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Mission Summary

Mission Summary:;:


Rian is continuing her questioning of the crew. She has now spoken with Hans and is presently speaking to the Admiral herself. INteresting thing is, the Admiral is bringing up news that Rian was not aware of. Will this hurt or help her Case for Kania.


Will and Jax are still in the honeymoon suite and trying to remember their wedding. Everything is there to suggest it did happen. The Picture, the Liscence, a congratulations notice from the Chapel, a fresh bottle of wine, and a wedding cake. They are still fighting but with a different tone.


Dave made the Admiral aware of the condition that the 2 Senior officers where in when he saw them in the bar last night. He made her aware that he didnt think it was proper.


Hans, after giving testimony to Rian, wnet back to his quarters to take a rest. and Drink a beer or two.


Joy continued her work on the bridge.


Kania sat in the cell, having refused to eat dinner. She took the padd of the DS9 news and began reading. She was astonished that Will and JAx had gone and gotten married and didnt tell anyone they were even engaged.

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