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Lerak trPexil

Simple Log Entry

Lerak looks at the camera with a long expression before making a log entry.


"Supplemental entry on-board the Engineering test RAC observing the station. Pexil at the helm, Temarr at..", Pexil looks behind him to see she has slipped out a bit, "at the other stations." Pexil closes in on the camera. "We have not found anything on sensors we did not find earlier. The station has been difficult to penetrate with our passive sensors, though further analysis may prove fruitful. I may go back and see if the sensor system needs additional adjustment before completely giving up. I will update when we have more information."


Pexil stopped talking for a while and listened to the background hum, not hearing Temarr or anything else for that matter.


"Personal Log," Pexil began with a hushed tone. "In what might seem like a prime opportunity to say something greater that what I have said to her in the past, I think I've bombed out. She asked me basically how am I still talking to her after she stabbed t'Rex. Why wouldn't I? I lo... I don't need to go into that. I don't wish t'Rex any harm, and I surely don't wish her dead."


Pexil looked down, the log still recording.


"I'm not sure what I would do if they saw fit to... punish Laehval. I've put some things in place just in case, but you know how things like these go. And of all of the times and all of the places to tell her... this... this should be it. I should say something soon. My sister has been bugging me forever to ask for a long time. She's wanted to meet her for a while now. That's two people willing to talk to her."


Pexil smiled. "Laehval is a hard egg to crack, especially lately, and I fear her time may be running out. And I..." Pexil stopped as he heard footsteps behind him.


"Who are you speaking to Lerak?" t'Temarr asked as she made her way back to she seat she had been occupying for hours.


Pexil answered simply, "Just a log entry."

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Supplemental Log

El'Riov Lerak Pexil

Repair Facility Observation


Lerak again finds himself in front of the log camera. There is more than one onboard, but this one seems best suited for these chats.


"It has been nearly a thousand siurens since Laehval and I departed the Talon to remotely observe the repairs. And in that time we have not been able to peer into the inner structure or workings of the station. This mystery is what disturbs us, Laehval the most." Lerak looks behind him to a point off-camera. He continues, "Laehval has succumbed to exhaustion or boredom, I don't know which, falling asleep a few siurens ago. I raised the temperature in the cabin and covered her in a blanket. Perhaps she'll sleep through all of this. I pray she does not mind. She looks peaceful."


He pauses a bit to sip some more of the reheated tea. Often his large cup would be reheated over and over throughout a shift.


"I've wondered if there was something I could do to make her life more peaceful, but damn elements Laehval! Au go and attack t'Rexan and frak up everything. I get close only to lose au!" Lerak closes his eyes and holds his forehead. "Maybe I did not have au in the first place. Maybe if I had the courage to ask you while on shore leave those many siurens ago. What if you had said no.. or elements if you had said yes? It may very well have been my hand on that knife and my life on the line and not hers!"


His hand pounding on the console release the auto-navigation control. Lerak opened his eyes quickly and re-enabled the control. He also took this time to glance at the sensor readings. Still nothing. He looked at the camera once more and stared into it for a while longer.


"Now I'm afraid what I might do to ensure Laehval lives. I've placed some calls and technologies in place just in case. My family does know some people in the community... even someone in the Tal Shiar. I don't think my father would go that far however. Laehval if you read this for some reason and I am not alive please note I did not do this lightly. The Talon can be a dangerous place. Tell my half-brother 'Jolan'tru' for me if you were ever to get in touch with him. I imagine he would contact au. He could have his own ship by now, or at least second in command. He would be willing to help you. I'm not sure how you would like that, au seem like a homeworld child." He stopped chatting to catch his breath.


"I care for au more than I would admit, even if there is no future for us. I-jol au."




"Etr'hh, do not save that to my engineers log, personal log please."

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