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Melinda Stewarts Living

Yup, my sis and I are working on a Martha Stewart spoof video. It is low low low quality (thanks LEGO!), but might turn out ok. Make-up was applied to the face and everything! lol


I'll try and host it on my free server, but I don't know how that'll work out.


I might also try to use XP's lame ability at screen captures to give you a little look in to the magic...or whatever.




Continue with the project: Yes or No?


:) :)

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Yup, my sis and I are working on a Martha Stewart spoof video. It is low low low quality (thanks LEGO!), but might turn out ok. Make-up was applied to the face and everything! lol


I'll try and host it on my free server, but I don't know how that'll work out.


I might also try to use XP's lame ability at screen captures to give you a little look in to the magic...or whatever.




Continue with the project: Yes or No?


:) :)

lol i would like to see that he he

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we had to stop early today because she (my sister) had to get a haircut...so i don't know when we'll pick up again. soon hopefully :)

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Yup, my sis and I are working on a Martha Stewart spoof video. It is low low low quality (thanks LEGO!), but might turn out ok. Make-up was applied to the face and everything! lol


I'll try and host it on my free server, but I don't know how that'll work out.


I might also try to use XP's lame ability at screen captures to give you a little look in to the magic...or whatever.




Continue with the project: Yes or No?


:) :)

::Smells a law suit::

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::Smells a law suit::


If that were true Saturday Night Live and MadTV would be history :)

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Lawsuit? Pffft...

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If that were true Saturday Night Live and MadTV would be history :)

Yes, but SNL and Mad TV have to have permission to do what they do. Otherwise it's slander or something like that.

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Hey there,


I can't remember where but there was a very funny website with a competition. You had to design what Martha would make her cell look like. The newest version of her television show: Martha Live From Cell Block 40

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Yes, but SNL and Mad TV have to have permission to do what they do. Otherwise it's slander or something like that.

Not exactly... parody is considered an exception to copyright law - it's "fair use." Slander involves making an injurious false report (thanks dictionary.com!).

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Only with you Tovan as herself!!! LOL

gasp you hurt my feelings, i will stay here and insult you now. hehe

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LOL LoAmi. Yea what he said, the Supreme Court (Or one of those Appellet courts, I can't remember.) Has ruled that parody is protected under freedom of speech (Like with Wierd Al and all his parady songs). The SNL's and MadTV's have no permission for anything, they can just parody everything they can and want to.


Slander (To clearify it even futher, I took Journalism for a while so I was lectured on this stuff for eons :)) is spoken false statements. In print it's Liable.


Like lets say I was "Joe Blow" on the New York Post, and I was saying "That John Anderson guys is a moron and he has told me he is a communist and wants to lead the world on a mass genocide of all people who are not remotley like him." If I wanted to, I could sue Joe Blow for Liablilty against my name since those were false statements made against me on subjects which I never have spoken to him on before. If it's Slander it would be the same thing against "Quirky Becky" on Channel 2 News, since that was spoken false statements. So that's the difference between the two.


So just always be careful of what you write and say, cause I'm sure you don't want to get sued for it :)


And those are my two cents, as I channel the spirit the my old Journalism teacher ::Shivers::

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::grabs the two cents and runs off::

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::grabs the two cents and runs off::

::Chases after Tovan to grab the 2 cents for himself::

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