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Awakening the beast

Computer begin mission summary log:: Beep::..The computer replied as ready to begin recording, The away teams seem to have stumbled onto a way to activate the previousl held opinion that this ship was dead in space...upon discovery of what has been called a transdimensonal drive system which would indicate a temporal drive system that had been intentionally by the previous occupants,or commander to make it appear dead in space when in reality it was running in a program described as "possum",apparently to disuade or redirect others for some unknown reason.


That in itself is perplexing,for when the program was reiniated the program was set to go back and power up the ships operating systems,to bring all available systems back online...but for what preprogrammed purpose I find myself asking..well one thing is for sure it is my sincere hope we can gain some kind of useful data,and a hope we have not disturbed,and awakened a slumbering beast that may well devour us all.:End Log::

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