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In Memoriam, Joseph Pevney and Alexander Courage

I just found out that Joseph Pevney died 2 weeks ago. For those not familiar with his name, here are the TOS episodes he directed.

  1. Arena (19 January 1967)
  2. The Return of the Archons (9 February 1967)
  3. A Taste of Armageddon (23 February 1967)
  4. The Devil in the Dark (9 March 1967)
  5. The City on the Edge of Forever (6 April 1967)
  6. Amok Time (15 September 1967)
  7. The Apple (13 October 1967)
  8. Catspaw (27 October 1967)
  9. Journey to Babel (17 November 1967)
  10. Friday's Child (1 December 1967)
  11. The Deadly Years (8 December 1967)
  12. Wolf in the Fold (22 December 1967)
  13. The Trouble with Tribbles (29 December 1967)
  14. The Immunity Syndrome (19 January 1968)

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I didn't hear of the death either.


City on the Edge of Forever, Amok Time, Journey to Babel, The Deadly Years, and Trouble with Tribbles alway seem to make it into either a Top Ten episode listing or Fan Favorite picks. Pevney was a good director, judging overall by that episode listing.


Imagine working on TOS Trek, especially in a director capacity, during a time when Sci Fi television wasn't the norm?

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And now the composer of the Star Trek theme, Alexander Courage has also passed away. They say that famous people die in three's, I wonder if Trek is due another TOS death soon.

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You spoke too soon, A9... (from Memory Alpha)


* On 28 May 2008, TOS and TNG producer Robert Justman died from complications due to Parkinson's disease. He was 81 years old. Justman was the Associate Producer and later Co-Producer on the original Star Trek and later became Supervising Producer on TNG. He was also assistant director on both original Star Trek pilots, "The Cage" and "Where No Man Has Gone Before". He most recently worked with CBS Digital as a technical consultant on TOS Remastered.

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::sigh:: Rest in peace.



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They will be missed

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