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Date: Tue, Apr 28, 1998 11:27 PM

From: Dr Flip1









  If there was to be a day I would like to forget permanently, this would be the day.  I guess, I have come close to death before, but today was definitely the most horendous day of all.  I am sure the events of this day will somehow marr  my service record .  May the record show that I hold myself responsible for the events that transpired today,  and may the captain have mercy on my soul.


  I suppose the captain was gracious.  She could have had me thrown in the brig, or out an airlock,  I guess painting the sickbay blue is very lenient of her.  As per her order, I have set upon collecting the lost nanites. So far, I have manually collected 1,746 nanites throughout the ship's corridors, which took me most of my shift.  At this rate, I roughly calculate I will finish my task by next week. I decided to employ a different approach too

this problem.  


 With the knowledge that my nanites, ( and most nanites currently in circulation)  use modulated beta frequencies for inter-nanite communication,  and rely on  standard Daystrom subroutines in their programs,  I have modified a short range transmitter to constantly emit pulses of new subroutines and programs to my missing nanites. These programs and subroutines will instruct the nanites to proceed to a set coordinates for future collection.  If

Mohhamed can't come to the mountain, Let the Mountain come to Mohhamed.


  I have adjusted the transmitter to emit at a frequency and amplitude to affect only nanites, and not any of the ships functions.  I have run simulations on the computer, and have not encountered any interuption in shipwide functions. I have  also added an extra subroutine for specific nanitesI have used on some of my patients, Such as Lt Trek, so that they will ignore the set of new subroutines.  


  I figure I will be able to collect my nanites in 24 hours,  I thought of setting the coordinates for the sickbay or the medlab, but I decided that this may cause panic and discomfort for some of my colleuges, so I set the coordinates for my quarters, , specifically my kitchen table.  


 In the meantime, I will sleep.  crawling on all fours all day is tiring.




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