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Subject: Sorry

Date: Sat, Mar 28, 1998 2:57 PM

From: LtJg Joy




9803.3, Security Log, Supplemental,


LtJg Joy Five reporting.


Alert status shifted from Red to Yellow shortly after ready squad readied for boarding party ready status.  On orders from the bridge, we stood down the boarding party.  Members assigned have equipment still prepared, and are currently in the security ready area.


LtJg Cohn registered two muscle powered traditional weapons, and a standard Federation phaser.  Full scans of these devices are in the computer.


Alert status returned to Red.  Ensign Ace has been assigned to Tac, and is reporting to the bridge.  We have yet to receive orders to resume the boarding party stations, but the on shift and alert reserve personnel are being held together should a need develop.





9803.3, Personal log.  Joy Five


I was told I should not be sorry, that I should make ensigns sorry?


Being sorry indicates failure.  Either this unit failed to obey a law, follow an order, or an organic being expressed displeasure at this unit's performance.  If any of these events occur, negative feedback is associated with the memory, such that similar actions leading to the failure are avoided in the future.  Also, emotion status display of shame is displayed such that the organic being knows this unit is aware

of the failure.


False emotion state display is not possible.  If this unit fails, this unit will be sorry, and this unit will display sorry.


Also, this unit is optimized to make organic beings happy, including ensigns.  To induce negative feedback when an ensign behaves improperly is difficult enough.  It can be done if given direct orders.  However, for an android to make an organic being sorry due to the organic being's rank seems most improper.


If this unit is sorry, this unit will display sorry.  If this unit is with an ensign, the objective is to induce smiles, not inflict negative feedback.


I'm sorry...

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