai -> ((Let's just hope it's not tornado season))

23:56:21 Fiona Weber -> ::is absolutely chilled, a little p-o'd, and muttering to herself::

23:56:27 Apollo -> << There's no place like home... >>

23:56:31 Fiona Weber -> ::heads for the shelter::

23:56:43 Joy -> I am quite all right. I am just not sure I am useful.

23:56:45 STSF_KBear -> We might want to get inside. That stomrs getting worse

23:56:51 DaveJohnson -> ::walks over to Joy::

23:56:56 STSF_BluRox -> @ Fish, I don't understand. They said you were dead...though.i thought i saw you one day at a Bajoran temple, but

23:56:57 DaveJohnson -> ::to Joy:: Let me tell you something

23:56:58 August Jax Robinson -> ::Heads back to the shelter, pissed::

23:56:59 LtCmdrRobinson -> Joy, why dont you hold up a lighting rod and get recharged while you are out here? ::grins::

23:57:12 DaveJohnson -> ::to Robison:: Leave her alone

23:57:18 LtCmdrRobinson -> All the power you'll ever need in less then one second

23:57:22 DaveJohnson -> ::to Robinson:: You aren't being helpful

23:57:51 Fiona Weber -> ::dries off with something, cranky::

23:57:55 Joy -> I need a trickle charge not a capacitor surge. Static electricity would not work, and would likely cause an overload.

23:58:06 August Jax Robinson -> ::Enters the shelter::

23:58:08 STSF_BluRox -> @Fish> One's existance is not measured by perceptions of life or death, as long as you believe that there is a continuity

23:58:18 Joy -> But you knew that...

23:58:19 DaveJohnson -> ::to Robinson:: I think your wife might need drying off sir

23:58:20 STSF_BluRox -> @ I'm afraid that I do not follow?

23:58:24 LtCmdrRobinson -> Joy, dave, shelter then. ::points:: Get moving.

23:58:39 DaveJohnson -> <<I'm in the shelter Will lol >>

23:58:42 LtCmdrRobinson -> If I touched her, shed just break my arm.

23:58:45 Cdr Rian Kwai -> ::makes a few more notations to the map:: <m>Well, I'm in between points and still no signs of civilization yet.

23:58:50 August Jax Robinson -> ::Shivers::

23:58:54 STSF_KBear -> ::in the shelterwith Jax::

23:59:00 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> Needs more fires

23:59:03 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ?

23:59:12 LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::also in the shelter, escaping the rain::

23:59:13 LtCmdrRobinson -> ::heads on in after Jax, throwing a towel in her direction::

23:59:15 DaveJohnson -> ::to Robinson:: You know sir...maybe if you started thinking of members of your family, like your family, you'd start thinking about your crewmates that way

23:59:20 STSF_BluRox -> @ Ann> What he is saying, is that it doesn't matter if he's thought to be dead of alive at the moment, but what does matter, is that he existed at all, that is what 's important, as each of us are integral to the puzzle

23:59:29 Joy -> :: Steps back further into the door ::

23:59:43 August Jax Robinson -> ::gets a towel tossed at her head::

23:59:47 Joy -> Sorry, looking for acts of gods. Not sure if the storm counts.

23:59:48 DaveJohnson -> ::to Joy:: As I was saying, let me tell you something, you may not feel important but you are...you are

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