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Personal Log, SD9804.08

Subject: Personal Log, SD9804.08

Date: Wed, Apr 8, 1998 1:20 AM

From: LtjJonCohn




Jon Cohn sat at the work station in his quarters on Deck 33, facing the wall.  His arms were folded across his chest, and his legs were together.  His scrunched his face and wore a deep frown on it.  He was definitely pouting.  He was also recording his personal log.


"I didn't want to do it," he told himself, "But she gave me no choice.  I couldn't just stand by and do nothing, a problem like that could endanger the whole ship!  But I couldn't report her to T'Kai or Security; she'd be ruined!  My only choice was to involve Rhi, who can help Meri without breaking confidence...I hope.  I did the right thing."  He didn't sound convinced.


Cohn had other things on his mind, too. "The giant cat-lady's now my captain.  Talk about a small galaxy.  I hope my allergy doesn't come back.  That would be not cool.  And Gaelin's now the XO...which means there's now an opening for Chief Engineer."  He reached over and pressed a few buttons on his console, submitting his name for the post.  He was glad they didn't ask him why he thought he was qualified or any such garbage.  Despite his training

in politics, Jon wasn't good at making himself look good.


"I figure I don't have a snowball's chance of getting the job," said Cohn, "But it never hurts to ask.  I just hope they don't bring in some idiot from the outside who has no business being in an engine room...like the did on my last post."  After a pause, Cohn mused, "No, Gaelin would never allow that to happen.  He'd do the job himself first. But is there anybody aboard the Republic who might want the job and who's more qualified than me?"


Unable to answer the question immediately, Cohn stood up and paced across his room.  The answer hit him about thirty seconds later.  "Marak!" Cohn declared, "He outranks me.  He's been in the engine room before, and he's been sniffing around the nacelles in the past few days, which means he wants the job.  That means he'll get the job.  Well, c#@*!  And I can't even blame him for it.  That sucks!"


The computer responded to Cohn's exclamation of "That sucks!" with three musical chords of increasing dramatic intensity followed by the voice of a premier role model at the end of the 20th Century screaming, "Ahhhhhhhhh, Noooooooooooo!"  Amused at his little computer program, Jon made himself laugh artificially, saying, "Heh heh e-heh heheheh," interrupting his soliloquy with a genuine giggle now and then.


Once Jon mellowed out, he said, "Computer, delete the laughter and end log."  As the computer beep its acknowledgement, Cohn stripped down and stepped into the shower.  He turned the handles to begin the flow of water but instead found himself being pelted with something.


"Hey!  What the...?  Ow!"  Jon declared as he opened his eyes and dodged the onslaught.  He picked up one of the strange object and looked at it.  "Toast?" he asked, "My shower is pelting me with toast?"  He then took a bite, still in the buff, and declared, "Cinnamon Toast!  Yum!"


He tried to shut off the flow of toast.  Nothing happened, so Jon wrapped a towel around himself, and walked out of the bathroom.  Two hours later, still wearing only a towel, and with replicator parts scattered all over his room, Cohn came to a few conclusions:  1)  The energizing coils and imaging/targeting scanners in the replicators were way too powerful for their jobs,  2)  He'd have to talk with the security chief about the dangers and

possibilities of inter-ship personnel transport via the replicator system, and 3) He owed Ensign Kythe a little payback if and when she ever forgave him.


Lieutenant Junior Grade Jonathan A. Cohn, Assistant Engineer USS Republic

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