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Cptn Corizon

Magellan Waiting

For Brian Graham


Chief of Security Officer's Duty Log

Lt. Cmdr. Brian Graham Recording

USS Excalibur

Stardate 200606.07


Excalibur was still swarming with activity. Though the previous engagement had ended in victory, there was no telling how long there would be a respite from the hostilities. Because of that, the crew of the Excalibur was working diligently to prepare for the next engagement if there would be one. Engineer's, doctor's, security, science, command, all were busy with their respective duties, diagnostics, repairs, and decisions.


Brian being among them. Life was all about decisions, because that was what everyone did everyday. What to eat? What to wear? Where to go? Sleep in or report for your shift? Join Starfleet, resign Starfleet? Obey an order, disobey an order? All day long, decisions like these had to be made. Some were a lot harder than others, a lot harder, but they had to be made just as much as the easy ones. And then those decisions would generate more, and if you tried to track all of the possibilities and their outcomes, you'd go nuts because you couldn't hope to, there were an infinite number of combinations, and an infinite number of possibilities would spawn from them. It was sort of weird when one thought of it.


Brian reached the door and hit the chime.


"Enter," came a curt reply. Brian expected as much as he entered. There was no point in a long, drawn out welcome, especially over an intercom. Brian didn't care for them, saw no use for them, and barely used them. There were much more important things to focus on at the moment, a little thing of the galactic repercussions that could come about with the Scorpiad drama that was unfolding before them, and they had a hand in being players.


Brian looked forward at Commander Corizon sitting at his desk, reports everywhere. "Commander," Brian said as he nodded respectfully.


"Something I can do for you, Brian?" Corizon asked.


"Well, yes. But first, some additions to your pile," Brian replied, handing the PADDs over. "There are reports on Excalibur's tactical systems, how they performed, what could be done to possibly improve them for next time. Damage reports, casualty lists..."


"...repair projections, fleet movements, sensor reports, ship evaluations," the Commander took over, as he flipped through them and read the headings. He stopped when he got to the last one. "What's this one?" Brian didn't say anything, allowing the Commander to read it over. Corizon shifted his gaze from the PADD to the Andorian. "I asked you a question."


"Commander, it's a transfer request, sir."


"And why does it have your name on it?"


"Allow me to explain."


"Yes, please do."


"The ships of our fleet have taken damage, some not as much, some much more. One of the latter was the Magellan, Galaxy-class, I'm sure you know. They were in the Phoenix and Lexington’s battlegroup against one of the motherships. Performed well, but took heavy damage during their strike run, including significant casualties. I've attached their damage and casualty report to my request. Captain Forenald reported in his situation with the rest of the fleet, his primary request was a temporary replacement first officer; his was killed in the attack, along with several other experienced senior officers. I'd like to preemptively request to fill that temporary role, with your's and the Captain's approval, of course."


"And what about here?"


"With all due respect, Commander, Excalibur, even as we speak, is full of experienced, competent officers. We need every ship ready to for action, who knows how soon the enemy will be back. Magellan is in dire need, and I want to help out."


Corizon had been looking over the Magellan’s current status. "This is a very dangerous request. From the looks of that ship, another attack like what we just had, I can't guarantee that ship will even survive in it's current state."


"You can't guarantee Excalibur either, or any ship here. You're right, Magellan is not in good shape, which is why it needs more people to get it in better shape. I don't care if it's core is about to breach, I would like to do all I can."


"You're not going to change you mind on this, are you?"


"No, sir."


"And if I order you to stay?"


"I will follow your order, either way."






Brian stood on the transporter pad. Corizon had hailed the Magellan, and through the wicked static had managed to get his transfer approved. It didn't take much convicing, Forenald would have taken any form of life higher than a cat in the condition they were in. Magellan was alongside Excalibur, the coordinates were verified, and the transporter was standing by.


"Energize," Brian said.


The transporter beam washed over him, and deconstructed his pattern, and sent it to the other vessel. Brian left Excalibur the same way he had arrived, practically under the radar. Only two people aboard knew he left, Corizon and the Ensign manning the transporter. Everyone was doing their jobs, no point in bothering anyone with his absence, they would find out sooner or later.


Brian materialized on the Magellan: smoke, fires, exposed conduits, and Brian guessed this was what awaited him throughout the ship. Wasting no time, Brian made his way to the Bridge to see where to get started.

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