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Cptn Corizon

On Approach

Corizon tapped a claw anxiously as he watched the viewscreen. The Ardent was minutes away from Camelot station and the safe harbor of Avalon, yet he had a sinking feeling of dread welling in his stomach.


Perhaps it was just the nauseous feeling he got every time he remembered he was delivering the messiah of the Founders, or that he was helping to return Weyoun to position of primacy.


Every fiber of his being hated that man, what he stood for…and more importantly the ‘gods’ he served. Four Years, he waged war upon everything Corizon held dear. And now, Corizon was helping Weyoun restore the power and favor he’d lost, lost to men like Corizon. It was an irony that had not been lost on the Dameon in the least.


He glanced over at the young operation officer…Craven, yes that was his name. “Mister Craven,” Corizon stopped tapping his claw on the armrest.


Craven raised his head sharply, "Sir?"


"Contact Camelot CNC," Corizon didn't turn in his chair. "Let them know will be entering the system shortly, let them know will be needing extra security at the Airlock."


Craven's brow twitched a little. He had nearly forgotten the importance - and the dangerous nature - of the Ardent's "guests".


Swallowing hard he managed to utter a "Aye sir," and proceeded to alert Camelot station.


"This was your first real mission," Corizon let a small smirk cross his face, barely revealing the fangs. "Wasn't it, Ensign?"


A puzzled look washed over the ensign's face for only a brief moment before he replied, "Yes Sir...that is if you don’t count our first encounter with the Scorpiads...Sir."


"That wasn't exactly our first encounter," Corizon said matter-of-factly. "Nor do I think it will be our last..."


Craven's face remained somewhat stoic, lacking the apprehension he had noted when his peers had addressed their superior's. For some reason, that primal hesitation was lost on Craven. To him, a CO was just another person - who happened to be in charge - not someone to be feared.


Clearing his throat he added, "I have a feeling you're correct in that assumption Commander."


Jack's eyebrows arched a little. He hadn't known the Commander to be so...complimenting. Mind you, he hadn't known the Dameon for that long at all.


His grin became a beaming smile that he used all his force to supress, "Thank you sir, I'm glad you think so."


Letting a small smile escape him, Corizon glanced to him. “Well,” he said. “You only got shot at three times on your first mission with me…I think that’s a record low.”


“I hope that Avalon is finished,” Corizon noted, “but we may have to help them finish up…either that or something will go boom, never fails.”


A gleam of anxiousness shined in the young ensign's eye. He secretly wished they wouldnt be needed on the planet. He had hoped that they would spend some time on Excalibur or even just Camelot itself.


Time would tell.

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