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Review of Return of the King!

Alright ladies and germs I am extremely exhausted from my day today (Saw ROTK twice! I couldn't contain myself) so I decided to post up my non-spoilerish review of Return of the King as a common moviegoer. (My hardcore LOTR fan review will be up tomorrow. With all the yummy spoilers). And now for your reading pleasure!!


Mr. Anderson goes to the movies! :)


I just have one word to explain the Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. "Amazing". Yes ladies and germs this movie completely blew me out of the water. From the amazing opening up until the "The End". This movie reminds me of a rollercoaster. The first hour pretty much establishes what is going to happen in the movie. Much like you would riding a rollercoaster to the top, that's how the first hour felt. But once the ball got rolling it was a non-stop two hours of action and suspense, like riding through the rollercoaster. You don't have time to even catch your breath it just goes round and round until we reach the end and the Ring is on the slopes of Mt. Doom (Ain't getting much more than that till tomorrow :)). Then we have 30 mins worth of ending in which all the loose ends are tied up and we get our 'The End'. I was on the edge of my seat throughout most of the movie. I laughed, cried, gasped, hid, jumped, cheered, and every other possible thing through out the entire movie. This is only the second movie to ever have moved me to tears (The first being "Philadelphia". What a powerful movie.). And that's saying a lot. :D


The acting in this movie is superp. Viggo Mortensen, Ian Mckellen, and Sean Astin do the best work in this movie out of all three. Of course Elijah Wood did a spectacular job as Frodo. Pippin and Merry, Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan, both shine in this movie and finally rise up and show that hobbits can kick butt and that even the little person can change the world. Miranda Otto as Eowyn shows that women can kick some major butt, such a hot sword wielding babe! Bernard Hill as Theoden does a spectacular job as the King of Rohan. Orlando Bloom and John Rhys-Davis stand in the back ground during most of the movie but when they get there time in the limelight it is amazing. Liv Tyler and Hugo Weaving parts are small but interesting and help add to story a bit in the film. Newly introduced John Noble as Denethor, Steward of Gondor, does a great job as the slightly insane lord of Gondor. David Wenham as Faramir 'shows his quality' in this film. A particular moving part of the movie, and one of my favorites, is when John Noble sends Faramir on a suicide mission to Osgiliath, and Faramir goes just to prove his love for his father, what made it so moving was while Faramir rode to Osgiliath, Denethor sat down and started to pig out while Pippin, Billy Boyd, sang him this rather sad and depressing song while we see Faramir march to Osgiliath. That scene was so moving that it brought tears to my eyes. Of course last and not least Andy Serkis as Gollum.....Wow....Just wow he was amazing as the gangrel creature we have grown to hate.


The graphics and all the shots in this movie were just amazing, I felt as though I was in Middle Earth. My favorite scene was the lighting of the Beacons, it was just spectacular. Minas Tirith is just amazing and left me in awe it was such a gorgeous city. The Battle of Pelennor fields was in a class of its own and and the level it's on is one that no other film may ever reach. It will just knock you off your feet. While I was watching it I was ducking all over the place as though I was actually in the movie and in the battle it was spectacular. Shelob is probably the scariest creature that I have ever seen in my life and is just a horrifying creature, she still haunts me :D. Bonus points to Peter Jackson on creating her, she was astonishing. The charge of the Rohirrim gave me chills and goose bumps. And the Army of the Dead was just so creeping and gloomy, they were just amazing.


The final installment of the Lord of the Rings is the most ambitious and spectucular film in modern cinema history and a thrilling conclusion to a already great trilogy. Well beyond even those popular triliogies like Star Wars or even the smoldering ruin that was the Matrix. Shell out of the money and go see it. You won't regret it.


On a scale from 1 to 5 stars, this movie gets 5 stars!


My only complaint is not the length or the 5 endings at the end of the movie. My only complaint was not seeing Saruman in the film, I wanted to see what was going to happen to him or what did but I know I'll see it in the Extended Edition of the film.


And that ladies and germs is my not so spoilerish review of Return of the King. Go out and see it! Before you see my spoilerish hardcore LOTR fan review of it! :)

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Still didn't see it.

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It's late and I got baack a short while ago from seeing it. So all I will say about it is WOW!


Peter Jackson and the rest of the fine folks involved did an absolutely phenominal job with the movie.


/sleep now

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I'm waiting for the 3-disk extended verison of the entire trilogy before I go see it :)

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Yeah, the stuered of Gondor was just a little crazy! He-oh wait, keeping it spoiler free for now....He sure was a crazy on-of-a though...

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Afraid I have to give it mixed reviews. While as a film it certainly blows the mind, and the cinematography is outstanding, as a book adaptation it left me feeling rather empty. Now by comparision to Two Towers on that score, it rocked, but as a whole I think it was a bit of a let-down. Fellowship got my hopes up so high for a really good film adaptation, Towers crashed them, and Return salvaged the wreckage. Hopefully the extended edition will fix some things, but there are a few points that I can tell won't be (by reason of affecting scenes we did see too much). That's all I can say in a non-spoiler forum.


Now, if you haven't read the books or don't care how well they translate to screen, this is absolutely the year's best movie. All of the acting is phenomenal (even Tyler didn't bug me this time) and Mortensen is stellar! (And hot, which doesn't hurt. ;) ) I think they might have been working a tad too hard to get parallels in the cuts between the Gondor and Mordor storylines, but the flow is nice nonetheless.


Now, this leaves us with just one little problem....


What do we spend the next year looking forward to???? :(

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Now, this leaves us with just one little problem....


What do we spend the next year looking forward to???? ;)

Hmm, good point. This year we had 2 Matrix movies, a Terminator, a LOTR, Freddy vs. Jason, even a remake of The Texas Chainsaw Masacure, and the next Star Wars movie is still over a year away. (Heck, it doesn't even have a name yet!)


I guess next year will see a lot of cable viewing and DVD rentals.

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