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USS Republic Summary

The USS Republic is on its way to Cardassian Prime to deliver humanitarian aide to the outter

Worlds that have not had incoming supplies in a while.

The Crew of the Republic are still rounding up the ducks and geting them all confined in one area.

These Ducks have been noted as being attack ducks and bitten a number of crew. The latest being Ens Johnson when he was follwing orders from lt Cmdr Jax. He had his finger bitten off by a duck. He was taken

to Sickbay for treatment and reattachment of the finger. The surgery was preformedby Dr Trillium with Dr Maxwell watching from the wings.


Kania was released from SB with Schawana and began to go look for the little ones newest freind not knowing they were dangerous. The call came from the bridge allerting her that they had arrived at their destination. She ordered Schawana to be taken back to their quarters while her duck was located and it would be brought to her.


Science was busy keeping tabs on the attack ducks. Also there was a discussion as to what do do with them. Everything from having Duck for dinner to shipping them someplace else.

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