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Mission Summary

Kania remains in her quarters and having read the note from Joy about a plea bargin, she lays on the sofa continplating which way to go.


Rian and Joy walk into a sanctuary and find a Verek. They begin to make their plea to get them to help with Kania's court martial. The Vedek explained what they had heard so far and how difficult it would be since each persons experience with the same orb differs. He also explained that they now concider Kawalas one of their most HOly. They were even repaired to ask her to remain at the temple with them.


Jax and Hans are relaxing in the messhall having a bit of dinner thinking of what all has happened during the court martial.


Blurox is having Dr Weber double checking on the scans that have been collected. There are simularites but none so far had the same extensivness.

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