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Amidst the Rubble

"Amidst the Rubble"

Log entry 05: SD 50704.19


Meandering about the darkened and destroyed Fighter Bay, Zaifra Terios stumbles through the debris laden facility like a drunk trying to find his way home again. It certainly didn't seem as such any more, he thought as he pick through the debris of his office to collect his personal effects. With them in tow, he exited his office. Alone, with his thoughts, the Fighter Bay had a different ambience about it, as did, for that matter the rest of the ship he mused. Over the past year or so he'd been aboard the Reaent, he began to grow attached to the ship and the people who inhabit it. Such as it is, with every tour of duty he had.


His eyes fell on the darkened bay. The overhead lights flickering, basking the bay with periodic glows of white. The bulkhead poking straight through his fighter. Zafira exited the Fighter Bay and headed straight back to his quarters. It too, was a mess. A chaotic mixture of broken glass, fallen ceiling panels, clothes and other debris lying scattered throughout the floor. But he couldn't be bothered to care. He lie on his bed, without the reassuring thrum of the ship's warpcore, damaged beyond operation by the Tal'Shiar fighters.


Outside the confines of his walls, the Potemkin and the Defiant-class are towing the Raeant. Most likely to a nearby starbase where the ship would either undergo massive repairs, or decommissioning after being deemed a write off to Starfleet Command. Whether it would be the former or the latter of this, was beyond the scope of this tired soul. Nor did he want to think about it too much. But.. like most everyone on board, all he wanted was to relax a bit and perhaps to think about his future as the fate of the ship remains unknown.

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