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Are you sick of Virgin Mobile's "Chrismahanukwanzakah" commercial?   10 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you sick of Virgin Mobile's "Chrismahanukwanzakah" commercial?

    • Heck no, I think it's cute!
    • It was OK the first couple thousand times I heard it.
    • It is dumb.
    • Sheesh, Dumbass, are the holidays THAT boring for you?

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So whatcha think?

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i said heack no because i've only seen it once about a month ago and i'd like to see it again, that way i'd get the somg stuck in my head and then i would be annoyed.

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Hey there,


I'm sorry to say but I am indeed tired of the commerical. It's sad we live in a world today where many seem to expect they should be able to go thru life without being offended by the actions of others. Amazing.


Oh, and true...I can't get that damn song out of my head either. :P

Edited by FredM

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I thought it was pretty catchy, but I haven't heard it enough to hate it...yet.

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I no likie that song no more.. so annoying. ::plots to kill the Advertising Exec that thought up of that commercial:: :P

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I guess I'm not watching enough TV, because I really don't know what you're talking about.



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That commercial sickens me, it's a slap in the face of every single one of those holidays.

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I actually got a shirt that says that, but I haven't even seen the commercial.

Edited by Johnny Unitas

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I AM an Advertising Exec..and I cant stand the thing...


I think it diminishes each of the occasions...


Merry Christmas.....


If that offends au...I apologize....but yule live...

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I AM an Advertising Exec..and I cant stand the thing...


I think it diminishes each of the occasions...


Merry Christmas.....


If that offends au...I apologize....but yule live...

It does (that it diminishes each of the holidays that is), and it's completely stereotypical in it's approach too.

Edited by Nemesis

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I dont watch enough TV to be annoyed by any commercial, let alone a cell phone one thats just making fun of all the holidays and combining them into one ridiculous one.

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I can pretty much sum it up in one word: STUPID! No make that two words: STUPID COMMERCIAL!!!

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I have a funny story about this commercial. In my first hour class (which happens to be English) we watch a program called Channel 1. I guess it's a big thing, so any other American highschoolers out there probably know what I'm talking about. Anyways, they aired a program about the holiday's in general, and the whole idea of not being inclusive, and exclusive at the same time (which made me laugh, how the heck do you pull that off?).


Anyways, for anyone that cares, I am extremely Agnostic, and for an extremely long time an Atheist. I personally don't take the time for religion. I tend to believe there's something out that that could be considered a 'higher being' but not as involved in human life as a Christian God. Anyways, I'm off of my point. Seeing as how I hate English, and school in general, I made a fit to my english teacher about how this offends me. When she started to lecture me, I had a fit about how my religious, or rather, anti-religious beliefs were being impeached. After a trip to the principal's office with her, and another well presented speech, they actually let me go home for the day. (This is the same english teacher that once asked me if the reason that I wasn't doing my homework was because there was a problem at home. I proceded to answer that my dad locked me in my closet and beat me :P lol)


Anyways, if anyone that did get offended by me taking a situation like that, I'll let you know I was a little offended, but I personally didn't care. I have personal opinions on many things. A lot of people do, but I usually dont take stances on things, because of the ferocity that I defend my postition. I think that the holidays need to be about tolerance. I know this is harsh, but people just need to shut up, and stop trying to be nice to every one. Since when did it become the worlds responsiblity to make sure every one was happy? Let the Christians do there thing, the Jews do their thing, and stuff. I mean, how important to you is it that you be right, and they be wrong?


The only thing I worry about at the end of December is not ending up living in a Airport for a week, as my airline tries to defrost the runways! You can't please everyone. There's always going to be at least one town that puts a nativity scene on the front yard of city hall, or that one little billboard that offends one and a half people. Just shut up, and be happy your survived the year, cause, man, back in the day thats all you could hope for.


Oh yeah, I forgot.


It is a stupid commercial.


(expects 65% percent of this post to be edited)

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Wow! Not only was Kroells not that offended to begin with but he was able to turn the situation into embarrassing his English teacher in front of her boss AND allowed to go home for the rest of the day as a reward. I guess ranting pays off sometimes. :P

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Yep. In todays world, all you have to do is even have the slightest look of being descriminated against, and you'll probably get a Viper...Hmm...

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