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Thoughts On "North Star"

How would you rate the ninth Enterprise episode "North Star?"   11 members have voted

  1. 1. How would you rate the ninth Enterprise episode "North Star?"

    • The best episode ever!
    • A good story. Enjoyed watching it!
    • It was alright. Had nothing better to do, so I didn't change the channel.
    • Could they write any worse?!? This episode was HORRIBLE!
    • Where's the Emergency Command Hologram when you need him?

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Hey all,


Here it is...the weekly poll on the newest Star Trek: Enterprise episode. :ph34r:


Just in case your not good with names, episode 309 entitled "North Star" is: "When a settlement of humans living a 19th-century Western lifestyle is discovered on a Delphic Expanse planet, Archer and crew set out to learn how they got there."


Overall, I liked the episode. Think it's kind of an interesting story line and does follow a pattern TOS did have...numerous planets holding numerous populations of humans. Could it be possible these Scaggs had more than one planet of slaves? It's a thought....if nothing else.


I don't think this will go down as one of the most popular or best written episodes. However, I was a fun one. I enjoyed seeing this crew finally have a shoot out that didn't end in twenty seconds! I can also see how the lack of a Prime Directive could eventually cause serious problems for these folks. Having Starfleet of this time not care all that much about native culture contamination is something that was first brought up in the TOS episode "A Piece Of The Action.". There the Horizon supposedly left a book the locals then modeled their entire culture off of. (Sounds like the basis for Galaxy Quest, doesn't it?)


And am I the only one that, towards the end of this episode, could easily have seen Kirk in Archer's place? Was kind of refreshing...


I must say the episode didn't end as I thought it would. I was expecting the typical Trek response of "Wipe the girl's memory and let's move on in life!" I'm kind of hoping in a later season they will consider doing a follow-up to this. There still are a lot of unanswered questions....not the least of which begs the question where are the rest of the Scaggs in the universe?


In a related front, I am looking forward to next week's episode..."Similitude"!

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As you mentioned with the lack of the prime directive it would not have applied in this case for they are human and already have been exposed to future technologies. This was exposed by Riker in TNG and I cannot remember the exact episode but he said "The Prime Directive doesn't apply they are human" I'll have to check through my records to figure it out but I know that it happened.


Now this I think was one of the best Enterprise and maybe in the franchise when I think of it. It brought to light several social issues such as racism and blaming for the actions of their ancestors makes us no better then their ancestors and only hinders our ability to progress by denying their input into society. :ph34r:

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I thought it was an excelent episode. Even though it was like something out of the holodeck.

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Like most of the gang is saying, not the best ever, I have yet to see an ENT epsiode that even comes close to that grace, but it was a good wensday night sitting, and these recent episodes are starting to convince me that this series could go somewhere, Im looking forward to the rest of the season.

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I really enjoyed the episode. It was well written and showed alot of thought.


The ending though I did think was the best part. It showed promise to the future for the people of the planet, and it leaves room for them to follow up with later in another episode. :ph34r:

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Having Starfleet of this time not care all that much about native culture contamination is something that was first brought up in the TOS episode "A Piece Of The Action.". There the Horizon supposedly left a book the locals then modeled their entire culture off of.

LOL - I remember that episode! I think it was the funniest episode ever!


As for how these isolated pockets of humans sprang up without there being any official records of humans being there I think the most likely source would be those aliens that produced Gary 7. It would make sense for them to have started more than one colony. In case something happened to one group they would have had a backup.

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I have to say, I liked this one too. I also was intrigued with the possibility of follow-up. Interconnections, recurring themes... that's the stuff.

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This epsiode was passable in my opinion. The lack of presence of the Prime Directive was interesting..especially that last scene with schoolteacher using the PADD (at least that's what it appeared she had from my view).


I agree with the prior posters, It would be nice to revisit this world after their "enlightenment".



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Here to collect that penny for my thoughts (gotta earn extra income somehows):

YES ! Enterprise scores a homerun, in my book! Now, that doesn't mean they've won the ballgame. ... But hey, a homerun is a homerun. Always a good thing.


And a western... :ph34r: ...haven't seen one is so long, forgot how much I liked them! All the cliches were at play in this episode...it was tense and tongue in cheek simultaneously!


That was good Star Trek: an episode with a message, and lots of debatable ideas (i.e., Prime Directive, cultural contamination, captain's romance or lack thereof, alien abductions, absentee alien rulers, human racism, etc.), and a good ole fashioned shoot 'em out! My favorite moment? Reed gets it! He had to save T'Pol, so what does he do, stunn her! Had me ROFL ! :o Classic Trek...I dunno...Darned good Trek? In my book, you betcha! (Hope this helps to promote the series with TV viewers.) I voted your second option. :D

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Ack! It was a decent episode, but sheesh... it was very Jame Bond-ish. Archer would be running out in the middle of the street, and wasn't hit by a bullet until some guy just came up from behind him in plain view. These cowboys (who used guns on a semi-regular basis) couldn't hit an apple in a barrel. They'd shoot 7 or 8 times, and T'Pol would shoot back once and kill them. Archer did the same thing; I think they B&B are trying to make Archer a "hero" type of guy.


Okay, so I've done enough downgrading on the episode. It did look a lot like several western-style TOS episodes, which I kind of appreciated. Hey - it doesn't all have to be original. :ph34r: I agree that a bunch of things in the plot were not answered, and a follow-up would be neat.


Overall, Enterprise (or rather, Star Trek: Enterprise) is getting better. I'm actually attempting to watch it now. hehe


I am highly looking forward for this week's episode.



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In ANY Western, the bad guys ALWAYS have horrible aim. lol


500 rounds spent and not a single hit. Most not even close. =P


Kinda like the Transformers where you spend 5 minutes plus firing a million rounds but neither side hits anything. :ph34r:

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Kinda like the Transformers where you spend 5 minutes plus firing a million rounds but neither side hits anything. :D



You didn't just make an attack against the Transformers, did you? I know you didn't just do that...did you? :ph34r:

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Nope. Not at all. Just making an observation.


If the transformers can fire a million rounds without hitting anyone though, I think Enterprise should be cut a little slack for not having every shot fired by everyone hit. :ph34r:

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HD I would think they would learn to be good shots after the conflicts with the scrags because logic dictates that you aim better when you have a reason to be in a lot of fear :D Reed was a worse shoot then those Cowboys silly Reed. Transformers rule thats the end of that discussion :ph34r:

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Kinda like the Transformers where you spend 5 minutes plus firing a million rounds but neither side hits anything.  :D

LOL - Reminds me of a Monty Python skit with a man being executed by firing squad:





(seconds pass)

"How could you miss?



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I'd hate to be the guy they are firing on going through that twice a scary thought

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Well the skit ended with the execution squad rushing him with bayonettes - and STILL he escaped!

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Well the skit ended with the execution squad rushing him with bayonettes - and STILL he escaped!

::glances at some of the people playing security on numerous ships...nods slightly:: I knew I'd seen them from somewhere.... :ph34r:

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