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Thomas Jaruq

LtJg Thomas Jaruq

-=/\=-Starfleet Personnel Records-=/\=-

USS Arcadia 1742-E


Entry:  SD 37803.15  (Updated SD 37904.24)

Officer Name:  Thomas Jaruq

Rank:  Lieutenant J.G.

Assignment:  Assistant Engineer


*Personal Information*

Species:  1/2 Human 1/4 Betazoid 1/4 Felinian

Gender:  Male

Age:  25 Terran Years

Height:  1.88m (6'2")

Mass:  103.23kg (227.58 lb)

Hair Color:  D. Brown w/ several L. Brown Patches

Eye Color:  Gold

Skin Tone:  Light

Psi Rating:  1.8, Latent Empathy


*Geneaological Information*

P. Grandfather:  Musta Jaruq, Felinia Science Institute, xenobiologist

P. Grandmother:  Dr. Dubalas Mira, Starfleet, xenobiologist

Father:  Tigro Jaruq, Betazoid ambassador to Felinia

M. Grandfather:  Arthur McKinney, Oxford University, history professor

M. Grandmother:  Barbara McKinney, London Infirmary, medical director

Mother:  Lieutenant Theresa Jaruq, Starfleet, USS Tolkien, security officer

Siblings:  1 Brother, Pumo Jaruq, Felinia Science Institute, xenobiologist

Marital Status:  Single



The legacy of Starfleet's only current Felinian officer began when the Federation first made contact with his world in 2313.  At that time, Felinian scientists perfected the warp drive design and made their first leaps outside of their star system, in the Beta quadrant.  This occurence was overseen by scientists, mostly Betazoid, attached to Outpost 301B.  A Federation convoy made first contact with the Felinians and relations were eagerly welcomed by their science community.  During the first few months of formal relations, a wealth of information was collected on the people of Felinia.


The Felinians were named by a Human scientist, after a species of animal existing on Earth, the feline.  The Felinians bear a striking resemblance to that species, in outward appearance and physiology.  They evolved on a cold, mountainous world, competing with many other hostile species.  To adapt to the harsh conditions, they developed physiologies geared for survival: thick body hair to accomodate the cold, sharp claws and teeth to combat their competitors, and powerful leg muscles to traverse the rugged terrain.  Regardless of their advanced technology, they are a tribal and somewhat primitive species, socially speaking.  Even after the Felinians emerged the dominant species of their world, they remained a race prone to aggressiveness.  The greatest separating factors between the Earth feline and the Felinians are increased size, bipedal structure, and, most importantly, intelligence.  Only a select few decide to put their intelligence to use fully.  These Felinians make up the more civilized clans of Felinia, and were responsible for advancing the world technologically.  As they perfected warp travel, they received the Federation contact.  The more savage Felinian clans are somewhat hostile to outsiders.


Dr. Dubalas Mira was the head xenobiologist of a panel of Federation scientists assigned to study the Felinians from the surface of their world.  In addition to observing, firsthand, the Felinians and providing reports to the Council, they kept in close contact with Felinian scientists.  One such scientist, Musta Jaruq of the Felinia Science Institute, worked directly with Dr. Mira.  Together, they exchanged a great deal of information on their respective species... and more.  Due to certain mating cycles that were not properly explained to the Federation scientists in time, Dr. Mira first departed Felinia carrying Musta Jaruq's child.  They conceived Tigro Jaruq, the first hybrid between a Felinian and an off-worlder, and diplomatic ties between Betazoid and Felinia were formed.  Five months later, Tigro was born on Outpost 301B.


Medical experts were uncertain of Tigro's chances of survival, considering the many differences between his two parents' physiologies.  The two species turned out to be quite compatible, however, and Tigro grew up a healthy man.  He became an instrumental component of the diplomatic relations between Betazed and Felinia, even before he was named Ambassador between the two worlds in 2342.  When a minor conflict broke out on the colony of Tchrezna IV, which contained both Felinians and Betazoid, Ambassador Jaruq was assigned to alleviate the tension.  He was given escort to the colony aboard the USS Tolkien, where he met Ensign Theresa McKinney.  Kept in close contact during the escort, the two fell in love and later got married.  Providing yet another project for the Federation's medical experts, the two conceived a child, a hybrid of three unique races, Thomas Jaruq.  They later had a second child, Puma Jaruq, who works closely with his grandfather at the Felinia Science Institute.


*Personal History*

When Thomas was born, Tigro settled down on Betazed with Theresa.  It was there that most of Thomas' childhood was spent.  Though Tigro's field work took a back seat to caring for his child, recreational travel did allow Thomas to experience much of the Galaxy, mainly the other worlds of his lineage, Earth and Felinia.  There was much debate between the two parents as to how they would raise the child.  They decided that bringing him up with the customs of his homeworld of Betazoid would be best, but also intergrated Human and Felinian culture into his education.


As Thomas grew up, travelling the galaxy with his family, he developed a fascination with the cosmos and, especially, the fleets of starships roaming the stars.  In keeping with his Felinian lineage, he was always impressed by the power of starships, and spent a great deal of his time studying their schematics and functions.  He knew at an early age that his place was on board one of those vessels, preferably in the very organization that his mother served, Starfleet.


Aspiring to join Starfleet, at the age of 17, Thomas took the mandatory one year Starfleet Preparation Program at the Betazed Science Academy.  The newly created Program was aimed at encouraging more Betazoids to join Starfleet, while providing potential recruits with an edge in the Academy.  Arduous, but thorough, it gave basic instruction in the practices of a Starfleet officer and in the cultures, sciences, politics, and principles of the Federation, with emphasis on a Betazoid view of the Galaxy.


Continuing his pre-Starfleet study, Thomas served aboard the Betazoid freighter Antaj, assigned to the trade route between Betazed and Felinia, as an apprentice engineer.  Of the old style Arji class, almost due for decommisioning, the freighter was prone to frequently sustaining internal damage, giving Thomas plenty of experience with repair work.


With the proper experience and credentials, Thomas joined the Academy at the age of 20 to study engineering.  His major focuses were on Starship Mechanics, Warp Physics, Weapon Engineering, Temporal Mechanics, and Starship Design.  He excelled at all the required courses and graduated without incident in 2378.


*Medical Profile*

Thomas' unique mix of three distinct races represents a medical milestone.  Understanding all three races and how they are intergrated into Thomas' physiology is necessary to providing medical care.


Outwardly, Thomas has the appearance of any human or Betazoid, with the exception of three Felinian attributes.  Because of the odd hair pigmentation of the Felinian species, Thomas' hair contains very distinctly colored patches.  While Thomas does retain this trait of his Felinian lineage, his body hair grows only as thickly and only in the same places as the average human's.  His eyes, a deep gold in color, are not commonly seen among most species.  Additionally, an abnormal extension of his tail bone has lead to the presence of a fleshy "stub" on his lower back.  It is obviously not as long as the typical Felinian's tail, which can extend as much as three feet, but it is barely visible in a standard Starfleet uniform.  Though it is rare, the stub will sometimes vibrate in response to intense emotional stimuli.


Thomas' brain is largely based on Betazoid anatomy; he possesses latent empathic abilities.  It takes great effort for him to read even stronger emotions, but the most intense emotions can slip into his mind; he does not have the ability to block them.  In either case, a very strong empathic reading can leave Thomas in a weakened state and result in rather long term headaches.  These can be treated with common painkillers.


Most unique is Thomas' physiology, which is based largely on that of the Felinians.  There are several points which require particular consideration:


-Cardiovascular system.  Thomas' heart rate averages 95 beats per minute.  His normal body temperature is 37.9ºC.


-Musculoskeletal system.  Thomas' muscles are, in general, more developed than the average human's.  This carries with it the obvious advantage of increased strength.  The muscles of his legs and arms are particularly powerful, allowing him to sprint and leap great distances and excel at climbing skills.  The increased muscle mass is substituted for a more slim skeletal structure, which leaves Thomas more suspectible to injury.  His joints, however, are extremely flexible.  His greater ability to twist, turn, and bend his body are invaluable to performing engineering work.  Because of the increased agility, he is also more reflexive than the average human.  While Thomas' fingers do have the customary Felinian claws, he does not have the means to extend them.


-Sensory systems.  Felinians exhibit heightened senses of taste, smell, hearing, and sight.  Their ability to spot changes in light patterns from great distances and hear even the faintest sounds were once crucial to survival on the harsh world of Felinia.  For Thomas, the heightened senses allow him to perform meticulous engineering work more efficiently and hear energy resonance fluctuations before they have a chance to develop into mechanical problems.  Because of his unique brain structure, however, this can often lead to headaches.  The heightened senses also contribute to his sharper reflexes.


-Nervous system.  Several additional "sensitive areas" on the Felinian body include the jaw region, the lower back, the abdomen, and behind the ears.  Contact with any of these areas can arouse Thomas' emotions, positively or negatively depending on the situation and his mood.


-Communication.  Evolution has granted the Felinians linguistic ability.  Today, they communicate mostly with words, as would any other intelligent species.  Before the advantages of evolution, however, they communicated with vocal sounds and changes of their appearance.  Thomas is known, rarely and in states of intense emotion, to resort to these primitive forms of communication, which most notably include hissing and yowling.  Additionally, intense emotion or illness can cause rapid vibrations of the Keritad bone, situated near the heart, against his spine; this results in a soft "purring" sound.


-Medical personnel should be warned against using any drugs containing the herb Nepeta cataria, used in the production of some sedatives and painkillers, to treat Thomas.  The aroma of the herb is known to have narcotic effects on Felinians.  Injecting the herb into Thomas' bloodstream could cause him to completely lose his inhibitions.


Thomas' clash of three races' anatomies has, so far, not risen any medical concerns.  His condition should be continually monitored with medical checkups in the event that such a concern should present itself.  At the time of his last examination, Thomas was at perfect health for a being of Human, Betazoid, and Felinian origin.


*Psyche Evaluation*

Coping with a mixed species origin can be a challenging endeavour for a child.  It is known that, growing up on Betazoid, Thomas was somewhat of an outcast.  The instincts of his Felinian background, especially, clashed dramatically with the norms he was expected to follow in Betazoid civilization.  According to accounts, Thomas was a troublesome child, outspoken, prone to aggression directed at his peers, and preferring to swing about trees in the Betazed forests rather than calmly and patiently sitting through his school instructions.  Luckily, those raw instincs that have survived ages of Felinian evolution are most evident in the youngest of their kind.  Even as a full Felinian grows and matures, he allows his reasoning to overcome his instincts.  Thus, as Thomas matured on Betazoid, he learned to better meld himself into society.


The Thomas of today is a normal officer fully capable of following Starfleet protocols and socializing with his comrades.  The unpredictable nature, creative urges, and unique charm of a Human combine with the refinement and unrestricted passion of a Betazoid and the deeply rooted--but ever ready to spring to the surface--hunter's instinct of a Felinian to form the psyche of Thomas Jaruq.


In the workplace, Thomas is known to perform beyond, but not necessarily above, the call of duty.  He is an extremely creative engineer, never passing up the opportunity to pull apart and rearrange mechanical devices, or even concoct inventions of his own.  This could both get him into trouble and make him an invaluable member of an engineering team.  But his Felinian side also leaves Thomas with great respect for strong authority.  More reserved authority, on the other hand, he tends to view with skepticism.


The emotional awkwardness of Thomas' three species, as well as the fact that they are all clashing in a single mind, makes him an extremely moody person.  The aggressive side of Thomas can be expected to surface in heated situations, though his calmer Betazoid side goes to great efforts to keep his aggression in check.  He can also be fairly careless and prone to acts of mischief, like most Felinians.


As of last evaluation date, Thomas has no mental or emotional problems which should require special attention.


*Career History*

SD 35703.17:  Entered Erol Tynes Early Education Center

SD 36806.20:  Entered Erol Tynes Middle Education Center

SD 37104.27:  Graduated Erol Tynes, 9.7 Scholastic Scale

SD 37108.18:  Entered Betazed Science Academy, Starfleet Preparation Program

SD 37212.03:  Graduated Science Academy, 9.8 Scholastic Scale, received Minor Scholar Degree

SD 37304.05:  Began engineering apprenticeship aboard Betazed freighter Antaj

SD 37407.28:  Entered Starfleet Academy

SD 37803.08:  Graduated from Starfleet Academy, 3.8 GPA

SD 37803.14:  Assigned to USS Arcadia 1742-D as Assistant Engineer

SD 37804.10:  Transferred to USS Arcadia 1742-E

SD 37812.15:  Promoted to Lieutenant J.G.

SD 37901.20:  Vanished without a trace, declared MIA

SD 37904.23:  Reappeared on Arcadia

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