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Subject: Request

Date: Fri, Oct 10, 1997 12:39 AM

From: LtnKitKat




--  Chapter 2  --

--  Request  --


   Savvik had just gone off-duty, and was on his way back to his quarters. Suddenly, he felt his center of calm reach out to someone on the ship. He didn't have to hear her voice to know who it was.


   {{Savvik...I need your help...please come...}}


   He sighed, smiled, and did a sharp about-face, and headed off in the direction of Kit's quarters. He had no clue what she wanted, but whatever it was, it was important; he could hear it in her voice. Her call echoed in his mind, and he quickened his pace quite a bit, almost knocking two ensigns over as they went about their business. He was almost in a dead run when he reached her door. Breathlessly, he pressed his thumb to the doorchime.



   {{I know it's you. Come in.}}


   The door slid oout of his way and he stepped into her quarters. As the door hissed shut, he saw her sitting on the couch under one of the windows in her quarters. By the look on her face and the tension in her thoughts, he could tell she was going to ask him do do something difficult.


   He walked over to where she was sitting and looked down into her eyes. She gave a weak smile and said "Hi."


   "You rang?" he responded.

   She wrung her hands nervously. "Yes... I need you to do something for me."

   Savvik raised an eyebrow and sat down beside her. "And what would that be?"

   "I need you to break the bond... between Rocks and I."


   Savvik sat, mouth agape, stunned. Kit reached over and lifted his jaw shut. He shook his head away. "What? Why would you... how could...," he stammered.


   "He's driving me nuts," she replied, her tone urgent. "And I want out. It doesn't feel right anymore... any of it. Please, can you... will you help me?"


   Savvik sat a moment in consideration. She seemed desperate enough... and he was the only one who could help her. But this was not an everyday request, and was a very big decision to make. He looked into her eyes, searching for his answer.



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