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Marris Krax

Bork bork bork!

28 posts in this topic





hey .... who the heck is Lt. Um de hur de hur de hur.JG. Tufun

By: Tufun??!?!?!?!?!!


they making fun of moi?


and Seebee, Ndek, kee'ruk, Etregun9 LOL!!!!

Edited by Tovan

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they making fun of moi?


::snickers evilly and madly::


Is this how you come up with your Ferengi Marris? ::ducks

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::snickers evilly and madly::


Is this how you come up with your Ferengi Marris? ::ducks

Erm...perhaps it's just me and my oblivious nature, but I'm failing to see the connection between Ferengi and the Swedish Chef.




Though, now that you mention it, I think it would be highly amusing if the Swedish Chef were Ferengi.


::digs through old bookmarks::






A veese-a mun cun heer pruffeet in zee veend. Bork bork bork!

Edited by Marris Krax

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6 gooests, 14 members 0 ununymuoos members

DeryoosZephudDrecel, Doombess, STSF GrumFeek, Leeliuna Hemeeltun, Fereeen, Smuut23, Tufun, Merrees Krex, FredM, Meecheel Beker, Cummudure-a Muuse-a, NDek, Etregun9, Trunees87

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6 gooests, 14 members 0 ununymuoos members

DeryoosZephudDrecel, Doombess, STSF GrumFeek, Leeliuna Hemeeltun, Fereeen, Smuut23, Tufun, Merrees Krex, FredM, Meecheel Beker, Cummudure-a Muuse-a, NDek, Etregun9, Trunees87

Hey, why the heck does FredM get off so easy? :D

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And when you're done laughing ... go back and read the site in "jive" : )


Hysterical !

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The Redneck version is funny too.

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The Redneck version is funny too.

I resent that! :D :P

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I push that for Dumbass' name to be changed to Doombess

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And when you're done laughing ... go back and read the site in "jive" : )


Hysterical !

LOL!!! so many '

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So, that's what Bork, bork, bork! is. I was playing with the languages on Google, and I saw that. Also, if you like Bork, bork, bork!, you can also google in: Klingon, Pig Latin, and Elmer Fudd.

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I thought the "Jive" version was so hilarious.. I put an excerpt in my signature! LOL. :D Great link. I've been using it on everything!

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Fudd was pretty good too.

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:P Vanroy's gonna hate me for this... :P ;) :P



... :D



The Capture: A log by Mike Vanroy...In...RedNeck. :P


Th' Cappure, Stardate 0405.18



Our rexcue attempp corntinued, cuss it all t' tarnation. Th' time spike rennered our transpo'ters ineffeckive. Eff'n BcH an' Messner were t'be rexcued it'd hafta be on th' surface. Rhoz, Dracal, an' ah haided t'th' shettle bay - fine, acshully, Rhoz went t'th' cargo bay by mistake - boarded a shettle, an' haided t'th' surface. Dracal piloted th' shettle while ah took th' Ops stashun an' acked as a navigato', tracin' their posishun an' findin' a meadow near their cave which c'd be used fo' a lan'in'.


We lef' th' shettle powered up an', usin' stealth an' han' signals, closed in on th' 4 bein's we detecked fum th' air. Two of these were our missin' crewmen but we still didn't knows who t'other two were, o' eff'n they posed a threat. Fo' thet matter, eff'n BcH an' Messner decided not t'join us they c'd haf been a threat as fine. We set our phaser rifles on stun, as enny fool kin plainly see. Rhoz took th' point flanked by Dracal on th' lef' an' mahse'f on th' right.


As we got closer we discovahed t'other two life signs were Klin'ons. This hyar is a mahstery as they were clearly not of our crew. ah closed in fum th' right an' signaled t'Dracal t'do th' same. When we were at th' oppimum firin' angle thet's whut we did, takin' th' 4 of them down, as enny fool kin plainly see. Af'er ah shot th' QoB's fo'mer Chief of Security ah looked at his limp fo'm lyin' unconscious in th' dirt an' said "Yer unner arrest."


Dracal carried Messner, Rhoz carried th' two unknown Klin'ons, an' ah carried BcH back t'th' shettle. Surprisin'. She was remarkably light fo' a Klin'on, as enny fool kin plainly see. Af'er we loaded them into th' back of th' shettle an' ingaged th' containment field we returned t'th' ship. Rhoz repo'ted t'th' MeH. Th' Klin'ons, apparently healthy, were cornfined t'th' brig, acco'din' t' th' code o' th' heells! BcH an' Messner were brought t'th' MRF wif Dracal stan'in' guard on over th' fo'mer crewmen, now prisoners. ah stayed by th' brig desk givin' instruckshuns t'th' guard t'keep th' two Klin'ons separeeted, cuss it all t' tarnation.





Lieutenant Van Roy of Vulcan

Chief Engineer, IKC QoB~Lakota

Tuesday, 9 PM Pacific


"ah am one of them varmints, Oh mah God! Fry mah hide!" - Walter Koenig

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I figured I'd do one to myself, to minmize the damage...besides, this ones an already funny log...



Kroells without Coffee: A log in...Jive.


“Kroells finds he needs mo'e conversashunal skills”…Gilligan Kroells’s logs (log 55)


Travis sighed, lookin' upside at Kansas, tryin' t'figure out whut t'say t'her. Ah be baaad... Deir last conversashun hadn’t been real…baaaad…in terms uh wo'ds rapped; he dun didn’t wanna mess down again. 'S coo', bro. He rotated his shoulder, flexin' and feelin' out da damn newly rebuilt muscles, not wants'in' dem t'cramp down o' nuthin, some common side effect uh havin' muscles repaired wid some dermal regenerato'.


“So's whut’s down?”


“Nodin' much yo'self?” Travis smiled on de inside, so's far so's baaaad, it’d been ten seconds and he hadn’t done nuthin dat would make him look stupid o' such. Lop some boogie.


“I gots'ta figure out how we gots sent upside 2 million light years out uh our galaxy, and is now in null space.” Wait…dat wuzn’t sump'n he should gots'tald her…whut if she dinks it’s his fault! Argh! Stupid, stupid!!!


“Is dat it?” Whut duz she mean be dat it? Wuz she 'espectin' sump'n likes dat fum him? Duz she 'espect dat fum him? Travis’s mind scrambled, he had t'stay waaay coo'…


“Would ya' likes sump'n mo'e dramatic Ma'am?” He smirked, figurin' it some supa fine recovery. Slap mah fro!


“Ma'am? When dun did ah' become yo' moder?” Travis dun didn’t know if he wuz hungry o' 'estremely embarrassed, but now he had some stomach ache…and dat reminded him dat he fo'gots'ta ax' Kitty fo' some antacids…he’d replicate some self at his quarters if he wuzn’t so's busy and lazy…wait…dat’s an oxymo'on…man…dis wuz difficult…why wuz rapin' wid ha' so confusin'?


“I figured it t'be gentleman likes behavio', but if ya' don’t likes dat stuff, well who am ah' to blame ya'.” He sighed wonderin' how long dis blasted turbo lift ride wuz gona snatch…since it appeared dat McLean no longa' wants'ed t'drow him into de warp co'e when eva' he saw him, maybe he’d plum go waaay down t'main engineerin' t'yell at him about it…And den McLean would drow him in de warp co'e…He sighed…are warp co'es hot? Maybe it’d be likes takin' some bad…


Travis mind zoned off at Kansas stepped off de turbo lift, onto de bridge leavin' Travis standin' deir likes some mo'on…His mind wuz racin', he needed coffee…o' maybe sleepin' pills…o' maybe bod…Travis shook his haid uh de stupid doughts and walked upside to his console…he sighed…He needed coffee…baaaad…maybe dey should be some coffee machine on de bridge…if any intruders bo'ded, he could drow steamin' coffee at--


Travis quickly shook his haid again, and sighed…It wuz goin' t'be some long day…Maybe he should dig some wrist watch t'tell de time…den again…time flies when yo' havin' fun…so maybe he should put da damn watch on some duck…o' maybe….


De end fo' dose uh ya' still eyeballin'






STSF Characters, dig dis:


Lt. Man!Jg Travis Kroells Chief Science Officer, dig dis: USS Reaent


Ens Daniel Kroells Warp Technology Specialist, dig dis: USS Mantico'e


Travis Kroells Chief Diplomatic Liaison, dig dis: NX-05 Chalenga' Project

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We set our phaser rifles on stun

LOL - You mean to tell me there is no Redneck translation for this? :D

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Guessin not...


Slap mah Fro!

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it’d been ten seconds and he hadn’t done nuthin dat would make him look stupid o' such. Lop some boogie.


That one killed me when I read through mine.

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Returning the favor - Moron.


“De Debil you know”…Kroells’s logs (log 69)

Sesshun 3.


Boy shrugged, uh uh uh uh, walkid away. De man stood 'n watchid as he was leabigg. Boy dgust walkid away. De man stood alone dinkigg.


One hand is ggleedigg 'n de odeh hand holds a gun. While ebehy digg is open, ebehy digg is shut down…



De sun shown drough de glass doors as Lt. Trabis Kroells walkid into de buildigg. Trabis walkid up t' a desk a small ways into de buildigg, a woman sat at a desk, busy typigg diggs on a console. Trabis stood bef'e heh f' sebehal seconbs, duuhhhh, bef'e gibigg a low grunt t' signal de presess of anodeh beigg. Startled, uh uh uh uh, she lookid up at Trabis, duuhhhh, t' surprisid to say anydigg. So, Trabis decidid to start the, errr, conbehsashun.


“I’m hehe t' see Admiral Kroells.”


De woman stumbehlid drough a large colleckion of pabbs, duuhhhh, obbious lookigg f' somedigg. “Ah yuh. You must be…umm…ah…”


“Lt Dgg, GEEEHEEHEEE.Kroells….”


“Ah yuh, Lieootnant Dguor Grade Kroells.” She said wid a cehtain dignificashun as she handid him one of heh numehous pabbs. DOIHH! “De admiral is in his office on the, uh uh uh, fiffh floor, he’s expeckigg you.”


Trabis mehe nobbid and began t' walk away when the, uh, the woman callid him out again. “Habe a nice day!”


Trabis slow sighid as he continuid to walk, 'n repondid widout turnigg around. “Unlike.”


Trabis sighid again, as he pushid a button on the, ERRRR, side of the, uh, the wall, causigg the, uhhh, door t' open. He slow steppid into the, uh, elebator, 'n sent it up toerds the, uh uh uh, fiffh floor. Trabis criggid at de music dat hummid from the, ERRRR, slow mobigg debice. Sebehal more seconbs past, uh, 'n a door final openid on the, uh uh uh, fiffh floor, Trabis stumbehligg out of it, uh, his gord drobbigg from beigg submittid to dat doppelgangeh dat posid as music.


He walkid along de hallways, duuhhhh, most of the, uhhh, doors empty, or locked. Glass walls peehid into empty offices; most of the, uh uh uh, floor was desehted. No dout dehe webuhre more offices hehe somewhehe, uh uh uh, but, uh, if Trabis knew one digg of de Admiral, he likid solitude. He walkid the, errr, corridors f' somebime, half hearted tryigg t' find de office.


He roundid sebehal more corridors, duuhhhh, final brinigg him t' his destinashun. Unlike most of de offices on the, uh uh uh, floor, dis one was closid off, uh uh uh uh uh, no glass t' peeh in on. DOIHH! His stomach subben lurchid as he walkid closeh t' the, uhhh, door. As much as he didn’t want t' do dis, duuhhhh, he had to. Dis dysfuncshunal famly ends now.


Trabis swiff brought his hand up, 'n punchid de buzzeh on the, uhhh, door. A swiff “Enteh” brought him drough the, uhhh, door.


A man sat behind his desk, late f'ties in appearass. Brown 'n dinnigg hair adornid his gord. A good sizid mustache hid a small bit of his face, uh uh uh, unlike Trabis’s fibe day growd.


“Lieootnant Dguor Grade…” Trabis sighed, uh uh uh uh, 'n muttehid a “Damnit” undeh his bread. De grape bine was fast, uh, t' fast. Maybe if he hadn’t spent the, uh uh uh, first fibe days drunk of his --”


“I’m surprisid you’d come hehe. I’m kite obbious de last pehson you wudd want t' see on you little oootigg hehe.”


Trabis crossid his arms across his chest. “Oh trust me; dese famly oootiggs litehal hurt my soul. I’m hehe t' tell you dat it’s obeh.”


Admiral Kroells chuckled. “Oh it is now is it, duh...uh...? What’s obeh my boy, duh...uh...?”


“Us. Afteh today, I nebeh plan t' see you again.”


He chucklid again. “Oh, final come out 'n said it eh, duh...uh...? I wuddn’t blame you. Duh, you’be hard been the, ERRRR, son dat I’d grown t' be proud of. But, uh, dat mite not matteh.”


Trabis gabe a scrutinizigg look, tryigg t' read him. Lee me lone! “Duh, how’s dat, duh...uh...?”


De eldeh Kroells gabe an obb sigh. “You’re not de on one.”


Trabis’s face grew behy grim, realizigg what he was sayigg. “Duh, how.”


“Oh, bou' twebuhnty-two years ago, gibe or take. Gawlly! A fun nite on a Starbase out in de beta kadrant.” Trabis was bou' t' boice somedigg when the, uh, eldeh Kroells innerruptid him. “Don’t worry, your modeh nebeh knew, uh uh uh uh uh uh, I made sure of dat.”


Trabis said nodigg as he slow clenchid his fists.


De Admiral chuckled. “Oh, I do habe the, duh uhh, tendency t' drop cliff hangehs don’t I, duh...uh...?”


Trabis c'plete ignorid him. Duh. “Whehe is he, duh...uh...?”


“Some whehe on dis lebel. He’s ackual comigg t' see me f' some obb reason…”


Trabis said nodigg as he abrupt turnid and gordid to the, uhhh, door, 'n walkid drough. De eldeh Kroells yellid out.


“I suppose your not comigg back den, duh...uh...?!”


De door closed.


De man dgust stood dehe twistigg.




STSF Charackehs:


Lt.Dgg Trabis Kroells Chief Sciess Officeh: USS Reaent


Ens Daniel Kroells Warp Technology Specialist: USS Mannicore


Trabis Kroells Chief Diplomatic Liaison: NX-05 Chalengeh Probuhjeck

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::dies:: As if the Rihan language wasn't bad enough already....here is one of my Romulan logs in redneck! :D




>Begin Log<


Desto'ie was shuved harshly into th' brig by tr’Lebowski. At least Rihan knowed how t'treat th’ann, as enny fool kin plainly see. Issaha lay drunk in th' co'ner. “Reckons.”


He sat down on th' slab of chair. Treason, as enny fool kin plainly see. Now thet was a noo one—an N’Dak bein' called a traito' t'th' Empare. He looked on over at Issaha, he had no place bein' hyar.


Desto'ie rubbed his temples. Whut in tarnation a predicament he had gotten hisse'f into. Now he'd hafta come up wif a way t'git hisse'f outta it.


R’To' sh'd be hyar too, he thunk. But he'dn’t implicut her in enny of this—not eff'n he had a choice—she had been one of th' few varmints on this hyar ship t'be kind t'him, dawgone it.


He'd take th' fall fo' this—he had failed in his duties as Daise Dheno…but a traito' no…he had not been ackin' t'unnermine th' Empare—no he had been tryin' t'he'p stren'then th' Empare—but thet’s not how t’Reexxan obviously sar it.


He thunk about thet last time he had see her, in his quarters when she stopped t'git tr’Guard an' t’Ksa. She was a mad as a weasel in a blender woomin. Sho'ly thet'd be see by who evah proceeded on over his trial? He sighed, despite his political cornneckshuns an' fine fambly name, t’Reexxan was still a high rankin' Khre’Riov—crazed o' not—an' thet alone made her a fo'ce t'be reckoned wif. He also knowed his Pappy'd na be much use in this hyar matter. He'd be unwillin' t'git involved in this hyar matter fo' fear of bein' accused of bein' a sympathizer of spies an' traito's.


He sat rubbin' his temples gwine on over whut he thunk t'be a fine defense—th' truth. He had indeed failed in his job as Daise Dheno—th' ship an' th' Khre’Riov had been put in great danger—but thet is na treason, he thunk t'hisse'f. He did na does whut he did t'hurt th' Empare, na, he thunk thet an alliance wif th' Squids'd stren'then th' Empare.


He loved ch’Rihan, he did whut he did on account o' of thet love. He was menny thin's but he was na a spy no' was he a traito'. Sho'nuff he spoke Klin'’hanssu an' knowed th' language of th' Lloann’na—only on account o' smarts is th' fust key in triad t'vicko'y—to destroy them we muss fust knows them, dawgone it. He'd na spy fo' th' Lloann’na, they were hypercritic savages—an' th' Klin'’hanssu were vile creatures who haf lost their once proud heart t'th' Lloann’na savages.


Na, he'd na spy fo' them—he'd na he'p them take away th' heart of th' Rihanssu. No' was he a-gonna set by an' aller th' mnhei'sahe of th' House of N’Dak t'be hhihto by some crazed Khre’Riov. How he was gwine stop this hyar crazed woomin fum destroyin' not only Desto'ie N’Dak, but th' entire House of N’Dak itse'f—eluded him at th' moment.


He looked aroun' th' drab surroun'in's of th' brig—better than th' Arcadia only on account o' it was a Rihan brig—but not great—he made a mental note t'have them redeco'ated eff'n he evah got hisse'f outta this hyar mess.


>End Log<

Edited by NDak

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You had to do it Dumbass.....its war now.

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My Hood log in Cockney, pretty funny it is.


Seiben once again rubbed 'is mince pies, still somewot shocked about 'is wee sight of the paranormal. Were 'e just seein' fings, isit?He were a wee overworked or tired, peraps 'e were just seein' fings? But it sure 'ave a looked so danged real ter him. In the flicker of the lights in the shuttlebay, right, Seiben could 'ave sworn 'e seen the image of Dr. Mannin', right, even if it were for just a second. Apparently, right, Seiben weren't the only geezer to spot this. Lt. Precip the Security officer also claimed 'e seen Mannin''s appirition as well. But.. was it an apparition, isit?Evidence supportin' the deaff of Mannin' were inconclusive. They found no DNA or bodily remains. Even after experimentin' on the bloomin' wierd Doll's 'Ouse and the lab monkey, no evidence 'as arose. It still boggled the bleedin' investigation team. Between the flickerin' lights and the chuffin' sight of the doctor, right, some blokes might 'ave felt the Hood were 'aunted by Mannin''s ghost. Rumours do spread like wildfire on wee enclosed settings, right, and the Hood is no different. Blokes started ter wonder if all the bloomin' flickerin' lights and uvver wierd malfunctions are bein' caused by Mannin' 'oo still is comin' ter terms wiv 'is deaff. Seiben weren't sure if 'e believed in ghosts, but 'e did 'ear that sometimes spirits refuse ter cross over ter the chuffin' uvver world because they 'ave unfinished business in this world, right, or 'ave not yet come ter terms wiv their deaffs. Obviously, this started ter freak Seiben out, along wiv a growin' number of the crew. The chuffin' Engineerin' team found nuffink wrong wiv the bloody lights, right, the ODNs, the chuffin' EPS or anyfink else that might 'ave been causin' the chuffin' flickerin' lights, do wot guvnor! Lt. Quint or any uvver Vulcan onboard would say that there were ter be some logical explanation for these events, right, but Seiben weren't so sure. Were it the right good doctor tryin' ter tell them sumfink, isit?If so, wot, then? The team worked well into the bloomin' night investigatin' evry inch of the bleedin' emitter, right, still 'avin' gotten nowhere right in their investigation. The team soon gets the word that the Hood is enroute hammer and tack to Earff. Despite of the fact that Capitan 'uff barely avoided copping wacked each and evrytime they go hammer and tack there. But right now, that takes a backseat until Seiben and the investigation team can ascertain wot 'appened ter Mannin' and spot if there's any road ter get 'im hammer and tack or shed some light on the accident. Seiben finks that the bleedin' coffee detected on the chuffin' emitter 'as played a large role in the accident. Ahh wel, right, Seiben finks, right, maybe the right good doctor would give them more signs or sumfink, right? But if, not then, peraps the Federation scientists hammer and tack on earff can 'elp 'em out. Bayron emitters, or anyfink like that certainly weren't 'is forté


"Success flourishes only in perserverance -- ceaseless, ruffless perserverance" Manfred Von Richtofen 'The Red Baron' , 1892 - 1918, init? STSF Assignments: Defense Systems Specialist: USS 'ood, right, NCC-1703 Rank: Lieutenant Senior Grade Assistant Engineer: USS Arcadia NCC-1742-E Rank: Lieutenant Tactical/Helm: USS Republic NCC-1371-B Rank: Lieutenant Commander Koga Nraku S'Bien Operations/Communications, right, RES Talon RSN Reg #: 2415 Rank: Erien Uvver Assignments: Executive Officer, USS Stirlin', right, NCC-10652-B; Delphin Class. Rank: Senior Commander

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My last Log in Jive.


Neva' go on trips wid any sucka ya' do not love. - Ernest Hemin'way


“Are we dere yet?”




“Are we dere yet?”




“Are we dere yet?”




“Are we dere yet?”


“You's know sir, ya' kin be some real pain when ya' wanna be”


“Oh chea' up ya' miserable sod.” Victo' told his pilot, Ensign Goldshirt. Man! “I wouldn’t gots'ta do dat if ya'’d plum offa' some damned conversashun. You's could cut a brick wall some run fo' its bre'd. Anyway ya'’re some fildy liar ah' can see we’re mos' dere on de scanner. Ah be baaad...”


De Ensign grinned.


“Well ya' wuz bein' some pain. 'S coo', bro.”, Ensign Goldshirt chuckled.


“I’ll cut ya' some pain in some minute. Anyway, how long till we ACTUALLY dig back t'Aegis.”


“Couple uh minutes doc. Co' got d' beat!”


“Groovy. Slap mah fro!”




“Oh plum shut down and roll.”


And so's de Docto' returned t'his crib, de Sky Harbo' Aegis.





"Neva' underestimate da damn powa' of some coconut bra, some grass skirt, and some divine pair uh kickers."



Doc Victo' Images


Assistant Medical Officer

Sky Harbo' Aegis

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