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"The Interview"


USS Agincourt NCC-81762

“The Interview”


JoNs re-read the information contained on the PADD she held, marginally impressed with the content that she saw there.


Said information was the long and distinguished service record of one Master Chief Petty Officer Keltex, formerly of the USS Gideon. He, along with the other surviving officers that had escaped the Gideon before the ship was destroyed, had applied for service on the Agincourt. A brief section in his bio indicated that he had also served in the Klingon Defense Force for a time, more then an indication that the Klingon could take care of himself. Another interesting, though again, brief, section also stated that he was not currently attached to a Klingon house. That was very interesting. Her whiskers really started quivering when she read the final section of the record highlighting the fact that the petty officer had served on the Aegis station at about the same time as MVess. Stations were big, and typically employed hundreds of security officers who may or may not have the need to co-ordinate with one another; she’d have to ask Keltex if he and the elder JoNs had ever crossed each other’s paths.


The door chime sounded in the office, indicating that the Klingon officer had arrived. “Enter” the Caitian called out, her purred voice carrying in the small confines of the office.


Keltex entered, a bit on the short side for a Klingon, but well muscled with an athletic build. He had an easy confidence that permeated the room. His hair, silver with age, matched the gleaming silver baldric he wore. His quick stop and surprised stare told Kansas exactly what she needed to know.


The security chief offered a fanged smile. “I am taking it the term family resemblance has now come into play?” She rose from the desk and walked around it, offering a paw to the Klingon. “Master Chief, welcome to the hallowed corridors of Agincourt security. Lieutenant JoNs. Have a seat.”


Keltex favored the Caitian with a snaggle toothed smile as he grasped the proffered paw. “Aye sir.” His voice was a smooth rumble. “Your fur tone is different, but you must be related to a being that I served with well over twenty years ago, MVess. We had a few dealings during her short time stationed on the Aegis; I was a young officer at the time.”


JoNs released her grip and backed up again to take her seat, not offering her back to the Klingon. It was silly, but she always felt it was better to face a Klingon in respect rather then turn her back to them. The petty officer as well took the seat opposite her desk.


She quickly scrolled through the Klingons Starfleet profile once more, and then turned her green eyes to him. “Keltex, I’ll be straightforward about this. Like the Gideon, we’ve lost a few good people since entering this gods danged Perseus Arm.”


The Caitian knew her tone was bitter. She probably would have been calmer regarding the subject if a report detailing the disappearance of Crewman Burne wasn’t still sitting on her desk. The Caitian sincerely hoped that those roving anomalies that had peppered the ship didn’t claim another crewperson in the future. Dammit, Burne had been only twenty two! She flinged a hard gaze at the PADD resting at one corner of the desk outlining the disappearances before turning her full attention back to the Klingon.


“You are currently the ranking security non-com on board this ship. I’d like to offer you a senior squad leader position if you are interested. You would report directly to myself.”


JoNs knew she was bypassing certain people in her department to give this position to a newcomer. However, the bottom line was that Keltex had the experience and the ranking, and had applied to the department. She could not willingly ignore his qualifications.


The Klingon fixed his gaze on JoNs. “I would be happy to accept the position.” He paused a beat. “Someone will need to keep the young Caitian kitten chief in line. You whelps these days need guidance” His intelligent gaze held amusement.


JoNs stared at the Klingon as her mind processed that little neutron bomb.


She had several options.


Stay calm. No. Too easy.


Put him on report.


Throw his ridged Klingon backside in the brig.


Decision made.


Within half a second, JoNs vaulted over the desk, Keltex standing to meet her charge. She slammed into the older Klingon, the momentum carrying them both toward and through the doorway as it swished open at the movement. He went down on his back with her on top of him. Her peripheral vision took in the offices unconsciously - several surprised security people gawked at the commotion, along with a visiting Marine and two sciences types turning in what looked like updated departmental reports, probably on the ship wide disappearances.


JoNs looked right at the Klingon. Well, actually, that was a bit hard not to do considering she was on top of him. “As I am so fond of pointing out to someone else, that’s Lieutenant Kitten to you, Ridges.” She punctuated the ‘ridges’ with a snarl.


The entire office was deathly quiet, as if frozen in time. Then, Keltex broke the silence with a roar of laughter, his breath smelling of...stuff the Caitian did not want to identify. Well, at least she had surmised correctly and he wasn’t going to kick her rear end. She rolled off of him into a crouch.


Kansas waved to everyone to go about their duties. She noted that the sciences types made a beeline out of the offices. Smart, very smart. The marine was a bit more hesitant, but Kansas waved her on, again signaling it was okay to go. The security officers just shrugged and returned to their duties.


Keltex got to his feet, the Caitian doing likewise. The Klingon’s laughter filled the offices. “Caitian! We have an understanding.” He gave her a hard slap on the shoulder, causing her to go off balance into a nearby console. Well, ow.


Kansas swallowed a few times against the pain in her shoulder. “You know, you Klingons don’t necessarily have to test every being you meet.”


The master chief looked at her as if she suddenly sprouted purple fur. “Where is the fun in that? I will report to my duties ASAP Lieutenant Kitten. Position accepted.” With that, Keltex gave the traditional Klingon salute, turned smartly and exited the security offices.


JoNs spoke, out loud to no one in particular. “My first security interview. Well, that was rather interesting. Please tell me they aren’t all like that.”

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