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Cmdr JFarrington

USS Manticore 7.19.2010

=/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #618, STARDATE 51007.19 =/\=

The Manticore has reached the Arcturan shipyard. It turns out that the intell was wrong and we are now facing five ship-building structures, not just one. We are proceeding with the attack, but the Wyvern and Griffin have a few more targets to choose from.


Cmdr JFarrington -> :: still at OPS since TBS was one minute:::

Vilanne -> ::hovering over the ship's feed about the battle actions, of course, located in sickbay::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::still in sickbay, for similar reasons::

Keb -> ::tense next to Jami at helm::

T'Prise -> :: Still at science, monitoring the sensors and the quantum cannons. ::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::getting ready to press the button::

Sovak -> ::on the bridge, standing next to TAC::

Asteria Jaxa -> ::Sitting on the console in science still looking over the reports from T'Prise::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Jami, are the fighters in position?

McFly -> ::mcfly sits in the Wyvern off the port nacelle of the Manticore still cloaked::

Mitar Precip -> ::To Sovak hushed tone attempt:: Captain we cannot fulfill our mission with this plan. We must think this over....to destroy the shipyards...all five of them.

Asteria Jaxa -> ::at the console::

alexramirez -> ::Is in Main Engineering, at his station, monitoring the live feeds and real-time engineering data being fed to him on the panel::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Aye, Admiral. Fighters are ready.

Eva Jaz -> ::in sb , shaking from too much coffee , hovering over Vil's shoulder ::

MC_Escher -> ::arrives on bridge and strides over to T'Prise:: I'll take over. They need you down in the lab.

kyle_mele -> ::just exiting the bridge after delivering coffee to those in need::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::throws up the tactical display on mainscreen::::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Arrives on the Bridge, walks over to Precip::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Alright, open channels to each of them

Kansas Kenickie -> you called me sir?

Mitar Precip -> :: to Sovak:: A fighter cannot take out TWO Shipyards.

McFly -> +griffen+ don't you find it peculiar that we have two targets each and the ship with the big guns has one?

LtCdrFaldek -> two stations... ::re-checks the course he plotted, firing 3 volleys at station 5, then 3 more at station 2::

Hilee -> ::In Meng...department at full alert status,and humping::

Garnoopy -> ::on the bridge, tapping his panel::

kyle_mele -> ::calls out to the turbolift:: Sickbay.

T'Prise -> :: Looks up at Escher, quirking an eyebrow. :: Are you relieving me from duty in the middle of a campaign?

Vilanne -> ::feels Eva's coffee breath over her shoulder, but too engulfed in the updates to move::

Keb -> ::ready for maneuvers as required::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::gives Eva a weird look::

Eva Jaz -> ::pops tic tac in her mouth ::

Keb -> ::several plans on deck, and the manual control in easy reach::

LtCdrFaldek -> +wyvern+ We will most likely inflict the initial blows, and Manticore will most likely pick up the slack.

Mitar Precip -> This is not right...we should ...study these things...see if they are indeed what they are and attack en force ::trying to control his voice::

Vilanne -> ::reaches hand over shoulder:: Share?

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::close watch on everything:::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::pivots the CC around to TAC, where Precip's hush is failing:: Commander Precip, get with the program or leave the Bridge... NOW

McFly -> <<getting ready for that mouth-to-mouth eh eva?>>

Sovak -> Mr Precip, this is a Tactical strike. We are not asked to destroy the shipyards, completely, just disrupt thier operation. This is a tactically sound strike, with cloaked fighters, making it seem as if there are mare of us than we are.

Asteria Jaxa -> ::Looks up from the reports and realises she was left alone in the science lab and begins to worry::

MC_Escher -> ::terse:: No, I'm reassigning you to man the full-funtionality 3D slipstream monitoring station in the lab. You're the best of all of us at this tech. I can manage the bridge station.

Mitar Precip -> ::looks down at Sovak shaking his head:: Admiral ..this is a mistake....

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::notes the changes being initiated on the bridge:::

kyle_mele -> ::rides the turbolift for a moment.. down, sideways, then it pauses and the doors swish open::

Sovak -> I trust this is your last protest. We have no time for any hesitation as we implement this plan.

Mitar Precip -> ::walks to Kansas::

T'Prise -> :: Also terse. :: I will be unable to fully brief you on our status right now. It is not logical to change duties mid-mission.

kyle_mele -> ::exits the 'lift, headed down the corridor at a fairly swift pace::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Mitar, make sure the Security office is secured

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::piviots back forward::

Mitar Precip -> Commander Kenickie....You have tactical.

Garnoopy -> ::blinks::

alexramirez -> Hilee> Everything is still green, We're go when they give the call, sir.

Kansas Kenickie -> Aye sir

MC_Escher -> ::voice is sharper:: That is an order, Lieutenant Commander. Report to science.

Mitar Precip -> ::shakes his head and departs for the lift.::

Cmdr JFarrington -> :: notes Kansas at TAC, Escher at science::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Little confused at that, walks over to the TAC console::

Eva Jaz -> Josh> ::pacing around SB::

Hilee -> Alex> Acknowledged....stand by,good work..

kyle_mele -> ::enters Sickbay, entering at full clip:: Report.

Keb -> ::thinking of Faldek::

Garnoopy -> ::considers what's going on::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Looks over sensors, then other read outs:: Hmm

Sovak -> ::raises an eyebrow as he watches Precip leave, but turns back to TAC as the mission proceeds::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Jami, am I on speaker with the fighters?

Cmdr JFarrington -> Aye, Admiral. Speakers open.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Wyvern, Griffin, are you ready?

T'Prise -> :: Giving Escher a frosty look. :: As you wish, commander. Per your orders, I am relinquishing the station to you. :: Taps the console to logout and then stiffly stands, turning her back to Escher and heading to the TL. ::

kyle_mele -> ::has just breezed into sickbay and demanded for someone to report::

Eva Jaz -> ::unfreezes and stares at Mele, waiting for Vil to report ::

Asteria Jaxa -> ::notes how quiet it is in the lab with no one else around::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Looks at sensors, notes the increase in targets..::: .....huh

LtCdrFaldek -> +A-9+ Aye sir, the suspense is killing me.

Vilanne -> ::pulls herself away from the console:: Boss... they are gonna take out 5 shipyards... they are about to go in. It's awesome, read this feed!

McFly -> +manti+ locked and loaded

Eva Jaz -> ::gives Vil a really weird look ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::looks somewhat surprised at Vil's assertion that it is 'awesome'::

Eva Jaz -> Josh> :: smiles happily ::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Okay, you have the same countdown we do, uncloak and begin firing simultaneously

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::A9:: Go to red?

McFly -> ::mcfly takes a deep breath and looks over at the picture of kansas he has on the dash::

Eva Jaz -> Josh> :: whispers to Eva :: See she think it's awesome too

Sovak -> ::standing next to Kansas at TAC::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::nods to Jami:: Yes, Red, no klaxxon

Mitar Precip -> ::in Lift:: Why can't they see.....what...::thinks what just happened:: I lost control....I failed...but...what if...::slides down turbolift wall as it decends to Security::

T'Prise -> :: Enters the TL. :: Main science lab.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Red alert, Aye. Running silent.

Keb -> ::closes her eyes in a really quick prayer--"please let us all make it home"::

Cmdr JFarrington -> RED ALERT

Admiral Atragon-9 -> In 3

kyle_mele -> ::headtilt::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Looks at Sovak:: (w)is this correct?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> 2

Admiral Atragon-9 -> 1

Keb -> ::eyes open and on screen::

Vilanne -> ::comes out of the feed-zone:: Oh wait, boss, were you asking about sickbay?

Garnoopy -> What's red alert without a klaaxon?

Garnoopy -> It's like fake red alert.


Kansas Kenickie -> ::Brings ship to red alert::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::programs his attack course, and hits the button::

kyle_mele -> Is that a good thing? One ship and two fighters taking on five.. *shipyards*?

MC_Escher -> ::watches her go with a pang in his gut, sits down at console and monitors the cannon:: Admiral, the quantum cannon reports all systems go functioning at nominal capacity.

Sovak -> ::nods to Keb:: Put the fighter viewers on the top corners of the main viewer.

McFly -> ::mcfly punches the shuttle towards the first shipyard decloaking as he bursts through::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> It is not a tactical position I personally would choose, na.

Eva Jaz -> ::shakes her head :: I happen to believe it's far from awesome .. and seems more like a death trap than anything else

LtCdrFaldek -> ::initially fires his first 3 volleys at the 5th shipyard, with a 3 mini torps, and sustained phaser blasts::

T'Prise -> :: Sees the red alert klaxons flash as the TL doors close behind her. ::

Asteria Jaxa -> ::is sitting at console staring at at it but not really seeing anything as she holds on the the chair waiting for some confirmation that it's all over::

Sovak -> Fire full spread of torpedoes.

Garnoopy -> ::waits for something to retaliate::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Kansas, fire the big cannons on the center shipyard

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Starts firing Torpedoes:::

Vilanne -> They are shooting ships... this is cool! I thought they were going to blow up people.

kyle_mele -> ::really doesn't notice much of anything, guesses the IDS is doing its job::


Keb -> ::nods to Sovak, setting up the viewscreen:: Aye sir.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::brings Cannon hot and starts firing::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Incoming artillery.

kyle_mele -> ::quietly:: There is no telling how many workers are onboard those ships.

LtCmdr Roget -> ::sitting at the intel station::

AlexRamirez -> ::Monitors the power consumption from the phaser arrays as well as statistics from the fighters coming in:: Hilee> Power consumption is at a nominal level, sir. Should we reroute power from some of the secondary systems in order to bolster the shields?

McFly -> ::watches as his torpedos impact the shipyard while consentrating phasers::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::the auto pilot takes over and flies under Manticore, towards the second shipyard, loading up and firing another volley of 3 mini torps and sustained phaser blasts::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::gives Vil an almost pitying look:: The ships have crews, rokhinu.

Sovak -> We have target locks Admiral. They are powering weopons.

Keb -> ::at the ready:: Evasive maneuvers on your mark, sir.

Kansas Kenickie -> Targeting weapons systems.. ::hits console::

T'Prise -> :: Steps out of the TL and moves quickly down the corridor to the science lab. Notices Jaxa manning the lab. :: Report, Ensign.

Vilanne -> ::freezes at the comments:: These... are just... shipyards... they aren't flying. ::frowns, staring into nothing::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Jami, bring all shield power to our forward shields

Cmdr JFarrington -> Shield configuration at your disposal, Cmdr Kenickie. ::shifts to TAC:::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Keb, hold position

Mitar Precip -> ::Lift exits....Red Lights flashing....Mitar heads to the Bay..Security..and gets a Phaser Rifle...given the combat situation...Fires up an LCARS station to gather what he can of the battle::

kyle_mele -> ::nods at Jai:: Probably skeletal crews, seeing as how they're at a shipyard, but definitely workers repairing or building them.

Cmdr JFarrington -> All power to forward shields.

McFly -> ::mcfly maneuvers under the ship and passes faldek; he begins his assault on the fourth shipyard::

Keb -> ::nods:: Holding position, Aye.


Vilanne -> ::blood leaves Vil's ashen colored face::

Hilee -> Alex> Route all secondary systems to main defence grid....now

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::reports what A9 just said::::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Fires on weapons systems and power nodes::

Eva Jaz -> ::sees Vil turning grey::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::has recloaked and taken position directly aft of Manticore, waiting for orders::

Eva Jaz -> Vil> <q> you ok ?


T'Prise -> :: Moves to the main science console, pulling up the status for the quantum cannons and the slipstream emitters. ::

Garnoopy -> ::taps his panel:: All Manticore systems running 100%.

Asteria Jaxa -> ::Looks up at T'Prise gald she's not alone:: All reports coming in are normal

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Vil> :;seeing her turn pale; sighs and glances at Mele with a faint shrug::

McFly -> ::mcflys quick simulation assault on shipyard four was successful::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Incoming ships... two to starboard, three to port.

kyle_mele -> ::lays a hand on Vil's shoulder:: Try not to think of it, Doctor. They are the enemy and this is our given mission.

Vilanne -> ::faints::

AlexRamirez -> Hilee> Understood. ::Reroutes secondary system power to the main defense grid, noticing an increase in the shield grid's output.:: Grid power at 135% power, with a contingency for more if backup or battery power is needed, sir.

MC_Escher -> ::tapping quickly, pulling up a realtime datastream from the cannon sensors and confirming that the systems are green::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::turns to Garn:: Good to hear. You shold warm up the 2nd warp core, we might need some speed

Eva Jaz -> ::turns around quick enough and tries to pick up vil::

Mitar Precip -> ::watches what he can...then as he is about to convey orders to security teajms...he realizes he may of just been relieved...so...he hesitates.

Sovak -> Equalize the shields.

T'Prise -> :: Turns to Jaxa. :: Very well. Keep monitoring all systems. If the Manticore takes any fire, it would be logical to have backups ready and in place.

kyle_mele -> ::oops sound, hadn't realized he'd used the Vulcan neck pinch - heck, didn't even know he knew how to do the Vulcan neck pinch::

McFly -> ::he notes the ships breaking from the yard; careful not to get too close::

Garnoopy -> ::Atragon:: Already up and running.

Eva Jaz -> :: grabs her uniform , trying to hold her :: Help please ...

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> :;spins sharply and catches Vil as she drops::


Hilee -> Alex> Ack....lets work the problem....keep it up::smiles::.

LtCdrFaldek -> ::still hiding, cloaked::

kyle_mele -> ::but thankfully, with his hand there, was in position to catch her on her way down, helps Jai lower her to the floor::

Kansas Kenickie -> MOre ships are moving in on us

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::slipping an arm under her shoulders before she hits the deck::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Wyvern, Griffin, Manticore will remain uncloaked to draw their fire

Vilanne -> ::opens eyes, being caught:: Oh wow... sorry, I ... I ::doesn't know what she was doing::

LtCdrFaldek -> +Manticore+ It's getting thick out here... request instructions.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Prepare to decloak and take on your next targets

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Eva> :;sharply:: Water. She must be well before the firing starts.

kyle_mele -> Let's get you to a biobed.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Six Arcturan cruisers bearing zero two zero and one five niner coming in hot.

Mitar Precip -> ::silently...concerned watches sitrep from security bay::

Eva Jaz -> Josh> :: looks at vil not quick enough to do anything::

Hilee -> Garnoopy> Commander....all systems at maximum readiness...and secondary star drive ready,standing by....

Eva Jaz -> ::gives Jai a dark look , but fetches water ::

kyle_mele -> ::nods to Jai:: Biobed two.

Hilee -> **+,+**

Vilanne -> Firing? ::being helped to a biobed:: We are firing on people... I just got that. ::serious look:: I'm ok... I'm ok... honest.

Eva Jaz -> ::brings back water to biobed two ::

McFly -> ::mcfly targets shipyard four and readies weapons::


Asteria Jaxa -> ::Nods to T'Prise:: I'll bring backups up to standby right away

Garnoopy -> +Hilee+ Understood.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Fighters ready

Eva Jaz -> Vil> Lie down .... you just fainted ..

Keb -> ::shaken slightly in her seat::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> in 3

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::nods at Mele and lifts, helping to move her onto the bed::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> 2

Admiral Atragon-9 -> 1

kyle_mele -> ::feels the shudders as Manticore comes under fire::

Cmdr JFarrington -> :::rocks with the hits:::

Garnoopy -> ::taps panel, watching shield generators::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Fire!

Vilanne -> ::shaking around a bit with the hits Manti is taking.

T'Prise -> :: Moves quickly around the main console, bringing up all the holographic monitoring systems and making sure everything is in place and ready to support the campaign. Rocks as the ship is hit with each blast. ::

McFly -> ::looks out the window to see manticore getting shot::

Mitar Precip -> ::feels ship shudder::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::targets his secondary target and decloaks, firing the volleys::

Kansas Kenickie -> incoming

AlexRamirez -> Hilee> Understood, sir. ::Taps some controls and attempts to increase power saturation in the defense grid:: Defense Grid power rising to 145% nominal power, it should soak a decent amount more damage. I'm attempting to get that to at least 150%, sir.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Kansas, keep targetting that third shipyard

kyle_mele -> Computer, newsfeed on main heads up display.

Eva Jaz -> ::grips the side of the bed , bracing herslef from the light rocking ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> <m> Relax, rokhinu; we have a little time yet...::feels the rocking under them, glances around at the others again:: Though not much...

Kansas Kenickie -> Aye

McFly -> ::decloaks and fires on the station expertly avoiding incoming weapons fire::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Shields holding.

Keb -> ;;holding position::

Vilanne -> ::takes the water, which is spilling slightly and sips::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Targets third shipyard, starts firing on it once again::

McFly -> ::concentrates phasers completely depleteing their charge::

MC_Escher -> :grips console for a second as the shudders pass, and then starts tapping frantically as one of the core alignments fields reports yellow; no danger yet, but countermeasures against critical failure must be taken::


Garnoopy -> :blinks::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::continues firing phasers, the port array actually fuses itself::

Vilanne -> ::thanks everyone around her with a tip of the glass, and eyes large like Anime::

Eva Jaz -> <NOIP> shipyards with non combat ready ships eh?

T'Prise -> :: Steadies herself against the console. Looks over at Jaxa. :: Status?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::light hand on Vil's shoulder::

Garnoopy -> +Hilee+ Garnoopy to engineering...


Cmdr JFarrington -> Shipyard three destroyed. ::taps:: Shields holding at 60%.

Hilee -> Alex> Ack...standby on the secondary back up generators...if needed...

McFly -> ::smiles at seeing the third shipyard destroyed out of the coner of his eye::

Asteria Jaxa -> ::Brings secondary systems online as backup looking up at T'Prise:: They are ready on standby

kyle_mele -> ::chuckle:: Shipyard. As in one.

AlexRamirez -> ::Attempts to optimize power throughput through the EPS relays, increasing power efficency due to the increased load on the system from the phasers and shields:: Hilee> Shields are at 60% and holding, sir. Standing by secondaries.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Keb, move us to shipyard 1

Sovak -> Those ships are closing, Admiral, suggest we try evasive.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Ships coming to intercept on our flanks.

Vilanne -> I'll be ok. honest.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::eyes everywhere else:: Eva> In sufficient number...anything can do damage.

Hilee -> +Garnoopy+ Hilee here sir

LtCdrFaldek -> ::stops firing phasers, letting his staboard array cool down, and fires more torpedos::

Keb -> ::quickly sets in course change 2:: Aye sir, moving us to shipyard 1, 1/2 impulse.

Garnoopy -> +Hilee+ What are you doing down there? You can't dump that much power into the shield generators... you're going to overload them!

Cmdr JFarrington -> Shifting to ventral shielding port and starboard.

T'Prise -> :: Continues to rock with the ship as it takes fire, moving quickly around the console to make sure that everything is running properly. ::


Admiral Atragon-9 -> (sorry, that one should have come out a few minutes ago)

Eva Jaz -> ::looks at Jai and Mele :: Am I the only one getting a bad feeling .. like we've been set up to be destroyed?!

Cmdr JFarrington -> Fighter shields close to compromise.

kyle_mele -> ::shrug:: Welcome to Black Ops. We've been through worse.

Mitar Precip -> Ensign Crystal>Are you supposed to be on the bridge sir? <me>No I think the brig..but I'll stay in the bay for right now...you can watch me I am not going anywhere...::watches screen::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::feels the hits from weapons fire, and sees the regenerative shields drop to 51% almost instantly::

Sovak -> The fighters are taking fire, Admiral.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::adjusts her targeting, fires::

kyle_mele -> ::nods to Vil:: Feeling better, I hope?

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::reporting evenly, focused:::

McFly -> ::sparks fly but he stays on target::

MC_Escher -> ::barely catches himself on the console as more shaking rocks the ship, notices three other alignments fields drop to yellow, taps furiously for countermeasures::

Eva Jaz -> ::shrugs :: I guess....

Vilanne -> ::slips legs back over the biobed:: Yeah, I'm good boss.


Keb -> ::flies Manticore directly under one of the Arcturan ships, only a couple hundred meters away::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::hits evasive manuevers, trying to get the firing off of him so that the shields can regen, still firing whats left of his torpedos::

Keb -> ::taking up position at yard one::

Hilee -> +Garnoopy+ Not dpoing so....sir,we are alighning and funneling additio0nial power distributio0n to the grid coupled wioth the secondary systems.....btw sir,main guns charged and ready....sir

Cmdr JFarrington -> Yard one is gone.

T'Prise -> :: Diverts extra power to sensors and the quantum cannons, in an attempt to bolster flagging systems. ::

Hilee -> *doing

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Alright, Fighters, back to the barn!

AlexRamirez -> ::Scales back the power feed to the shield generators to 25% over the maximum, slowly, as he overhears the communication from Chief Engineer Garnoopy to Hilee.:: Sorry about that, sir. Power is at optimal flow as well.

LtCdrFaldek -> ::sees his shields drop further to 36%, hearing the call, he flips around heading for Manticore::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::pulling back from the biobed as Vil tries to stand up::


Vilanne -> ::thinks to self, "i'm not stupid, I knew war killed people, what's with me!::

Garnoopy -> +Hilee+ Yes... I see that you're funneling power... but I'm seeing an overload of the system starting to form in the computer processors... and I'm showing at least a 25% overload! It's degrading our shields...!

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Grumbles::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Shields holding at 40%.

Sovak -> Prepare shuttle bays for emergency fighter landings.


AlexRamirez -> Hilee> Shields are holding at 40%, sir. We might want to brace some of the systems in case we lose them.

McFly -> ::mcfly barrel rolls around the enemy fire but it's too thick to avoid completely; he u-turns over and under the fourth shipyard and beelines back to the manticore::

Vilanne -> ::stands, without a problem, water still in hand::

Hilee -> ::Grins::...youth...,+Garnoopy+ Power levels and feed should be at nominal....now sir.

Keb -> ::keeping Manticore steady over the rubble that once was yard one::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Kansas, target some of these Arcturan ships, fire at will

Cmdr JFarrington -> +BAY+ Prepare for fighters coming in hot. Rig for emergency.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::jerks slightly at one of the impacts but keeps her footing::

Kansas Kenickie -> Gladly sir

LtCdrFaldek -> ::position aft Manticore waiting for the doors to open::

T'Prise -> :: Tempted to take the slipstream emitters offline, to divert power sources to other systems. Turns to Jaxa. :: Be prepared to reroute power if necessary.

Eva Jaz -> ::makes her way to the coffee maker , trying not to bump into anything :: This is going to be a bumpy ride ...

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> :;very much wants to divert one of the nurses to keep an eye on Vil but knows they can't spare anyone:;

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Targets ships and fires at them::

AlexRamirez -> Hilee> Secondary power is still standing by, sir.

kyle_mele -> ::leaning against the biobed to steady himself, eyes focused on the HUD in Sickbay::

Garnoopy -> +Hilee+ Get your ducks in a row! I want that system at it's maximum, but nothing more, stat! Garnoopy out.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Eva> :;absently:: Au have had enough, maenek.

Hilee -> Alex> Please tell me the second star drive is warmed up and ready....

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<I bet the doors are wide open at the shuttle bay>>

LtCdrFaldek -> ::decides to just fly in::

Mitar Precip -> ::staring at his Security Bay LCARS screen like a DRADIS::

Eva Jaz -> ::gives Jai a "say what?" look :: I'll stop when I have enough thank you Doc .. I need to stay alert ..

LtCdrFaldek -> ::lands nice and easy as if nothing was happening::

McFly -> ::comes up hot and passes faldek; reverses engines, spins around and engages full impulse into the shuttle bay slowing down as much as he can before he crashes::

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::ready for triage sorting as soon as wounded come in::

kyle_mele -> ::side glance at Jaz::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Au also need hands that are na shaking.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Griffin is in.

LtCdrFaldek -> ::watches McFly, fly like a madman::

Asteria Jaxa -> ::Nods at T'Prise::

Vilanne -> ::looks over at Jaiysa then to Eva::

Hilee -> +Garnoopy+ Ack....::ties in the secondary generators backing up the mains...and slides the power allotment up to full power...tapp,tapp...::

Eva Jaz -> ::holds her hand out , barely shaking now :: I am not shaking ...

AlexRamirez -> ::Hears the communication and slowly brings it to 100% nominal and shunts the excess power to the second stardrive.:: Hilee> Been warmed up and ready, sir. We have some excess power as well, in case of emergency, if we need to eek up some extra speed or an


Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Good.

McFly -> ::lands in the bay preventing a crash but skids on the floor::

Vilanne -> Sure doc, that's the ship making your hands go up and down. I see now. ::laughs::

kyle_mele -> ::narrows his eyes slightly, returns his gaze to the display::

Eva Jaz -> ::pour herself a cup and downs it staring at Jai ::

Hilee -> Alex> Ack....stand by

LtCdrFaldek -> ::hops out of the Griffin, and watches Wyvern skid::

AlexRamirez -> Hilee> Standing by, sir.

Eva Jaz -> ::heads back to look at the display ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::looks back at her silently::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Wyvern is in. Six Arcturan ships still active.

Garnoopy -> ::sighs, going over the power readings::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::walks over, switches off the coffee pot::


Kansas Kenickie -> ::Fires on the other ships, taking any cheap and dirty shot she can::

Keb -> ::little sigh of relief knowing that Beran's back on board--just before falling to the floor::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::falls::

Vilanne -> ::drinks up the rest of her water:: <<afk one sec>>

Mitar Precip -> Thank goodness..they're aboard...I guess I was wrong...::feels a big shake::

Cmdr JFarrington -> +Damage Control+ To the bridge.

Eva Jaz -> ::bumps into Mele :: Sorry boss

Sovak -> ::grabs the console to keep from falling::

LtCmdr Roget -> ::glad to be at intel::

MC_Escher -> ::Escher eyes widen before the console explodes and he is thrown backwards and hits his head on the floor, hard::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Stumbles into Sovak::

Garnoopy -> ::falls to the left::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::and then is thrown heavily to the side, thwacking neatly against a biobed and hitting the ground hard:;

Asteria Jaxa -> ::grabs the nearest console as she tries to break her fall::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Oof...

LtCdrFaldek -> +Precip+ Orders sir?

Hilee -> Garnoopy> Ready and standing by sir...::is shaken::...Alex> Reinforce the shields.....all FF's in place.

LtCdrFaldek -> ::stands up::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::working like an automaton, holding steady as she's hemmed in by the OPS console:::

kyle_mele -> ::shaken a bit as well, but was leaning against the biobed so is barely affected::

Keb -> ::grabs Jami's chair as she falls, trying to pull herself up::

kyle_mele -> Doctor..!

Garnoopy -> ::pulls himself up::

McFly -> ::takes another deep breath trying to get his barings before he gets up from the seat::

Eva Jaz -> ::holds on to Mele trying to steady herself :: Err Sorry again

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::was gripping his armrests so hard, he doesn't fall out of his chair, but leans waaaaaay over::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Fvadt! :;sputters, staggering to her feet::

Garnoopy -> ::moves over to he engineering station, taps:: We've got a power overload!

LtCdrFaldek -> ::heads for the door::

kyle_mele -> ::steps sideways a couple steps, kneels next to Jai::

Keb -> ::pulls herself up and climbs back into the helm seat::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::shifts left then right, her hip a bit bruised:::

AlexRamirez -> ::Braces himself against the panel:: Hilee> We're reading some power fluctuations from some of the shield emitters, sir. +Garnoopy+ Reinforcing, sir.:: Reinforces all shields with the excess power:: Good to go, sir. Secondary drive standing by.

Sovak -> ::grabs Kansas' shoulders and shoves her back to TAC::

Eva Jaz -> ::grabs the console , which seems better thing to hold on to then the boss ::

MC_Escher -> ::coughs and moans on the ground::

T'Prise -> :: Continues to move around the console, watching science systems, sees the power surge and immediately tries to assess damage. :: It appears as if the main science console on the bridge has been damaged. We will need to control our systems from here.

kyle_mele -> ::then stands, offering support, as she staggers to her feet::


Vilanne -> ::staggering also, water dribbled down her tip:: Won't be long, will it.

McFly -> ::opens the door grabbing the picture of KK before leaving::

Garnoopy -> ::definitely bruised::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Shoved:: thanks!

Garnoopy -> ::taps rapidly::

Eva Jaz -> ::hears the injury report :: Here we go ....

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::shakes her head once to clear it, noting that she's going to have a nice bruise on her back at the end of htis:: ::grabs his arm, for once not bothering to worry about her dignity:: Hann'yyo...I am alright. But we will be seeing wounded from that one.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::routes damage control teams and medical personnel to affected areas:::

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::works w/Nurse B to sort out those that are in immediate need of surgery or wounds::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Keep... FIRING!!

LtCdrFaldek -> ::makes his way into the corridor::

Garnoopy -> I'm rerouting the power flow.... standby

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::as the injury alarms start sounding:: Ie. Fvadt.

kyle_mele -> ::nodding at the display:: Alerady are.

Sovak -> +SICK BAY+ Incoming wounded.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Garnoopy:: Slipstream drive can be taken offline if more power is needed.

Hilee -> ::tapping away at the main board...re routing systems as necessary::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ACTION: SHIELDS DOWN TO 15%

kyle_mele -> +Sovak+ Acknowledged. Thank you, Captain. Mele out.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Shields failing. 15% and falling.

Asteria Jaxa -> ::Pulls herself up and quickly starts to work on helping T'Prise get control of science console::

McFly -> ::walks fast heading toward the bridge::

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B> :: coordinating with Nancy , setting up triage ::

Garnoopy -> +Engineering+ Increase power to structural integrity!

MC_Escher -> ::moans again, louder, and curls up into a fetal position in the floor, burns on his face and hands showing::

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> Get this one to surgery... ::notes the guy's arm crushed::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::fingers fly over the console:::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::walks fast too, heading for Security::

T'Prise -> :: Giving Jaxa orders. :: We need to get those systems back online now. If the antimatter powering the slipstream is left unshielded, it will cause an explosion.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Alright time to go. Garn, I need both warp drives rigged for dual power now!

Garnoopy -> ::Jami:: I don't know if we're going to be able to...

McFly -> ::looses his balance once or twice as the ship is jerked::

kyle_mele -> ::nods to a few nurses:: Triage teams two and three, take decks 1-12, teams one and four, takes the remainder.

Cmdr JFarrington -> +MED+ Medical emergency bridge.

Keb -> ::warming up the warp engines::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Kansas, target one more yard as we go

kyle_mele -> Move out, folks.

AlexRamirez -> ::Notices readouts from some shield emitters that have overloaded and fused:: Hilee> I'm reading that we have some shield emitters fused and/or overloaded. Switching to secondaries, and we're at 15% shield status. Secondary systems standing by.

Kansas Kenickie -> +Faldek+ Precip is no longer on the Bridge.... secure all decks, look for injured

Garnoopy -> ::Atragon:: You're asking me to tie them together?

Eva Jaz -> Med tech> :: brings Nancy's patient to surgical bay 1 ::

Mitar Precip -> Better have that cloak....ready.

kyle_mele -> Jaz, you and me, Bridge, now.

kyle_mele -> Vil, you're in charge until I return.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::to Garn:: Of course, that's how we get our top speed!

Vilanne -> Aye, boss.

kyle_mele -> ::snags up a medkit on his way out of the Sickbay doors::

Sovak -> Standy to engage cloak.

Eva Jaz -> ::nods, hurrying , following Mele , med kits in hand ::

Hilee -> +Garnoopy>+ Rerouting power and systems to secondary....allocating auxillary generators ...sir.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Garnoopy:: We have slipstream monitored remotely. Say the word.

LtCdrFaldek -> +KK+ Aha... Faldek out.

Mitar Precip -> Crystal>Uh sir they can't here you. <me>Oh....sorry...

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Starts firing heavy on the ship yard::

kyle_mele -> ::taps as he all but runs down the hall:: +Jami+ On my way, Commander.

T'Prise -> :: Tapping on the console furiously, trying to stabilize the situation. ::

McFly -> ::passes a room in fire and decides it be best he helped the people inside::

Garnoopy -> ::Atragon:: Without time to do it correctly... we'll risk blowing out every system on the ship.

Keb -> ::moving the ship slightly to dodge bullets...or rather, torpedos::

McFly -> in=on

Hilee -> Alex> Go to secondary and augmented shielding,and ablative shielding.....now

kyle_mele -> ::taps the turbolift call, enters the medical override code::

Vilanne -> Dr t'Tamarak, surgical suite 1. Dr Josh, surgical suite 2.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::all she can do to not leave her post and help Escher:::

Asteria Jaxa -> ::Quickly begins work on the antimatter shielding:: Right away

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Garn, if we stay here, we will have no system left, DO IT

Eva Jaz -> ::stands by Mele , awaiting the TL impatiently ::

kyle_mele -> ::enters the turbolift as soon as the doors open::

MC_Escher -> ::coughs again, lying in a small pool of blood from his head wound::

Hilee -> ::tapping away::

Garnoopy -> ::practially growls at Atragon, but taps his panel rapidly::

Eva Jaz -> Josh> ::nods , heads to Surgical bay 2 ::

AlexRamirez -> ::Runs a subroutine activating the secondary agumented shielding:: Activating secondary systems now! ::Hits the key to activate the ablative shields::

kyle_mele -> Bridge.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::glances at Vil and gives her a searching look, checking to see whether her mind is all on the situation; hearing the tone in her voice, nods sharply:: Ie.


Eva Jaz -> :enters TL as well ::

T'Prise -> :: Takes the slipstream emitters offline. Sends OPS a transmission regarding the power source available. ::

Garnoopy -> +Hilee+ Prepare for power surge... I want you and Alex to ensure we don't overload and systems. I'm tieint hte warp cores together.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Keeps firing on the ship yard::

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::sorts through urgent care and ER, gets med techs to bind up the urgent care, and biobeds for those in dire need::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Shields failing...

Hilee -> +Garnoopy+ Commander....dual star drives....linked ,and ready

Eva Jaz -> Josh> :: scrubs up for surgery , as they practiced ::

Mitar Precip -> ::from security:: C`mon cloak the ship.....c`mon...

McFly -> ::runs inside to see two people trapped, one unconsious the other trapped behind flames and clinging to the wall; interestingly he has a red uniform::

AlexRamirez -> Hilee> Drives linked sucessfully, power incoming!

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Keb, punch it. I want Warp 9... to start


kyle_mele -> ::exits the turbolift onto the Bridge, giving a glance around for a moment, trying to ascertain where the injured crewmember lies::

Garnoopy -> ::taps a panel, creating a reservoir to handle the power surge, kinda like a hydraulic shock absorber, but for power....::

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B> :: helpsm a wounded crewman to biobed 3 ::

Hilee -> +Garnoopy+ Ack....::Alex> You heard the man....GO

Keb -> ::eyebrows raise, but she punches it::

Vilanne -> ::moves around all those ushered to biobeds, and does a quick triage review of biosigns and wound care::

McFly -> Red Shirt> Help me! Please!

LtCdrFaldek -> ::enters Security::

Eva Jaz -> :: follows a step behind Mele ::

AlexRamirez -> Hilee> Full power aye! ::Activates system::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::emerges into surgical bay 1, moving quickly through the process of prepping for surgery::

Keb -> Going to maximum warp, Admiral. On course to the border.

Mitar Precip -> ::notes Faldek entering Security::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Points Mele towards MC_Escher ::

McFly -> ::shields his face from the flames:: It's not that bad you can run through!

Hilee -> ::Brings online the secondary and primary power buffers::...::tapp,tapp::

kyle_mele -> ::noticing Escher lying at one of the back consoles, hurries over, dropping to a one-kneed kneel all while dropping the medkit and flipping it open - all in one fluid motion, as if he'd done this before once or twice::


McFly -> Red shirt> ::he clings to the coner shaking:: No, I can't! Please, you have to help me!

Cmdr JFarrington -> Initiating fire suppression in the bay.

LtCdrFaldek -> ::sees Precip::

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::assisting all those that are coming in, but finally getting to the 'backup' point and starts sorting them in the hallway::

MC_Escher -> ::hands around head, bleeding from the back of his head, burns up and down his torso, moaning and coughing::

Garnoopy -> ::sighs, looking at several systems blink out.... holodecks, coffee machines, replicators....::


LtCdrFaldek -> ::watches a console on the other side of Security explode::

Kansas Kenickie -> I am picking up fire on the lower decks, bring the surprsion systems online {bad spelling}::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> LONG RANGE SENSORS

Mitar Precip -> I am very glad...to see you alive....Commander Faldek...::smiles briefly then resumes whatching the battle::

Eva Jaz -> :: quickly takes a look at the Red Shirt , running a tricorder quickly over him ::

AlexRamirez -> ::Checks for any overloads in engineering with a level 5 diagnostic::

Hilee -> Alex> Keep an eye on the power surge.....bleed off as needed to prevent a cascade failure....understood?

McFly -> ::mcfly looks down at the other man:: I have to help him first ::mcfly begins to drag out the other man::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> CLOAK

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::red lights come on::: We have tone on long range.

McFly -> red shirt> ::panics:: no don't leave me!

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::shower of sparks as one of the consoles in the suite overloads; flames fizzle out along the edge of the wall::

T'Prise -> :: Turns around as an entire panel behind her shorts out, letting off sparks. Moves quickly to grab a fire extinguisher for containment. ::

Vilanne -> ::repairing as quickly as possible any bleeders, right out in main sickbay::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> and BRAKES

Cmdr JFarrington -> Cloak is offline...

Admiral Atragon-9 -> (okay, I'm kidding on that one)

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Takes a deep breath::

AlexRamirez -> Hilee> Understood, power is being diverted effectively so far... running a class 5 diagnostic on active systems to check for overloads here in engineering, sir.

McFly -> ::notes a conduit is about to blow:: You have to get out, just run! ::he continues to drag out the unconsious man::

Eva Jaz -> Red shirt > Can you walk ? you have second degree bruns to your hands , you'll have to get yourself to sb :: hyposprays him ::

Eva Jaz -> ::heads to Mele's side ::

T'Prise -> :: Turns for Jaxa's help. :: Ensign!

LtCdrFaldek -> ::brings up a tactical readout:: Oh no...

Vilanne -> ::sees the sparks, and excuses herself to run to SS1:: Jaiysa! you ok?


Mitar Precip -> C'mon cloak the ship guys! They're tracking us.....::realizes he's talking outloud to himself again::

Garnoopy -> +Engineering+ Garnoopy to engineering... report to shuttle bay 1... massive damage.

LtCdrFaldek -> Commander, from this console it looks like the cloak is offline.

Eva Jaz -> Josh> ::concentrated in stopping an internal hemorage , doesnt pay attention ::

McFly -> red shirt> No, don't!

Sovak -> <*red>>

Kansas Kenickie -> ::wants to fire at them behind us::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::feels heat licking up behind her and spins, staring at the flames; whispers:: Fvadt...

Keb -> ::trying to fly steady::

McFly -> ::mcfly says nothing and drags the first man out::

Eva Jaz -> ::frowns seeing Escher's burns ::

Asteria Jaxa -> ::looks up while hitting what seems to be a never ending pattern of commands into the console:: The shields are back up but they will need more repairs soon :: rushes over to help contain the short

Vilanne -> ::hits the buttons at the door, excreting the fire with the supression system::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::slams a fist at a control on the wall activating the suppression systems::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Bay Chief> ::working with the fire team to contain it::::

AlexRamirez -> ::Bleeds off some power when he sees a spike:: Hilee> Who's reporting to Shuttlebay 1, sir?

Hilee -> ::tapping awat ....a blur....routing systems to by pass circuits included in the refit,and shunts to secondary systems .....and reintergrates into the systems

Hilee -> ::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Looks around the Bridge:: you didn't say there were 5 ship yard...

kyle_mele -> ::hrms:: Ten CCs dermaline. Twenty CCs terakine.

Eva Jaz -> Mele> We'll need to set up a sterile burn unit in sb .. :: runs tricorder over him :

Vilanne -> ::almost hit by Jaiysa coming out of the room:: You ok? ::grabs the patient's surgical bed by the foot, and yanks it out of the room::

AlexRamirez -> Hilee> LRS and Cloaking systems are offline, sir. What's priority 1 on repair?

Hilee -> +Garnoopy+ Ack

Cmdr JFarrington -> A moot point at this juncture, Commander Kenickie. ::dryly:::

McFly -> ::he drags him to the hallway away from the door; he stands and runs back to the door but just as he does the conduit explodes throwing mcfly into the wall and killing the man inside::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks at Precip:: Why aren't you on the bridge, sir?

Vilanne -> I need that surgical suite. Let me call an engineer.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Keb, have we lost our friends?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Ie...::somewhat distractedly:: Another suite -- quickly. Crushed arm and left ribs...

kyle_mele -> ::checking dilation of Escher's eyes:: Commander.. can you hear me?

MC_Escher -> ::coughs, looks up at Mele and Eva crouched over him, can barely whisper:: ...who? Did...did we make it?

Eva Jaz -> Josh> ::intercom Vil :: This one is stable ...

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::glances at the main viewscreen tactical display:::

Mitar Precip -> ::looks to Commander Faldek:: Yes and by the way I have been relived from Tactical and ordered to the Security Bay....I was to cautious in eyes of the command staff...detremental to the crew in before battle. I am to remain here..

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Sneers::

Keb -> ::looking at their signals:: Yeah, they're pretty far behind us now. We could probably afford to slow up.

Garnoopy -> Dangit!

Vilanne -> +Engineering+ THis is Dr Chalice. We had an electrical fire in Surgical Suite 1, but must have it back operational. Please send help.

Hilee -> Alex> Report to hangar bay one....now ,massive failures....get a team and go....now

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Almost, not yet

Eva Jaz -> ::tries to smile , injecting him with the meds ordered by Mele :: We're hanging in there

Garnoopy -> They scratched the paint.... ::sighs::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> turn us 90 degrees

T'Prise -> :: Finishes spraying down the shorted console. :: I suspect we are running low on power. We need to determine what systems are crucial and only keep those online.

Vilanne -> +Josh+ Another patient will be in momentarily.

kyle_mele -> ::nodding:: We did. Focus on me now. I know you're in a lot of pain right now. I need you to tell me who the commanding officer is.

Garnoopy -> +Vilanne+ Aye. I'm en route.

LtCdrFaldek -> Understandable sir.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> don't head back, run us parallel to the border

McFly -> ::mcfly sits up wearily; he looks back at the room all but incinerated::

kyle_mele -> ::tricorder out now, scanning his head as he talks::

Mitar Precip -> Commander Kenickie has Tactical...once things settle down a bit...The Captain will settle things in

Cmdr JFarrington -> +Vilanne+ Fire suppression systems initiated in surgical suite.

Garnoopy -> ::stands:: I'll be fixing ya'lls mess... if you need me, you know how to reach me. ::steps into TL:: Sickbay.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::dragging patient along towards surgical suite 3::

Keb -> ::adjusts course 90 degrees to the right, and acknowledges, with a slightly puzzled voice:: Aye aye, sir.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::hearing Jami:: <m> ie...hann'yyo, we're quite aware.

AlexRamirez -> Hilee> Understood. Engineers Bobby, Larry, John> Let's go guys, Shuttlebay 1, stat! ::Grabs his toolbelt from the table, clips it on, and heads with his team to the turbolift::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Garn:: Acknowledged.

McFly -> ::he takes a few breaths and pushes himself back up; he grabs the unconsious man, throws him over his shoulder and slowly walks towards sickbay::

Eva Jaz -> Mele><q> We'll need to bea him to Sb .. can't risk transporting him ourselves

T'Prise -> :: Sets the extinguisher down and turns back to the main console, already making a list in her head of what systems they will need online. ::

Garnoopy -> ::steps out of the TL, heading purposefully towards sickbay::

Vilanne -> +Cmdr Farrington+ Aye, Sir... I called an engineer to fix it, we need it.

LtCdrFaldek -> I will go check for people requiring assistance to sickbay.

MC_Escher -> ::tries to focus on Mele, doesn't really succeed:: Atragon 9. Of...the Manticore. Which...which...had a science console. Which blew up on me. ::sags:: *****ing science console...

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::hears the tone in her voice:: They will expect us to make a beeline for home. I don't want to meet more of their ships right now, do you?

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B> :: ordering med techs around ::

Asteria Jaxa -> Right away ::Rushes back to console running through reports to see which systems could safely taken offline::

Keb -> ::shakes head:: No sir.

Garnoopy -> ::steps into sickbay::

kyle_mele -> ::sideglance to Eva, then back at his tricorder::

Hilee -> ::::Turns to Lt.McAfee...::Take Mr.Ramirez post...lets get the ship systems under control.....now

AlexRamirez -> ::Enters the TL with his team:: Shuttlebay 1.

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::has the med techs remove stable patients and place in the cooridors and put new ones into the open surgical suite::

Sovak -> Long range sensors are out, Admiral. The pursuing ships to not appear on the short range, suggesting we have outrun them... for now.

kyle_mele -> ::nods at Escher:: Very good. Who is her first officer?

Mitar Precip -> ::looks to Faldek:: You guys did ....for the most part..what I thought what couldn't be done. You did well out there Commander...now....we need get the ship fixed.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::taking science one offline - bridge console:::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::since it's dead anyway:::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Right, so we go way off course and then you fly erratically, but never a lot toward the border

Eva Jaz -> Mele> Without knowing how sever the burns really are ...

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> Mr Garnoopy, right over there. ::points at Vilanne, who is exiting Surgical Suite 2::

MC_Escher -> ::coughs again, doesn't look up:: Sovak.

Garnoopy -> Rog.

kyle_mele -> ::removes one of the slap-beams from the medkit, affixing it to an unburnt spot on his body::

T'Prise -> :: Attempts to assess damage to bridge console, but unable to get any readings. :: It appears the bridge console is now offline.

Keb -> Warp 9, parallel to the border, 9 hundred kilometers from Federation space.

Sovak -> Yes, Mr. Escher?

AlexRamirez -> ::Exits the TL and walks through the corridor to Shuttlebay 1, entering it and looking around:: Let's get to work, team.

Hilee -> ::Working with the engineering crew to re establish systems....shipwide""

Hilee -> ::

kyle_mele -> Very good. You will now be beaming to Sickbay. We'll get you fixed up in no time.

LtCdrFaldek -> Roger that. ::turns and heads out looking for wounded, or even dead::

kyle_mele -> ::taps his badge:: +COM+ Mele to Sickbay.

MC_Escher -> ::looks at Sovak:: Not talking to you. Sir. ::coughs, bleeds::

Mitar Precip -> You and McFly deserve a medal for your..courage under fire.....::would of said dismissed..but decides he shouldn’t::

McFly -> ::mcfly enters sickbay, tired and covered with soot; he lays the unconsious man on a biobed::

Hilee -> +Garnoopy+ Commander fire control,and damage control teams in place ...sir....holding the mains together.

LtCdrFaldek -> ::stops having heard more from Precip::

Eva Jaz -> ::finishes administering pain killers to Escher ::

kyle_mele -> ::quiet aside to Jaz:: The burns are of less concern to me than the concussion he's suffered.

T'Prise -> We are not receiving the any signal from it. Check the injury reports for Commander Escher's name.

Vilanne -> ::walks up to Garnoopy:: So glad you got here, we need to have this suite operational, you saw all the people in the halls.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::reaching the intact surgical suite, repreps quickly for surgery and begins working on skeletal regeneration and trying to fix a damaged lung::

kyle_mele -> ::taps again:: +COM+ Mele to Sickbay.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +ENG+ How long can we keep up Warp 9?

LtCdrFaldek -> Thank you sir. it wasn't that bad. Shields only went down to 36%

Vilanne -> ::looks over Jaiysa:: did you get burned?

Sovak -> Are you injured Mr Escher?

Cmdr JFarrington -> Extensive damage to decks 14 - 24. Forcefields in place. Fire suppression effective. ::shifts to tap to her left:: Damage to the fighter bay.

Vilanne -> +Mele+ This is Chalice.

MC_Escher -> ::sighs, lapses off into lala land from the pain killer::

Eva Jaz -> ::nods:: Lets get him back to scan for intercranial bleeding , then assess his burns::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Correction. Decks 14 through 24 sections D through F.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Na. ::actually did take a bit of a burn under the back of her right arm but hasn't quite noticed it yet; is starting to move into adrenaline-high territory::

kyle_mele -> +Vil+ Prepare for emergency transport. Severe burns, serious concussion. Using the slap-beam. mele out.

McFly -> ::looks around at everyone busy and decides they'll get to the guy when they can::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Looks at Sovak:: who is doing this cracker-jax intel?

Garnoopy -> +A9+ For a good hour or more.

Eva Jaz -> Mele> we need to transport him to a sterile bay.. bruns can get infected real easy :;stating the obvious::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::working quickly as she hears the comm from Mele:: Vil> We will need a sterilized area.

Asteria Jaxa -> ::turns and looks for Escher's name in the casualty report:: It would seem that he did suffer some injury; no report on how severe yet

Hilee -> +A-9+ Hilee here sir....ET to full systems failure....1.5 hours sir,unless we can slow to sub light ....Admiral

kyle_mele -> ::taps the device on Escher's side, he transports directly to sickbay::

Vilanne -> +Mele_+ Sterile area is still free. Ready.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +GARN+ Good work

kyle_mele -> ::nods at Jaz:: Quite right. Let's get moving.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::nods satisfaction::

Cmdr JFarrington -> All nonessential systems offline for power allocations elsewhere.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Keb, keep us at Warp 9 and keep changing direction. Don't tell me, just do it

McFly -> ::gets himself a drink of water in sickbay then heads for the door::

Eva Jaz -> ::nods, pack up med kit and follows on the double ::

kyle_mele -> ::closes up his med kit, stands, glances around:: Might want to get a cleaning crew up here.. ::glancing down at the floor::

Keb -> ::nods:: Aye aye, Admiral. Here we go.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Emergency power engaged in the medical sutie.

Asteria Jaxa -> I have the list of the systems we can take offline to give us adequate power as well

Keb -> ::switches direction almost at random::

Mitar Precip -> ::sees this battle is over...not certain if a hornet's nest has been stirred....he walks towards a brig cell and takes a seat::

Vilanne -> ::looks at the sterile bay, notes them arrive, and goes back to work on many of the very wounded, including the unconscious one that was placed on the biobed::

Eva Jaz -> Josh> :: already working on second patient ::

Hilee -> +Garnoopy+ Commander.....full systems failure imminent in 1.5 hrs......present speed and power demands

kyle_mele -> ::hurries to the turbolift, praying it's working::

T'Prise -> :: Looks at Jaxa sharply. :: Continue to monitor the Commander's status report. :: Moves over to look at her list. ::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::finally leaves Security and heads down the hall::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::turns to Roget:: Margaux, get a secure parcel ready. We need to send back all our scans and our battle report

kyle_mele -> Nurse> ::moves to prepare Escher for emergency procedures::

Cmdr JFarrington -> No hostiles short range. Long range still offline.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::gets the arm to a position of stability; mutters a few words that, if not calming or soothing, at least assure him that she'll be back::

Vilanne -> ::goes over to the sterile bay's wall, and initiates all necessary precautions for the patient, and sees who it is::

LtCmdr Roget -> Aye Admiral

Keb -> ::dives down the z axis a ways::

AlexRamirez -> ::Looks to his team:: Alright, let's get these shuttles battened down and fixed. ::Points to John:: We're fixing this one, ::points to the other two:: You're on that one. Let's get this going. ::Pulls out an engineering tricorder and hands it to team 2.::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::turns away and moves out, looking towards the sterilized area and leaning in to address the nurse:: What is his condition?

kyle_mele -> ::it is, rides it for a moment before exiting on Sickbay's level::

T'Prise -> :: Glancing over Jaxa's list. :: This looks fine Ensign. Begin to implement your plan.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Secure channel at your disposal, Commander Roget.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::taptap:::

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::meets Mele in the hallway, up to her armpits with patients and recovering in the hall::

kyle_mele -> Nurse to Jai> Severe burns, data also indicates a heavy concussion.

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> We ran out of room, Sir.

Eva Jaz -> Josh> :: finishes his second surgery before exiting surgical bay 2 and helping to treat the ones with lesser injuries::

kyle_mele -> ::eyebrow raise at the statis, didn't realize it was this bad::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::spots someone laying the on the with extensive burns from a ruptured EPS line, runs to them::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> That went well, hmmm?

AlexRamirez -> ::Pulls his own tricorder out:: Both ENG Teams> Focus on primary systems, get the power cores stabilized first.

McFly -> ::walks out of sickbay finally catching his breath and still covered in soot::

kyle_mele -> ::nods at Nancy:: Keep up the good work, Nurse.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> =/\======= PAUSE SIM =======/\=

Admiral Atragon-9 -> WHEW!!! that's why I don't do too many battle sims

Admiral Atragon-9 -> my fingers are hurtin'

Cmdr JFarrington -> Po baby.

McFly -> can anyone guess the refrence of my heroic save?

AlexRamirez -> Woo, so much damage to fix... ::Thinks about the repairs that shall be needed::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Your TWO fingers?

Sovak -> That's why you make the big bucks

Eva Jaz -> Mc Fly> think anyone had time to read it ? :P

Cmdr JFarrington -> He gets paid???

kyle_mele -> yes, mcfly

kyle_mele -> crusher's psych test

Keb -> Twice what Sovak gets.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Okay folks, we will spend the next hour at Warp 9, flying in weird directions in Arcturan space. We will not be seen and this is our TBS

kyle_mele -> at least i think it was, from what i picked up as i skimmed lines trying to keep up, haha

AlexRamirez -> McFly, I'm billing you the repairs to this thing, it's beaten to hell... ::Looks at the structural damage report::

AlexRamirez -> ::laughs::

Hilee -> ok...just remember full possible cascade in 1.5,but we need miracles so we of eng.aim to please

Cmdr JFarrington -> Do we get spacesick?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Sovak, Jami - comments?

McFly -> hey i did the best in could

McFly -> in=i

Cmdr JFarrington -> Question on the IDS?

Cmdr JFarrington -> IDS is still online?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> yup

Admiral Atragon-9 -> or we'd be pancakes at the back of the room

AlexRamirez -> *SMOOSH*

Eva Jaz -> and surgery patient are dead :P

Cmdr JFarrington -> Coolness. I was thinking more of spacesickness.

Hilee -> <<was going to say...yup,but defers to the admiral>>

Cmdr JFarrington -> But pancakes would work.

Kansas Kenickie -> Mmmm pancakes

AlexRamirez -> I'm a Horta, I don't get smooshed.

Hilee -> and sausage??

AlexRamirez -> just kidding.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Folks, have fun fixing stuff, or fixing yourself or getting fixed in the logs

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Faldek?

LtCdrFaldek -> Its ok to harm ur own NPC right?

MC_Escher -> I guess you med folks will have me fixed-ish and conscious and recovering by next sim?

Cmdr JFarrington -> In an hour?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Of course you don't, yyaio.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Harm yes, Kill you better check with me first

kyle_mele -> lol, i doubt it, escher..

LtCdrFaldek -> I dun wanna kill Ganner!

kyle_mele -> severe burns and a concussion, at least =P

LtCdrFaldek -> Just hurt him a bit.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> There's a lot of people in sickbay :P you can take a number

Vilanne -> LOL Keb

Eva Jaz -> No killing my NPCs either :: hugs Josh and Anastasia ::

MC_Escher -> Can we magic it to be so? Oh, sure, I'm neither happy or healthy, but at least you've done the stuff you have to do while I'm under and now I'm awake

Admiral Atragon-9 -> yeah, that's t'T's job

AlexRamirez -> You help me with fixing the fighter, I'll love you.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> lmao

Vilanne -> this is war, not love Alex

Keb -> If it's crazy, I JUST MIGHT do it

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Anyone else?

McFly -> you know vil, there's a reason why eva is my favorite doctor, and it's more than just the warm hands

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Precip?

Mitar Precip -> I recommend clarifying the Security Department's situation while you Have Kansas at Tac...or summon someone else.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> situation?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> we have no LR sensors

Admiral Atragon-9 -> we are on the run

Mitar Precip -> No..no personel...

Admiral Atragon-9 -> our shields are very low

Admiral Atragon-9 -> and we won't bump into a bad guy for the next hour

Mitar Precip -> Actually with the slipstream cannon...the science station being blown apart...I guess TAC would handle her. Wouldn't she?

MC_Escher -> Friggin science stations. We should really see to that design flaw.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Actually, T'Prise had control of that in the science lab.

Cmdr JFarrington -> it wasn't being controlled from the bridge.

T'Prise -> We do have control of the quantum cannons.

Mitar Precip -> My mistake Jami....

T'Prise -> We had to take the slipstream emitters offline so they didn't cause an explosion.

MC_Escher -> I was monitoring them up on the bridge, but control was mainly down in science, yeah

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