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Guest Mary Major

Marys Last Will and Testament

::setting up a tricorder hand-held to accept a hand written log entry::


I, Mary Elizabeth Major, a resident of the USS Manticore, being of sound mind and disposing memory, do hereby make, publish and declare this instrument to be my last will and testament, hereby adding to any and all wills and codicils by me at any time heretofore made. Due to extreme circumstances, under hostile capture and duress, and lacking a proper authority, I shall serve as both author and notary upon completion of this document.


Upon my death and recovery of my remains forthwith, I do hereby request my friends and fellow crewmen subject my flesh and bones to incinerating heat and then emit those remains into space. To be sure, only a small memorial in my name is to be held. After that, a celebration for all to enjoy and rest in the knowledge that I passed serving the Lord and those I loved.


Outside my useless shell, the following tangible possessions shall be dispersed thusly:


To my Medical Chief and dear friend, Doctor Kyle Mele, I leave my favorite collection of prose by an ancient English Spokesman named Martin Luther. His words of wisdom only matched by those of your own.


To our beloved Admiral Atragon, I leave my personal collection of holodeck programs. For when you possess a thrice mixed mind in a twice mixed universe, a body can use the rest and relaxation. (I personally recommend program three. Nothing cures a long days stress like a warm mug of co-co and a nice thunderstorm!)


To our ever stoic faced, yet soft hearted Captain Sovak, I leave my paints, canvas, and brushes. For only in a man whose feelings are kept so secret can the true being of imagination dwell.


Perhaps most importantly, to my dear friend and young girl at heart, Commander Farrington. Dear Jami, I leave to you my most prized of possessions. A long time ago, my mother passed down to me her mothers set of hair barrettes and silk scarves. Such a collection is wasted upon youth, because they cant appreciate its long standing through years of use and handling. May these mere hand-me-downs add by a small amount to an already beautiful elder, inside and out.


To the remainder of our gallant crew, my friends I much revere, I offer caring words to ponder:

Never take your family for granted, grow old gracefully, and always keep your wit. Thank you all for opening your doors and letting an old lady into your hearts. Its meant more to me than any of you will ever know.


I hereby sign with seal of approval and signature this document to be truthful and current this sixth day of the third month of this year and do also authenticate these statements as said by myself with my thumb print in indelible code.

Signed, Lieutenant Mary Major, M.D.



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