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Guest Vulcan3324

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my friends and fellow Starfleet (and Rihannsu) officers here at Star Trek Simulation Forum!


And now, I'd like to give thanks for a few things here...



For STSF itself -- the best simulation community that I've ever seen.


For the GM's -- the people who make it all work, and keep it all in tip-top shape.


The players -- what would a Star Trek sim be without all of the players?


Logs! I love logging... whether it's collaborating on a joint log with a friend, or expanding my mind with creativity. Gotta love the feeling of sending out a completed masterpiece to the mailstring. :)


Thanks for the website -- the only way I can keep track of when everything is... who runs it... and where... :D


The message boards -- the best way to stay in touch and read all of the old logs.


The chatrooms -- although the message boards are great for archiving logs and community discussion, it wouldn't be very easy to have a live action simulation in Play-By-Bulletin-Board format! :P


Let me say special thanks to Challenger, my first advanced chatroom simulation here at STSF, or anywhere, for that matter. :huh: Best ENT-era I've ever come across. B)


Excalibur... my only 23rd Century chatroom simulation, and the best Sovereign-class in Starfleet. ::gasps:: But we're on the Morningstar! Oh well... we still love Morningstar.


Roaches! Food cubes! And let's not forget velour! My TOS-based thanks go to the USS Hood! Everyone remember save a little extra cranberry sauce for SkK and his distinguished team!


And since I've been watching, even I haven't had my first simulation yet, I'll say 'hann'yyo' to a very special non-Starfleet crew. You know who you are. :D


And it wouldn't be Saturday night without Redstar Nightclub. We could do without cages, but who am I to complain. I give thanks for Redstar. :D


And to all the other simulations that I am certain are just as wonderful as the ones I serve on, thank you!


T'Parek/Laarell/Sarvek/Sar'vek's player.


Happy Turkey Day!


This sappy and overdramatic message is not copyrighted 2005. Feel free to butcher and tear it apart as you wish.


And yes! I took time away from cooking the potatoes and rolls to post this message. :D

Edited by Vulcan3324

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whats Riesling?

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Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends here on STSF. This is my first Thankstgiving in Washington state with Angie. We both got in the kitchen and cooked for the entire clan.


22 pound turkey. Big ol bird.

cranberry sauce


cornbread dressing

mashed potatoes, gravy

sweet pea salad

fruit salad


pickled ocra

black and green olives

mixed nuts

dinner rolls

2 pumkin pies with french vanilla cool whip


Needless to say, everyone was pretty much stuffed after dinner. :D


I have alot to be thankful for this year. I escaped from big bad Katrina with my family. Angie and I are finally together face to face after more than a years worth of long distance romance. And, I'm fixing to get my apartment settled with a new computer so I can start simming again. (whoo hoo :huh: )

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.



"I purr, therefore I am."

Edited by DaryusZaphodDracal

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And it wouldn't be Saturday night without Redstar Nightclub. We could do without cages, but who am I to complain. I give thanks for Redstar. :huh:

I'm obviously thankful for the cages. :D


I've had a lot to be thankful for this year. Friends, family, good health, and good times, among other things. I hope the US STSFers enjoyed their Thanksgiving, and have a good weekend.

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::snickers at Kestra::


Daryus! We've been missing you and M'rrisha on Challenger!

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Happy Thanksgiving! And I wholeheartedly agree with Vulcan3324's STSF praise as well. :D

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(I say belated because I got knocked out from eating too much yesterday :D .)

Needless to say I had a lot of turkey. No pie though. I got knocked out after my 5th helping of a plate with only stuffing.

It was so fun in fact I'm going to make a timemachine and live it again!


I'm thankful for food and STSF and if you want a list just ask later. Wait it all boils down to the sun. That's where foods energy comes from, and if you don't have food then you can't live so you couldn't make STSF without it.

Yep it all boils down to the sun so I'm really thankful for that.

Edited by Elgor

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It wouldn't be me if I didn't push it to another day late...


So, uh yeah, thanksgiving was good, ate the bird, and then I stuffed myself on pecan pie (nothing greater) :P


Then me and my Uncle opened up the Boone's Farm...good stuff. I believe it was Hawaiian Apple or something, it was blue, fizzy and delicious.


Oh, and I'm thankful for all that other stuff everyone is all happy about.

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