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D'Mysus Ramson

Standing Their Ground

Hmm, forgot which name I was logged in as....and can't find the delete key.....This is from N'Rycus.




The information was short but clear. "Prepare to abandon the quadrant." The information storage device smacked against the far wall. N'Rycus gripped the edge of his desk in an attempt to prevent any other desktop devices from taking flight. He would have heard his own teeth grinding if not for the angry pounding of blood in his ears.


The Admiral and Ambassador had fowled things up with their ill advised move on T-Rogoran and now their mistakes were mounting. To lose a planet was bad. To be pushed out of the entire quadrant was unforgivable. The celebrations for their recent victories in battle were still underway and defeat was their reward? It would not be so under his watch. He had staked his entire career in this venture and he would not let it slip away. Too many colonist had set their homes here just to walk away.


He would have to be careful. He was the civilian overseer of the colony and his primary job was to dictate and maintain order. Panic would not serve anyone. He did have options. This was not any colony. These people were proud long serving members of the Empire. They had won their allotted lands by defending the Empire and now they would need to defend the lands given to them.


And Romulan law gave him this power. Colonial Dictate 128 gave him the power as Sector Administrator to conscript and muster civilians as needed to defend Romulan holdings. How would his comrades take this action though? The Ambassador could huff all she wanted but this was truly outsider her jurisdiction. The Admiral on the other hand could try and claim authority over the newly recruited army and simply order them to retreat. He would have to be careful.


Tapping his desk comm, "t'Uhla, send a message to the 5 highest ranking retired officers within the colony. Inform them to meet me in shelter 3 in 30 minutes."

Edited by D'Mysus Ramson

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