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Destorie looked over from his prone position on the couch. Issaha had not returned during the night—shock. He'd gotten rather used to such arrangements in the time they'd lived together and anymore he passed it off as normal behavior. Issaha filled the hole in his soul with drunken debauchery, Destorie with pride and ambition.


For a moment though, he almost felt like his brother as he did not completely recall how he himself ended up on the couch in his quarters. Rubbing away the remnants of sleep from his eyes, he sat up remembering he'd spent most of the night prepping and drilling the crew for a possible Tal'Shiar attack and had wandered back to his room exhausted.


Somehow, he doubted his brother had worked his way into exhaustion...depending on your definition of work.


At any rate, he didn't have time to lay on the couch, he had two more drills planned this morning and he still had to attempt contact with his father. Oh it was going to be a fun morning.

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