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Another day in the medical corp...

It had been an intresting day to say the least,and that was an understatment,he was

on his way to the mess hall to finally take the time to sit down,relax and enjoy a full

meal like a normal individual should,reflecting on the days events as the tl sped to

the proper destination,he had just completed the exhaustive research he and Laarell

had dedicated what seemed like weeks of ongoing time and effort,many without any

proper rest between,just catching cat naps in between and nibbling on stale food and

inbibing copious amounts of coffee,or alternative caffeine based beverages...you had

no choice working the hectic hours that were necessary when trying to come up with

information to possibly combat the biological threat the ship,station,and crews just

experienced first hand...rubbing his eyes and stretching,hope we have some real r&r

at some time in the near future...thinking and then just as quickly dismissing the idea


He exited the tl and proceeded down the hallway,entered the officers mess hall and

found a table nestled in a corner,just the right place to enjoy a little peace and quiet

away from the hustle and bustle in sick bay,away from the labs,computers that were

all a part of the cold sterile enviroment he was a part of and worked in,he mused he

would trade a bottle of good 100 year old scotch to be able to spend a few days back

on terra,back into his ancestorial lands with T'Linna simply enjoying nature and the

purity of the surroundings,taking in the natural as well as spiritual healing effects it

imbued to the recepients,yes T'Linna my love,and mother to our twins yet to be born

he gave the yeoman his order chuckling at his reaction to a steak,and buffalo tounge

both to be prepared rare,not well done as so many of his fellow shipmates he had

observed do in the past..he just did not understand why someone would cook out all

the nutrients and vitimans from a perfectly good piece of meat.


He could smell the delicious aroma of the various foods being prepared in the ships

galley,he knew all to well the effort the chefs applied to their chosen field of service.

afterall he was somewhat a decent cook himself and actually enjoyed it at times it is

an excellent way to releive the stress and strain from the day if nothing more than a

momentary distraction from the reality that those in the medical corp of starfleet did

endure from day to day,and do so willingly,but everyone needs a break sometimes.


While he awaited his order to be prepared he went over his check list of things to

do and daily reminders....he had been ordered by Cmdr. Corizon to forward the end

results of the research he and Larrell had completed,"check",he continued down the

list until he had checked off all the notes,well another days work was done,he sipped his tea...and dreamed of T'Linna,how he missed her,he truly loved her and the twins

I just wonder when we will have the oppurtunity to see each other again,and where

do we go from here on our next little adventure on the morning star,I will have to

send sub space comm to T'Linna when i finish dinner and get back to quarters,he was

making a mental note to do so when his order arrived,he thanked the yeoman,closed

his eyes,drifted into thought,almost as if he could see his beloved and how much he

desired she were with him right there,right now.....End Log:

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